Intermittent fasting for Weight loss: Should you miss your breakfast or dinner? | The Times of India (2024)


01/5Should you miss dinner or breakfast?

Intermittent fasting for Weight loss: Should you miss your breakfast or dinner? | The Times of India (1)Intermittent fasting for Weight loss: Should you miss your breakfast or dinner? | The Times of India (2)

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Be it for shedding kilos or for improving health condition, the intermittent fasting method is the answer to all your health problems. This dietary method does not restrict any food group, which is the main reason for its popularity among the masses. Of all the different types of intermittent fasting methods, the time-restricted fasting method is the most preferred one as it is easy to follow and convenient. In this, one only has to consume all the calories within a limited time frame and fast for the rest for the remaining hours like 16 hours or 14 hours, depending on their convenience. The only major issue one comes across when following this diet pattern is how to adjust your meals- should you miss your breakfast or dinner?


02/5​The popular trend of skipping breakfast

Intermittent fasting for Weight loss: Should you miss your breakfast or dinner? | The Times of India (3)

Intermittent fasting for Weight loss: Should you miss your breakfast or dinner? | The Times of India (4)Intermittent fasting for Weight loss: Should you miss your breakfast or dinner? | The Times of India (5)

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Skipping breakfast has become a popular trend at this time. All those trying to shed kilos, often miss their breakfast and have their first meal directly in the afternoon. Sometimes they do it to manage their calorie count, and other times just due to lack of time. Even in the case of Intermittent fasting to adjust their eating window and manage their calorie count of the day, most people just miss their breakfast and have their first meal in the afternoon.

Read more: Ways Intermittent fasting can mess with your mental health


03/5​Should you skip breakfast or dinner

The most traditional time-restricted Intermittent fasting method is 16:8 which is 16 hours of fasting and 8 hours of eating window. It seems logical to have dinner and miss breakfast this way. However, it might not be a good choice for all and may not even suit all. Skipping breakfast will affect everyone differently. On top of that, if you exercise in the morning, working out on an empty stomach can put your health at risk. It may even increase the risk of muscle pain and injury. So, if you have to choose between breakfast or dinner when following intermittent fasting, we recommend you to skip dinner.


04/5Intermittent fastng

Intermittent fasting for Weight loss: Should you miss your breakfast or dinner? | The Times of India (9)

Intermittent fasting for Weight loss: Should you miss your breakfast or dinner? | The Times of India (10)Intermittent fasting for Weight loss: Should you miss your breakfast or dinner? | The Times of India (11)

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05/5​It is easier to skip dinner

Intermittent fasting for Weight loss: Should you miss your breakfast or dinner? | The Times of India (12)

Intermittent fasting for Weight loss: Should you miss your breakfast or dinner? | The Times of India (13)Intermittent fasting for Weight loss: Should you miss your breakfast or dinner? | The Times of India (14)

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In the case of Intermittent fasting, skipping your dinner is better and easier. You can have your dinner either early or have a heavy snack and can begin your fasting. Research suggests that fasting in the evening and overnight, then eating early in the morning is the better way to follow this diet to lose weight. Having your dinner early also prevents you from late-night snacking and Improves digestion.


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Intermittent fasting for Weight loss: Should you miss your breakfast or dinner?  | The Times of India (2024)


Intermittent fasting for Weight loss: Should you miss your breakfast or dinner? | The Times of India? ›

It may even increase the risk of muscle pain and injury. So, if you have to choose between breakfast or dinner when following intermittent fasting, we recommend you to skip dinner.

Is it better to fast in the morning or eat breakfast for weight loss? ›

However, most studies have found no weight-loss benefit to skipping breakfast. On the contrary, there's good evidence that eating breakfast can make a positive contribution to nutrient intake, including dietary fibre which may help with weight control.

What is the best intermittent fasting schedule for weight loss? ›

A 2023 review of research found that the 16/8 method and 16/8 combined with restricting calories were effective strategies for weight control in adults with overweight or obesity. An eating window starting before noon led to greater weight loss than one that began after noon.

Is it better to eat in the morning or evening intermittent fasting? ›

How to do intermittent fasting? Several studies have already shown the beneficial effects that changing meal times can have on weight loss, in particular by increasing the duration of nighttime fasting and eating a little earlier in the evening and a little later in the morning.

What is the best meal to skip for weight loss? ›

When comparing fasting in the night vs morning, evidence gravitates toward skipping dinner rather than breakfast. While some research studies agree that you can lose weight when skipping breakfast, there can be health risks such as elevated cholesterol levels and increased risk of heart disease [9][10].

Should I skip breakfast or dinner fasting? ›

With intermittent fasting, breakfast is not only optional, it's discouraged. The most common method is a 16-hour overnight fast, followed by an 8-hour eating window. Yet, nutrition professionals have long suggested that breakfast is critical.

What is the breakfast trick to lose weight? ›

Eat a High-Protein Breakfast

Another perk of protein: Your body uses more calories to break it down than it uses for carbs or fat. Go for protein-rich breakfasts, such as an egg and turkey sausage on whole wheat toast or a Greek yogurt smoothie with peanut butter and berries.

What is the best intermittent fasting time to lose belly fat? ›

According to some researchers, fasting for 10–16 hours can cause the body to turn its fat stores into energy, which releases ketones into the bloodstream. This should encourage weight loss. This type of intermittent fasting plan may be a good option for beginners.

How can I lose the most weight on intermittent fasting? ›

Also, note that the key to weight loss with intermittent fasting is not to overeat during your eating windows. Eating fewer calories than you expend remains the basis for losing weight. Shortening the eating window may make it difficult to get the vitamins and minerals you need.

How can I drop 20 pounds fast? ›

Here are the 10 best ways to quickly and safely drop 20 pounds.
  1. Count calories. ...
  2. Drink more water. ...
  3. Increase your protein intake. ...
  4. Reduce your refined carb consumption. ...
  5. Start lifting weights. ...
  6. Eat more fiber. ...
  7. Follow a sleep schedule. ...
  8. Add cardio to your routine.

What time should you not eat during intermittent fasting? ›

Consider a simple form of intermittent fasting.

Limit the hours of the day when you eat, and for best effect, make it earlier in the day (between 7 am to 3 pm, or even 10 am to 6 pm, but definitely not in the evening before bed).

Does timing matter for intermittent fasting? ›

The study showed no association between the time of day people eat and the amount of weight that they lost. Instead, smaller meals were associated with weight loss, regardless of when they were eaten.

Which day of intermittent fasting is the hardest? ›

No matter how many times I fast, day one is never easy and day two is always the most difficult (ghrelin, the hunger hormone, is said to peak on day 2 of a fast). On days three through six, I experienced some of the best energy, mental clarity/focus and mood stability that I've ever felt in my entire life.

What is the biggest meal of the day weight loss? ›

The timing of lunch appears to have the least impact on weight loss, but what is notable about lunch is that it should be your biggest meal, along with breakfast (if you choose to eat breakfast).

Is it better to intermittent fast or eat breakfast? ›

If you find that intermittent fasting helps you lose weight and feel more energized, it may be worth giving it a try. On the other hand, if you enjoy starting your day with a healthy breakfast and find that it helps you regulate your hunger and prevent overeating, then stick with that.

Can fasting in the morning help you lose weight? ›

It appears that fasting for a short time can produce ketosis, which is a process that occurs when the body doesn't have enough glucose for energy, so it breaks down stored fat instead. This causes an increase in substances called ketones. This, coupled with fewer calories consumed overall, can lead to weight loss.

What should I eat first thing in the morning to lose weight? ›

Greek yogurt, eggs, and smoothies (with added protein) are all excellent options for high-protein breakfasts. On top of the protein they provide, they also have other essential nutrients, such as fiber, that help with weight loss.

Does eating early in the morning help lose weight? ›

Researchers found that the women who ate more calories earlier in the day showed greater weight loss, reduction in waist circumference, and lowering of triglycerides levels than the women who ate more calories later in the day.

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