Morning Tips for Weight Loss (2024)

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Morning Tips for Weight Loss (1)
Medically Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario,MD on January 28, 2023

Written by Susan Bernstein

Morning Tips for Weight Loss (2)

Hop on the Scale


Weighing yourself first thing in the morning after you pee is more accurate than checking later in the day. What you eat and drink later on can change the results. That visual reminder of your weight each morning can help you stick to your healthy eating plan the rest of the day or week.

Morning Tips for Weight Loss (3)

Drink a Glass (or 2) of Water


One or two glasses of plain H2O before you eat breakfast may help you lose weight. Water has no calories, but it’s satisfying and curbs your appetite, so you may not want to eat such a big breakfast afterward. It also stimulates your metabolismto help you burn calories.

Morning Tips for Weight Loss (4)

Work Out Before Breakfast


Do some moderate exercise before you sit down to eat in the mornings. Working out on an empty stomach actually helps you get better results from exercise. Prebreakfast sweat sessions can help you burn more of your body’s fat for fuel.

Morning Tips for Weight Loss (5)

Eat a High-Protein Breakfast


This nutrient may help you lose weight because it makes you feel fuller longer after you eat. It’s also harder for your body to store it as excess fat. Another perk of protein: Your body uses more calories to break it down than it uses for carbs or fat. Go for protein-rich breakfasts, such as an egg and turkey sausage on whole wheat toast or a Greek yogurt smoothie with peanut butter and berries.

Morning Tips for Weight Loss (6)

Make a Meal Plan for the Day


Every morning, write up a quick list of what you’ll eat that day. Planning meals ahead of time can help you choose lower-calorie foods. If you’ve already decided what to eat for your day’s snacks and meals, you may be less likely to reach for high-calorie convenience foods like fast-food burgers or fries.

Get Some Sun


Some sunlight on your skin can actually help you burn a little bit more body fat. Research shows that people who soak up a few rays in the morning tend to have a lower body-mass index (BMI), or a leaner, slimmer physique, than people who step out in the sun later in the day.

Morning Tips for Weight Loss (8)

Use Measuring Cups and Spoons


It’s easy to supersize portions that pack more calories than you need without even knowing it. Keep measuring cups and spoons where you typically dish out breakfast. Measure foods like cereal or milk before you place them in the bowl so you serve yourself the right amount.

Morning Tips for Weight Loss (9)

Practice Mindfulness


Slow down and think about what you’re eating. Appreciate the smell, look, and taste of even a simple breakfast. Don’t watch TV or scroll through social media when you eat in the morning: just breathe, relax, and enjoy a peaceful meal. This practice could help you eat less and lose weight.

Morning Tips for Weight Loss (10)

Use a Juice Glass


Most standard drinking glasses are far larger than a serving of juice. That makes it easy to consume more than you should. And many fruit juices have as much sugar in them as a can of soda. But they also have lots of vitamins and minerals that are great for you as you start your day. To pour a more sensible portion, use a small juice glass.

Morning Tips for Weight Loss (11)

Don’t Dress Up Your Coffee


Do you have your dessert in your coffee cup each morning? Specialty coffees with lots of added sugar, cream, or flavored syrups can add up to more than 500 calories each. Use skim milk or sugar-free flavors instead. Or try green tea for a morning jolt. It has catechins, nutrients that may promote weight loss.

Morning Tips for Weight Loss (12)

Pack Your Lunch and Snacks


Before you leave the house for the day, grab a sack and pack a healthy lunch and low-calorie snacks like fresh fruit or low-fat cheese. You’ll be prepared to eat a sensible meal when hunger strikes later on, so you don’t reach for junk food. Choose fiber-rich foods like whole-grain crackers to keep you feeling fuller longer.

Morning Tips for Weight Loss (13)

Change Your Commute


Long car rides every day can lead to weight gain. More time spent sitting behind the wheel cuts down how much you walk every day, so you burn fewer calories. Use traffic apps to find a shorter route. Try to park a few blocks away and walk the rest of the distance to your destination on nice days.

Morning Tips for Weight Loss (14)

Make a Shopping List


In the morning, make a shopping list before you head to the supermarket or place your online grocery order. Stick to your list when you shop. You’ll be more likely to buy items that fit your healthy meal plan and not grab junk food on impulse. Include precut fruits and veggies for healthy snacks or easy meal add-ons.

Morning Tips for Weight Loss (15)

Add Hot Sauce to Your Eggs


The heat in spicy chili peppers may help you lose weight. Regularly eating capsaicinoids, the hot chemical in chili peppers, can reduce body fat, curb your appetite, and even boost your metabolism, so you burn more fat all day. Spice up your morning omelet with diced hot peppers or add a dash or two of hot sauce.

Morning Tips for Weight Loss (16)

Get Enough Shut-Eye


Too little sleep each night can fuel your appetite all day long, which can lead to weight gain. You may also be more likely to skip your workout if you’re pooped. Make sure you’re catching enough ZZZs every night. Stick to a regular bedtime, and find ways to control your stress so you can relax and snooze until it’s time to get up.

Morning Tips for Weight Loss (2024)


What is the morning trick to lose weight? ›

Starting your morning with water and staying well hydrated throughout the day is a great way to boost weight loss with minimal effort. Increasing your water intake has been associated with an increase in weight loss and energy expenditure, as well as a decrease in appetite and food intake.

What is the breakfast trick to lose weight? ›

Eat a High-Protein Breakfast

Another perk of protein: Your body uses more calories to break it down than it uses for carbs or fat. Go for protein-rich breakfasts, such as an egg and turkey sausage on whole wheat toast or a Greek yogurt smoothie with peanut butter and berries.

What to drink first thing in the morning to lose belly fat? ›

The warm water can also help to flush out toxins from your body, promoting overall health.
  • Green Tea. Green tea holds numerous health benefits and the common of all is weight loss. ...
  • Ajwain Water. Ajwain seeds, also called carom seeds, help in boosting metabolism. ...
  • Cucumber Juice. ...
  • Cinnamon Water. ...
  • Aloe Vera Juice.
Apr 7, 2024

What is the first thing you should eat in the morning to lose weight? ›

To lose weight, eat fewer calories than you burn throughout the day. The best things to eat for breakfast include oatmeal, eggs, lean bacon or turkey, whole-grain toast, peanut butter, smoothies, and yogurt with muesli.

What burns belly fat in the morning? ›

Engage in morning exercise

Whether it's a brisk walk, a session of yoga, or a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout, getting your body moving early in the day helps elevate your metabolism and promote fat oxidation. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each morning.

What is the simple morning ritual drink for weight loss? ›

Every Morning

Juice your lemon into the bottom of a drinking glass of choice. Add the apple cider vinegar and a pinch of chili flakes, then top it off with as much or as little of the infused ginger water as you'd like! (If the drink is too strong, add more infused water to dilute it). Repeat this process each morning.

Does lemon water help weight loss? ›

There is no evidence to suggest that lemon water has more benefits for weight loss than plain water. That said, lemon juice is naturally low in calories. Replacing sugary soda with fresh lemon water is a healthful way to reduce calorie intake, which is a positive step toward weight management.

How do I kickstart fat burning in the morning? ›

Move your body.

Doing some form of exercise before you start your day helps to stimulate your muscles and activate fat-burning hormones. Whether your main goal is increasing muscle mass, weight loss, or just overall metabolic health, morning movement is a great way to get there.

What spice on an empty stomach burns fat? ›

Cumin drink

Anecdotally, people drink jeera water twice per day on an empty stomach for best results.

Which meal should I skip to lose weight? ›

In the case of Intermittent fasting, skipping your dinner is better and easier. You can have your dinner either early or have a heavy snack and can begin your fasting. Research suggests that fasting in the evening and overnight, then eating early in the morning is the better way to follow this diet to lose weight.

What is the breakfast trick drink to lose weight? ›

- Mix two teaspoon of raw apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass. - Add water to the glass and drink it.

How do you kick start fat burning in the morning? ›

Kickstart Your Day: 8 Morning Habits for Weight Loss
  1. Get Seven to Nine Hours of Sleep. And that's per night, not for the whole week! ...
  2. Begin the Day with H20. ...
  3. Eat a Protein-Rich Breakfast. ...
  4. Get in an Early Workout. ...
  5. Pack a Lunch and a Midday Snack. ...
  6. Enjoy Some Sunshine. ...
  7. Keep a Food Journal. ...
  8. Routinely Check Your Weight.
Dec 10, 2022

What is the 7 second morning trick? ›

It consists of drinking a cup of room-temperature water, followed by gentle stretching, the 'wind-relieving pose' to stimulate bowel movement, and focused breathing to oxygenate the body and calm the mind.

What makes you lose weight in the morning? ›

You can compound the positive effects of morning sun exposure on weight loss efforts by exercising outside in the morning. This activates your metabolism earlier in the day so you burn more calories over the course of the day, and might motivate you to make healthier food choices throughout the day.

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