Want To Lose Belly Fat? Here Are 6 Morning Drinks To Reduce It (2024)

Finding difficulty in fitting in your pants? The bulging belly is not letting you wear your favourite skin dresses? Tired of wearing tummy tucker inside your dresses making it difficult to breathe? If you are facing any problems of the above and are willing to get rid of the problem, then this article is for you. Losing stubborn belly fat is the common fitness goal for many but is seldom achieved. If you are working on reducing your belly fat then starting your day with the right drinks can support your efforts. Here are five morning beverages that may help reduce belly fat. Warm Lemon Water Drinking a glass of warm water with a few drops of lemon squeezed in it, first thing in the morning, can kickstart your metabolism. Rich in vitamin C, lemon can help in improving digestion and aid in losing weight. The warm water can also help to flush out toxins from your body, promoting overall health. Green Tea Green tea holds numerous health benefits and the common of all is weight loss. As per study, green tea contains catechins, a type of antioxidant that has been shown to boost metabolism and increase fat burning. Consuming green tea in the morning can help you in staying hydrated and may reduce belly fat over time. Ajwain Water Ajwain seeds, also called carom seeds, help in boosting metabolism. Ajwain also boosts digestion and helps in absorption of nutrients. Ajwain is a good friend to gut health as it aids a lot of digestive problems like gas, acidity, and bloating. If digestive issues are solved, it will ultimately result in weight loss. Cucumber Juice Cucumber has high water content and is low in calories. It makes a good hydrating and refreshing choice for making a morning drink. Cucumber can promote healthy bowel movements. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants which may aid in losing weight and reducing belly fat. Cinnamon Water According to a study, cinnamon helps in increasing the metabolic rate of the body. Studies also state that cinnamon can promote weight loss by enhancing the insulin sensitivity and lowering blood sugar levels. Aloe Vera Juice Aloe vera is well-known for its medicinal properties, and it may also help in weight loss. Aloe vera juice can improve digestion, detoxify the body, and boost metabolism, all of which can contribute to reducing belly fat. However, it's essential to consume aloe vera juice in moderation, as excessive consumption can have laxative effects. In addition to these drinks, it's essential to maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise routine to effectively reduce belly fat. Incorporating these morning beverages into your daily routine can complement your overall weight loss efforts and help you achieve your fitness goals.

Want To Lose Belly Fat? Here Are 6 Morning Drinks To Reduce It (1)
  • Written by: Manali Momaya
  • Updated at: Apr 07, 2024 22:10 IST
Want To Lose Belly Fat? Here Are 6 Morning Drinks To Reduce It (2)

Finding difficulty in fitting in your pants? The bulging belly is not letting you wear your favourite skin dresses? Tired of wearing tummy tucker inside your dresses making it difficult to breathe? If you are facing any problems of the above and are willing to get rid of the problem, then this article is for you.

Losing stubborn belly fat is the common fitness goal for many but is seldom achieved. If you are working on reducing your belly fat then starting your day with the right drinks can support your efforts. Here are five morning beverages that may help reduce belly fat.

Warm Lemon Water

Want To Lose Belly Fat? Here Are 6 Morning Drinks To Reduce It (3)

Drinking a glass of warm water with a few drops of lemon squeezed in it, first thing in the morning, can kickstart your metabolism. Rich in vitamin C, lemon can help in improving digestion and aid in losing weight. The warm water can also help to flush out toxins from your body, promoting overall health.

Green Tea

Green tea holds numerous health benefits and the common of all is weight loss. As per study, green tea contains catechins, a type of antioxidant that has been shown to boost metabolism and increase fat burning. Consuming green tea in the morning can help you in staying hydrated and may reduce belly fat over time.

Want To Lose Belly Fat? Here Are 6 Morning Drinks To Reduce It (4)

Ajwain Water

Ajwain seeds, also called carom seeds, help in boosting metabolism. Ajwain also boosts digestion and helps in absorption of nutrients. Ajwain is a good friend to gut health as it aids a lot of digestive problems like gas, acidity, and bloating. If digestive issues are solved, it will ultimately result in weight loss.

Cucumber Juice

Cucumber has high water content and is low in calories. It makes a good hydrating and refreshing choice for making a morning drink. Cucumber can promote healthy bowel movements. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants which may aid in losing weight and reducing belly fat.

Cinnamon Water

Want To Lose Belly Fat? Here Are 6 Morning Drinks To Reduce It (5)

According to a study, cinnamon helps in increasing the metabolic rate of the body. Studies also state that cinnamon can promote weight loss by enhancing the insulin sensitivity and lowering blood sugar levels.

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera is well-known for its medicinal properties, and it may also help in weight loss. Aloe vera juice can improve digestion, detoxify the body, and boost metabolism, all of which can contribute to reducing belly fat. However, it's essential to consume aloe vera juice in moderation, as excessive consumption can have laxative effects.

In addition to these drinks, it's essential to maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise routine to effectively reduce belly fat. Incorporating these morning beverages into your daily routine can complement your overall weight loss efforts and help you achieve your fitness goals.

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  • #Belly fat
  • # weight loss
  • # Morning drinks
Want To Lose Belly Fat? Here Are 6 Morning Drinks To Reduce It (2024)


Want To Lose Belly Fat? Here Are 6 Morning Drinks To Reduce It? ›

Green tea contains catechins, which are antioxidants that have been linked to increased fat burning, including in the abdominal area. Drinking green tea regularly may help boost metabolism and support weight loss efforts, including reducing belly fat.

What is the drink that shrinks belly fat? ›

Green tea contains catechins, which are antioxidants that have been linked to increased fat burning, including in the abdominal area. Drinking green tea regularly may help boost metabolism and support weight loss efforts, including reducing belly fat.

What is the morning drink that helps you lose weight? ›

Drinking lukewarm lemon water in morning helps with digestion, boosts metabolism and promotes weight loss. Take a glass of lukewarm water and add few drops of lemon juice. You can add some chia seeds and half a teaspoon of honey for additional benefits. Both honey and chia seeds are good for weight loss.

What is the breakfast trick drink for weight loss? ›

- Mix two teaspoon of raw apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass. - Add water to the glass and drink it.

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Top 16 Best Morning Drinks for Weight Loss & Their Homemade Recipes
  • Warm lemon water. ...
  • Amla Juice With Water For Weight Loss. ...
  • Vetiver Concoction For Weight Loss. ...
  • Fennel Seeds With Water. ...
  • Carom Seeds With Water. ...
  • Ginger With Hot Water. ...
  • Green Tea. ...
  • Chia Seeds.
Sep 28, 2023

What to drink to lose belly fat in 1 week homemade? ›

  1. Mar 29, 2023. Detox drinks and juices to lose belly fat. ...
  2. Beetroot juice. Whole beets are low in calories and high in fibre, which can support regularity, slow stomach emptying, and prolong satiety to support weight management. ...
  3. Carrot juice. ...
  4. Celery juice. ...
  5. Cinnamon water. ...
  6. Fennel water. ...
  7. Ginger water. ...
  8. Green vegetable juice.
Mar 29, 2023

What to drink first thing in the morning to lose belly fat? ›

The warm water can also help to flush out toxins from your body, promoting overall health.
  • Green Tea. Green tea holds numerous health benefits and the common of all is weight loss. ...
  • Ajwain Water. Ajwain seeds, also called carom seeds, help in boosting metabolism. ...
  • Cucumber Juice. ...
  • Cinnamon Water. ...
  • Aloe Vera Juice.
Apr 7, 2024

What should I drink first in the morning to flatten my stomach? ›

Honey-Lemon Water: This one is one of the oldest tricks in the books and many people swear by it too. Drinking lemon and honey in lukewarm water help to cut belly fat. Lemon is packed with citrus and antioxidants that help to burn fat. Also, it helps to flush the toxins.

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When choosing a better beverage, our No. 1 drink pick for weight loss is green tea. Although all teas offer potential health benefits, here is why green tea wins out.

What is the morning trick to lose weight? ›

Starting your morning with water and staying well hydrated throughout the day is a great way to boost weight loss with minimal effort. Increasing your water intake has been associated with an increase in weight loss and energy expenditure, as well as a decrease in appetite and food intake.

Does lemon water reduce belly fat? ›

Although it's a popular belief, there's no evidence that supports lemon water use for burning belly fat. Drinking lemon water may help with your weight management goals by adding a different way to increase water intake, which may help boost your metabolism.

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  • ​Green tea. ...
  • ​Honey-Cinnamon water. ...
  • ​Apple Cider Vinegar with warm water. ...
  • ​Pineapple juice. ...
  • ​Peppermint tea. ...
  • ​Celery juice. ...
  • ​High-protein smoothies. ...
  • ​Vegetable juice. Vegetable juice, low in calories and high in essential nutrients, is an excellent choice for those aiming to shed belly fat.
Dec 23, 2023

What is the simple morning ritual drink for weight loss? ›

Starting your day with a tall glass of water infused with lemon juice is an excellent way to kick-start your metabolism. This refreshing concoction not only hydrates your body after a night of fasting but also aids digestion, detoxifies your system, and supports weight loss by boosting fat-burning processes.

What drink shrinks belly fat while you sleep? ›

Drinking water before bed like lemonade contains polyphenols that help to get rid of accumulated fat. Grape juice contains resveratrol, which converts white fat to brown, which is easier to burn. Apple juice, ginger tea or strawberry juice are also effective choices.

What shrinks belly fat the fastest? ›

Doing aerobic exercise while eating a healthy diet is the best way to lose belly fat and overall body fat. This will help to create a calorie deficit (where you use more calories than you consume), which promotes fat loss over time.

What juice burns belly fat? ›

Weight loss drinks: Vegetable juices to shed belly fat quickly
  • 1/5. ​Carrot Juice​ This low-calorie root vegetable is high in fibre and aids digestion, all of which contribute to weight loss.
  • 2/5. ​Bottle Gourd Juice​ ...
  • 3/5. ​Spinach Juice​ ...
  • 4/5. ​Beetroot Juice​ ...
  • 5/5. ​Cabbage Juice​
Sep 22, 2023

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