MSUM Advocate December 11 - [PDF Document] (2024)

MSUM Advocate December 11 - [PDF Document] (1)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012 MSUM’s weekly student newspaper Moorhead, Minn. Vol. 42 Issue 14

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Inside The AdvocateBriefs.....................2A&E.........................3Opinion.............4, 5Features..............6,7Sports & Health..8, 9News..............10, 11


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BY MEGAN [emailprotected]

This year, students can celebrate the holiday season with tickets to a ballet classic: “The Nutcracker.”

The FM Ballet, based out of Gasper’s schools of dance, is running the production for their first time. Matt Gasper, director of the school, said that he hopes it will become an annual event.

“If you’ve never seen a ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is the best one to start with. It is a holiday tradition,” Gasper said. “The music you’ll recognize, the story is very easy to follow and the show is exciting throughout the whole thing.”

For one MSUM student, “The Nutcracker” will be a dancing debut.

Mark Radcliffe, a senior pursuing a degree in

advertising, began his journey in dance when he was asked by a friend to attend a class taught by Craig Ellingson, chair and director of theatre and theatre dance.

“My friend didn’t want to go alone, so I went with,” Radcliffe said.

Attending the class was an eye-opener for Radcliffe. What was merely a practice class for many of the attendees was a crash-course for the Fargo native.

“It was one of the most embarrassing days of my life,” Radcliffe said.

Challenged by the class, he wanted to keep learning the art, so he continued to go. The following semester Radcliffe danced in a ballet class taught by Matt Gasper.

“I just fell in love with it,” Radcliffe said. “I was so comfortable dancing, and it was such a nice outlet from what I’d been doing – which was nothing.”

BY JASMINE MAKI [emailprotected]

The Minnesota Environmental Congress will hold a Citizen Forum from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday in the CMU Ballroom.

State agency commissioners will give a brief presentation about Minnesota’s Environment and Energy Report Card and then lead a facilitated discussion on air, water, land, energy and climate.

The forum will be the last of six held around the state to get an idea of Minnesotans’ environmental priorities.

“It’s a really great vehicle for citizens, because it’s open to the public, to voice their concerns,” said Joe Herbst, sustainability coordinator at MSUM.

Herbst, along with several students, is helping to promote the event and encouraging students to attend and voice their concerns.

Voice your concerns effectivelyHerbst will be holding a workshop at noon Thursday in CMU

203, so students and community members can learn how to communicate their concerns effectively.

“It’s really easy to sit around with your friends and complain about things, but this is an opportunity to actually take some action,” Herbst said.

If attendees are too radical and off-track, they may not be taken seriously.

“There is a time and a place for radical environmentalism,” Herbst said. “Radicalism is good to get attention, but they’re already listening.”


BY MEREDITH [emailprotected]

Students returning to MSUM in spring 2013 will see some changes around campus, one being Hendrix Health Center’s new billing process.

Hendrix Health Center will start billing students’ insurance for office visits effective Jan. 14, when the spring semester starts.

“After a yearlong discussion and student conciliations, we are going to start billing health insurance companies for the office visits,” said Carol Grimm, director of health and wellness. “Office visits are only for the physician and nurse practitioner. It’s not the nurse visits or mental health visits.”

This new process may require students to pay a co-pay of roughly $15 to $20 depending on their insurance plan. However, the co-pay would be on the back

Spring 2013 bares changes to Hendrix

Citizen ForumWhen: 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. FridayWhere: CMU BallroomWhy: Learn environmental state of Minnesota & voice concerns

WorkshopWhen: Noon ThursdayWhere: CMU 203Why: Learn how to voice concerns effectively


Photos taken from by Jasmine Maki • [emailprotected]

BY SARAH [emailprotected]

There are plenty of negative stereotypes surrounding Africa. MSUM’s African Student Union (ASU) hosted the event Rebuilding the African Dream, hoping to shatter some of those stereotypes. The event took place Friday in the CMU.

Event organizer and ASU secretary, Iseunife Oyebanjo,

sophom*ore mass communications student, hopes that the event helped bring students together to solve some of the hardships Africa faces.

“Our generation is the last hope for Africa. If you think you can change it alone, you are sleeping,” Oyebanjo said.

The event featured four speakers and a performance by the African drumming group, Atmosphere. Ileri Oyebanjo, senior political science student, was the first presentor. He spoke about aiding Africa’s Recovery.

Zacharie Petnkeu, the adviser

“Our generation is the last hope for Africa. If you think you can change it alone, you are sleeping.” - Iseunife Oyebanjo

Citizen Forum: Voice yourenvironmental concerns

Zacharie Petnkeu

Advo Staff share Christmas favorites, page 4

International swimmers join Dragons, page 8

Find a cheap printer, page 6

FM Ballet enriches community with ‘Nutcracker’ performance

Change Africa: Students rebuild African dream

MSUM Advocate December 11 - [PDF Document] (2)


BriefsPage 2 | Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012 | The Advocate

Minnesota State University MoorheadBox 130 Moorhead, MN 56563Located on the lower floor of Comstock Memorial Union Room 110News Desk and Editor’s Desk: 218-477-2551Advertising: 218-477-2365Fax: [emailprotected] or

The Advocate is published weekly during the academic year, except during final examination and vacation periods. Opinions expressed in The Advocate are not necessarily those of the college administration, faculty or student body.

The Advocate encourages letters to the editor. They should be typed and must include the writer’s name, signature, address, phone number, year in school or occupation and any affiliations. Letters are due by 5 p.m. Friday and can be sent to MSUM Box 130, dropped off at The Advocate office in CMU Room 110 or emailed to us at [emailprotected]. The Advocate reserves the right to edit letters and refuse publication of letters omitting requested information. It does not guarantee the publica-tion of any letter.

“The word I opened to in this dictionary is ‘horny coral.’”

The Advocate is prepared for publication by Minnesota State University Moorhead students and is printed by Davon Press, West Fargo, N.D.

Copyright 2012, The Advocate.

The Advocate is always looking for talented writers, photographers, columnists and illustra-tors. Meetings are held at 11 a.m. every Friday in The Advocate office, CMU 110. Contact the editor for more information or come to the staff meetings.

Kristi Monson, adviserJasmine Maki, editorMeredith Wathne, assistant editorJessica Fleming, photo editorApril Knutson, opinion editorBecki DeGeest, A&E editorSarah Tyre, features editorCollin Boyles, sports editorMegan Havig, online editorKayla Van Eps, copy editorMaureen McMullen, copy editorAndrew Thomason, ad and distribution managerDang Pham, business manager

The Advocate


12.11 - 12.14

Security Update Director of Public Safety

Greg Lemke

To report a problem contact Public Safety at 218.477.2449

MSUM BriefsWorld News

Safety Tip of the Week






Noise complaint in West Snarr, three individuals warned.

Alcohol violation in Grantham, one cited by Moorhead PD for minor consuming and possession of drug paraphernalia. Referred to Campus Judicial for alcohol, drug and weapons violation.

Motor vehicle crash in Parking Lot G-11.

Fire alarm in the Center for the Arts, false, smoke from kiln. Moorhead Fire Department responded.


Alcohol violation in Grantham, three cited by Moorhead PD for minor consuming, five referred to Campus Judicial for alcohol violation.

Alcohol violation in Dahl, seven cited by Moorhead PD for minor Consuming, two referred to Campus Judicial.

Fire alarm in the Center for the Arts, false, smoke from kiln. Moorhead Fire Department responded.

Blue light phone activation in Nemzek Hall, false, gone upon arrival.


Domestic assault in West Snarr, one transported to Sanford, referred to Campus Judicial.

911 Hang-up in the Financial Aid Department, false, misdial.


Escort provided for one individual from the CMU to West Snarr to remove property.

Noise complaint in Nelson, contact made, no violation witnessed.


Marijuana odor investigation in Holmquist, unable to detect.

Medical in Weld, individual fell down stairs, escorted to Hendrix Health Center.

Elevator emergency in Nelson, two individuals stuck in elevator, elevator company responded and repaired the problem.


Smoking violation on north side of Science Lab, unable to identify.

Hit and run crash reported in G-1 Lot.

Holiday Lights

Use only lights that have been tested for safety by a nationally recognized testing laboratory, such as Underwriters Laboratories.

Lights for both indoor and outdoor usage must meet strict requirements that testing laboratories are able to verify. On decorative lights available in stores, UL’s red holographic label signifies that the product meets safety requirements for indoor and outdoor usage. UL’s green holographic label signifies that the product meets requirements for only indoor usage.

Children’s picture book saleA collection of children’s

picture books published in 2011 will be for sale at 10 a.m. on Tuesday in the lobby of the library. Cost will be $3 per book or two books for $5.

All books are in excellent condition and would make great gifts. Proceeds will help support the Comstock Reading Aloud Initiative.

Spots still open for Tanzanian society and culture course

Seats are still open for ANTH 390: Tanzanian Society and Culture this spring semester.

This unique experiential learning opportunity is based on pre-departure preparation and a three week study tour to Tanzania.

This course is open to students from all majors. Main topics will include: prehistory, history, environment, society and culture. Course dates are March 18 through June 15. Travel times are from May 20 through June 12.

For more information, contact Janet Haak, at the study abroad office, 218.477.2996, [emailprotected] or Bruce Roberts, anthropology and earth science, 218.477.2043, [emailprotected].

BFA exhibit holds reception to showcase students art

The department of art and design invites the public to the reception for the second fall Bachelor of Fine Arts Exhibition at 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. today, in the Center for Arts Gallery (CA 150).

Artwork created by senior BFA candidates Jordan Bruhn, Justin Harris, Lauren Kracht, Megan Larson, Andre Pilch and Amanda Schlosser will be on display from Dec. 10 to Dec. 20.

Students are working toward fulfillment of requirements for the BFA in Art and Design. Gallery hours are 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday.

For more information about the gallery or for special arrangements, email [emailprotected] or call 218.477.2152.

Mark your calendars for Wellness Center holiday hoursThe Wellness Center’s holiday hours are:Dec. 13-14, 6 a.m. - 10 p.m.Dec. 15, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.Dec. 16, 2 p.m. -10 p.m.Dec. 17-19, 7 a.m. -7 p.m.Dec. 20, 7 a.m. -1 p.m.Dec. 21- Jan 1, CLOSEDJan. 2 - 4, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.Jan. 5, 12 p.m.- 4 p.m.Jan. 6, 12 p.m. - 4 p.m.Jan. 7 -10, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.Jan. 11, 7 a.m. - 10 p.m.

Resuming normal hours Saturday, Jan. 12.

MSUM Briefs are from Dragon Digest and submitted to [emailprotected]

From 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, students are encouraged to stop by the Wellness Center for free smoothies and chair massages.

Students will also have plenty of games to participate in to win prizes, including a grand prize giveaway. The theme is ’80s, so wear your best ’80s costume.

Also watch “The Wedding Singer” in the lobby starting at 5 p.m.5 p.m. - 8 p.m. ’80s Rockclimbing5 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. Rad ’80s Ride (Cycle Class)5 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. Volleyball Tournament6 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Plank & Wall Sit Challenge6:00 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. Totally ’80s Yoga6:30 p.m. - 7 p.m. Pull-Up & Pushup Competition-7 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. Back to the ’80s Zumba Party8 p.m. Grand Prize Drawing, must be present to win

Final Stretch at the Wellness Center

Aussie radio station: Backlash ‘Unfair’

Two Australian radio hosts who made a prank call heard around the world are being made the subject of a “witch hunt,” a rep from their station said.

“Prank calls have been going on for 50 years in the radio industry,” said Sandy Kaye, a spokeswoman for Southern Cross Austereo. “It is not designed to humiliate or embarrass.”

Jacintha Saldanha, a nurse at the King Edward VII hospital, was found dead after receiving a prank call from two 2Day FM DJs who pretended to be the queen and asked to speak with Kate Middleton.

George H.W. Bush remains hospitalized

Former President George H.W. Bush remains in a Houston hospital for the third week in a row. The 88-year-old is in stable condition but suffering from a bronchitis-related cough. Methodist Hospital doctors said Bush’s health is improving but that they aren’t in a rush to release him. Jean Becker, Bush’s chief of staff, said the illness isn’t life-threatening, but there were fears it could turn in to pneumonia.

First Wash. same-sex couples marry

Three days after picking up their marriage licenses, couples celebrated Washington state’s first same-sex marriages early Sunday morning. Courthouses in some counties opened at midnight to accommodate the happy couples, and judges conducted ceremonies pro bono at Seattle City Hall. In November, Washington, Maryland and Maine became the first states to pass a law allowing same-sex marriage by popular vote. On Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court announced that it would take up the issue of gay marriage in the coming year.

Father’s gun goes off, kills sonA 7-year-old Pennsylvania boy

died in a parking lot Saturday after his father’s handgun went off accidentally, police said. Craig Loughrey and his father, Joseph, were climbing into their truck after a brief visit to a local gun store when Joseph’s 9mm suddenly fired. The father told police that he did not know there was a bullet in the chamber, and no charges have been filed against him. The young boy reportedly died instantly after being hit in the chest by the bullet.

Three shot dead on Indian reservation

A blaze of gunfire left three people dead and four more wounded on the Tule River Indian reservation in California on Saturday night. Police responded to a 911 call on the reservation shortly before 8 p.m. and found two bodies in a trailer and a third in a nearby shed. The man believed to be responsible for the shooting, Hector Celaya, attempted to flee with his two daughters. After a low-speed chase, the suspect was stopped by Tulare County detectives.

World news from

7 p.m. - Dragon Wrestling vs. Augsburg College, Nemzek8:30 p.m. - 10 p.m. - Open Swim, Nemzek

Study Day - No day classes/Wednesday evening classes meet for final exams5 p.m. - 8 p.m. - Final Stretch, Wellness Center games, fitness and activities9:30 p.m. - Kise Late Night, study day breakfast

6 p.m. - 10 p.m. - Film screenings in Glasrud Auditorium, Weld

3 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. - Air, Water, Land and Energy: Our Voice, Our Future Citizens Forum, CMU Ballroom6 p.m. - Dragon Women’s and Men’s Basketball, University of Minnesota - Duluth

Santa is coming to town!Join the Advocate today and get your photo taken with Santa from 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. in the CMU lounge.

MSUM Advocate December 11 - [PDF Document] (3)

A & EThe Advocate | Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012 | Page 3

ZAPPA PLAYS ZAPPAAn evening with

Thursday, Dec. 6Fargo Theatre7pm Doors • All Ages

LISALAMPANELIIFriday, Jan. 11, 2013Fargo Theatre7 & 10 Shows • Mature


Sunday, Jan. 20, 2013The Venue @ The Hub6pm Doors • All Ages

UMPHREY’S MCGEEWednesday, Feb. 6, 2013The Venue @ The Hub6pm Doors • All Ages

Tickets for all shows are available at (located at 300 Broadway; open Monday-Friday 12-6PM), by phone (866) 300-8300 & online at:

DEUCE/NEW MEDICINE • Friday, Dec. 7 • Ages 21+ • House Of Rock @ The Hub

SOULFLY • Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2013 • Ages 21+ • House Of Rock @ The Hub

THAT 1 GUY • Saturday, Apr. 13, 2013 • Ages 21+ • The Aquarium

HAIRBALLA Celebration of Bombtastic Arena Rock!

Friday, Dec. 28 at The Venue @ The Hub8:30pm • Ages 21+

TRACY MORGAN Excuse My French

Saturday, Mar. 23 at the Fargo Theatre7pm • Mature Audiences



Radcliffe began dancing at Gasper’s School of Dance and Performing Arts and was then asked to audition for the ballet company. As a result, Radcliffe will be dancing in “The Nutcracker” this weekend.

Radcliffe will dance four parts during the 80-minute show. In Act One, he dances as a parent during the Christmas party. He then plays the nutcracker soldier during the battle scene. In Act Two, he is the Arabian center for the hula-hoop trio and then dances one of the Russian parts.

“There is a lot to think about when you dance ballet,” Radcliffe said. “There are instructions for every part of your body. It’s challenging being on stage and remembering all those instructions to make it look effortless, but in the dancer’s mind, you’re pretty much flexing every part of your body.”

Radcliffe, who is a full-time student, said dance has helped him develop personally and be successful in his academic life. Radcliffe is studying mass

communications with emphasis in advertising and public relations, a major he said allows him to be more “creatively free.” He said that doing dance on the side has been a great creative outlet and helped him mentally with school and other parts of life.

“It engages my brain, it makes me sharper and I have a way better memory,” Radcliffe said. “I’m in better shape, and I have better self esteem.”

Radcliffe said that in the future he would like to dance for a company, advertise for a dance or theater company or possibly pursue a career in the circus with his hula-hooping and fire-dancing skills.

“I like to take things as they come; I don’t like to have a lot of plans,” Radcliffe said. “I feel that if it’s going to be, it’s going to be. If the opportunity presents itself, I am knowledgeable enough to take it.”

“The Nutcracker” will show at 7 p.m. on Dec. 14 and 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Dec. 15. Tickets cost $10 for students and $20 for general admission. To buy tickets, go to or call 701.231.7969

Advo staff top picks during Christmas time

Christmas Song: Jasmine Maki: “All I want for Christmas is You”

Becki DeGeest: “What Child is This”

Sarah Tyre: “Silent Night”

Jessica Fleming: “Carol of the Bells” - Trans Siberian Orchestra

Meredith Wathne: “Sleigh Ride”

April Knutson: “Dreaming of a White Christmas”

Christmas Movie:Collin Boyles: “Elf”

Fleming: “Charlie Brown Christmas”

Maureen McMullen: “Bad Santa” and “A Christimas Story”

DeGeest: “Jack Frost”

Maki: Any cheesy Christmas movie on Lifetime

Kayla VanEps: “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation”

Activity: DeGeest: Snowmobiling or skiing

McMullen: Sledding and wrapping presents

Wathne: Decorating

Knutson: Sledding or card games with the familyVanEps: Spoons competitions with my cousinsFleming: PRESENTS!

Christmas Dessert:McMullen: Lefse

Wathne: Anything with chocolate

Fleming: Pecan pie

Boyles: Cookies

Maki: Rock candy

Knutson: Festive chex mix

Tyre: Homemade carmel

VanEps: Puppy chow

Traditions: McMullen: Watching “A Christmas Story” and making lefse

DeGeest: Going to my home church’s candle-lit ceremony with my whole family

Maki: Making Christmas candy with my mom

Knutson: Seeing all the pretty lights out in my area

Wathne: Spending the day with family

Mark Radcliffe, Justin Heim and Matt Gasper practice for the Russian dance.Submitted by FM Ballet

MSUM Advocate December 11 - [PDF Document] (4)

OpinionPage 4 | Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012 | The Advocate

Advocate Editorial Board

The opinions expressed in The Advocate are not necessarily those of the college administration, faculty or student body. The Advocate encourages letters to the editor and any submissions. They should be typed and must include the writer’s name, signature, address, phone number, year in school or occupation and any affliations. Letters are due by 5 p.m. Friday and can be sent to MSUM Box 130, dropped off in The Advocate office or emailed to [emailprotected].

While my classmates and I didn’t learn much in grade school, those years spent in a cycle of summer, classes, Christmas, classes, spring break, classes, summer… gave each of us a sense of wonder at how well-coordinated all the seasons were. As we said goodbye to the joys of summer, the weather began to reflect our mood. As we neared the end of our notebooks and our (previously fresh) stack of loose-leaf paper, the other leaves that once shaded our time at recess were now turning to mulch in the dirt. The last days of the semester, those of gloom and fear (what will Mom say when she sees my grade?) matched up nicely with sunsets before 4 p.m. and sunrise after breakfast. By spring, we were bursting like the buds on my maple tree to get out and enjoy the summer sun. Thousands of bad songs have made the exact same point.

I raise the issue because that common-sense timing of seasons and periods of life seems to be missing from the older members of American society, including us collegians. Take a few examples: at Moxie Java, students are buried

behind stacks of books in a controlled panic, while the models on the winter advertisem*nts smile serenely with their ridiculous clothes. Kids stand in line with their parents at the mall to see Santa. The kids are crying and kicking and perhaps, screaming. The parents are stressed. Yet the elves (forever ruined for me by David Sedaris) stand there with elastically tight smiles, trying to express as much happiness as they possibly can. The natural symmetry is missing. The superficial jolliness doesn’t naturally spread, it just sticks out.

Luckily, if any of you have noticed the same hollowness as I have concerning the season from Thanksgiving until New Years, there is another way of doing things.

Now is not the season of Christmas, it is the season of Advent. Advent is not celebrated the same way as Christmas-at all.

Advent is a four-week reflection on God’s becoming man and especially the reason he had to. During Advent, Christians reflect on their shortcomings in all areas of life. This is not done to depress us or shame us. Rather, Advent is a time where we can honestly evaluate ourselves and acknowledge that without God, we can’t do a whole lot.

Advent is also a time to remember that God is not coming into the world for a good time. Jesus was born with a very specific vocation: to take on the worst of the human condition

and then die at the hands of an angry mob. Believers and non-believers alike have found this strange story arch to be fascinating. The same baby who appears to be serene and innocent in every manger scene, is only there so that he might be stretched out on the most torturous device ever created. Advent is a time to remember that it took a deicide to save us from our problems.

Expounding on the metaphysics of it all would take years. The simple point is that there is a way to mark this time of year as special without having to fake enjoyment in the standbys of secular consumerism. At this time of year especially, Christianity meets us people right where we are. The difference Christ makes in this season is the transformation of the mundane and the everyday into an anticipation of glory. You don’t have to fake it, it

comes naturally.So, even if you

don’t believe in God becoming man, (don’t rush it, it’s a lot to take in) you may find some peace in the way Christians handle the time a p p r o a c h i n g

Christmas. Whether your darkness is just a few difficult exams, or (in the case of a friend of mine) your life has recently been threatened, the season of Advent will match up a little better with what is actually happening. Advent is a season of hope, not happiness. Hope can only be present when you could just as easily fall into despair. There is no awkward division between the natural melancholy of the semester’s end and the expectation of Christmas. Even a grade-schooler can tell you that natural harmony of seasons just makes sense.

Make the holiday season special

BY MELYNDA HEYING [emailprotected]

In nine days, I will walk across the stage in the Nemzek Fieldhouse, accept my diploma from President Edna Szymanski and move the tassel from one side of my mortar board cap to the other, thus ending my undergraduate degree here at MSUM.

(Insert flailing limbs and obscene language here.)

I have been working for the past three-and-a-half years up to this very moment. And, my friends, this is not how I thought I was going to feel.

See, I was always under the impression that when I got to this point, I’d have all my poop in a group, and I’d be ready to take on the world. But I’m telling you: My poop is far from being in a group and I’m not nearly as ready to take on the world as I would have hoped.

But I’ve recently been told by someone who I have a great deal of respect for, and who was in my same shoes this past May when she graduated, that adults in “The Real World” don’t have it all together and that they never, ever will.

So where does this leave someone such as me who has been looking forward to a time in my life when I’m no longer confused about what I’m going to be doing? Have I found out the big secret that the graduates keep from us?

Maybe this was just the opportune time for me to actually realize that I don’t want to be a publisher and

that maybe obtaining a job with my favorite non-profit organization is a something I want much later in my life. I’m not letting go of my dreams,

I’m changing them. And I’m happy to say that I’m applying for graduate school right back here at MSUM for next fall to make these dreams happen.

I’m ready to face what is ahead of me, even if it means that I’m still scared out of my mind. And perhaps the next time I walk across that same stage in the Nemzek Fieldhouse to accept my diploma for my master’s degree, I’ll be a little less frazzled and a bit more sure of myself.

But until that happens, I encourage all of you to enjoy the time you have left in your undergraduate days of college. Because one day you’re going to wake up and notice that it’s your graduation day and wonder where the time went. So leave the “important” things to those so-called adults and go discover who you want to be while you’ve still got the time.

Life after college, what now?

BY JOHN GOERKE [emailprotected]

“Have I found out the big secret that the

graduates keep from us?”

“The simple point is that there is a way to mark this time of year as special without having to fake enjoyment in the standbys of

secular consumerism.”

She was on her way home. She was late, so she was in a hurry. She was only five miles from home when her car slid on the ice and flipped over. She died instantly.

This story is only too familiar. Every winter, icy winter roads and attempts to shave minutes off our commute home cause fatal car crashes.

As you leave MSUM’s campus this winter break, remember to slow down. Take that extra minute to buckle up. Drive accordingly, pay attention to the weather. If it’s icy, windy or visibliy is low, slow down.

All of us are excited to take a break for the holidays. Make sure you arrive safely by paying attention to road and weather conditions.

Slow down to get home this holiday break

MSUM Advocate December 11 - [PDF Document] (5)

OpinionThe Advocate | Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012 | Page 5

Recently, I had the opportunity to explore several local businesses in the Fargo-Moorhead area. I was researching a feature story about local crafters for Home and Living magazine.

One of the most surprising things I learned about these businesses was their passion for the community. Some of these business owners have lived in the area all their lives. Others relocated here for school or their current

business venture, but however different their pasts looked, they all believed in one supreme truth: the importance of supporting small business.

“It is important to shop local and support local artists and craftsman. The quality and care put into the item is top notch,” Linda Johnson, owner of Home Sweet Home gifts, said.

The convenience of shopping at the big chain stores is

tempting. It is easy to find the item that you are looking for and jet off to your next task. However, when you purchase items at these stores, what are you sacrificing?

The quality of items purchased at a small business versus items in a large retail store is an endless debate, fueled by our sentimental opinions. Instead, we should look at the business’ track record in supporting the community as we all continue to support their pocketbooks.

In November, Wal-Mart was denied a permit to build a supercenter in California due to a petition signed by local citizens. In May of this year, the Department of Labor ordered Wal-Mart to pay $4.8 million in back wages to workers who were denied overtime pay.

Sadly, there are endless examples of how corporate greed chooses their bottom line over the employees’ welfare; employees who work hard everyday to contribute to the business’ success.

This holiday season, think long and hard before deciding where to shop. What are you contributing to when you choose to buy from a particular business? There are numerous vendors in the Fargo-Moorhead area that require our support. Take advantage of our vibrant community, check out local stores like C. Lizzy’s, Freddy’s Lefse or any other small business that has a passion for its products and its people.

Small business supports products and people

BY APRIL KNUTSON [emailprotected]

“FANBOYS” ZACK COLEMAN • [emailprotected]


I have been a student at MSUM for four years, and I have lived in Minnesota my whole life. Winter is a part of my blood as much as a season, and I am a true lover of the bitter cold. Sure, I might complain when the first brush with cold shocks me, but my heart will s e c r e t l y sing at the sight of the frosted trees and the b e a u t i f u l snow-covered lands.

But for all of my joys of winter, driving is my least favorite activity and that is especially scary for me around the streets of our campus.

Every year, I have observed countless crashes and close calls, watching people slide on the slick roads, and I wonder who is supposed to be taking care of this?

Most of the roads I travel on from my apartment in Fargo into Moorhead are pretty decent. I may encounter one or two slick spots but nothing compared to the grid of streets around our campus. From the turnoff of Eighth Street to the 11th Street one-way, those corners are especially dangerous and slick. I usually witness a number of drivers having trouble moving their cars across the street or fishtailing dangerously, but no one puts salt or sand down.

Is that the fault of the city, or our school? Is there a basic misinterpretation of one thinking it’s the other’s job, or is it a feud that we are getting the punishment for?

J u s t r emember w h e n y o u ’ r e d r i v i n g a r o u n d c a m p u s , g e t t i n g ready for the end of

the semester and hurrying to finish your finals, be careful and considerate of other drivers. Don’t drive too fast or tailgate behind another driver or you might get into an accident yourself.

“Every year, I have observed countless crashes and close calls, watching people slide on the slick

roads, I wonder who is supposed to be taking care of this?”

“However different their pasts looked, they all believed in one

supreme truth: the importance of supporting small business.”

BY JESSICA FLEMMING [emailprotected]

Do you plan to shop local? Tell us on facebook.

Be cautious on campus roads

MSUM Advocate December 11 - [PDF Document] (6)

FeaturesPage 6 | Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012 | The Advocate

BY SARAH [emailprotected]

As temperatures in the Fargo-Moorhead area drop, activities begin to heat up. Winter weather provides different opportunities to get out and play. There is something for everyone this season.

For the CoordinatedIce skating is a fun and

inexpensive way to enjoy the brisk winter air, so throw on a hat and mittens, and lace up those skates.

There are 17 outdoor ice skating rinks in Fargo-Moorhead. Elmwood Park and Herb Tintes Park in West Fargo are popular ice skating locations. Both are complete with warming houses and are open 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturdays and 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Sundays. For a full list of outdoor skating rinks, visit

If the weather outside is too frightful for outdoor skating, Veterans Memorial Arena in West Fargo has a surplus of open skating times. For a detailed list of open skating times, call 701.433.5370.

For the young at heartSledding is a great way to let

loose your inner child. There are a variety of places to take part in this celebrated past-time.

The Dike West is always an option for those looking for the perfect sledding play-date. The best part about the Dike, other than the fact that it is historically one of the best sledding hills in town, is that sleds are free.

Many of the area golf courses are open for public sledding. Edgewood Golfcourse even has a warming house with a snack bar. Snow shoes are also available for rent at this location.

For the skiing enthusiast

While Fargo-Moorhead doesn’t exactly provide the ideal landscape for down-hill skiing, cross country skiing can be a satisfying alternative.

A recreational 5k classical cross-country race and 5k and 10k skating style races are available for adults. The race will begin at Edgewood Golfcourse on 9 a.m. Jan. 12. The registration deadline is Jan. 4. To register go to

For the easily chilledSometimes it’s just too

cold to be outside, but that isn’t a reason to stay cooped-up indoors. Pack some hot chocolate, warm up the car and take a leisurely drive around the neighborhood. Cold nights are ideal for an excuse to check out all the area houses decorated with lights.

For those in search of a more extravagant light show, the Holiday Lights in Lindenwood Park is the perfect solution. Local businesses participate in the event by assembling various Christmas light displays and decorations in Lindenwood Park. The park is open to drive through from Dec. 1 to Dec. 31. Admission is $6 per car. A discounted price of $5 is offered with a canned good donation for the food pantry.

F-M area offers a variety of winter activities

BY AUSTIN [emailprotected]

College costs can be a nightmare. Books, food and rent can turn a plump checking account into a lean piggybank.

With all the studies and extracurricular activities, printing costs should not be a concern.

For now, students at MSUM have full access to free printing in nearly every building across campus. Next semester is a different story.

Students will be limited to 500 free sheets per semester before they have to pay 5 cents per additional page printed. Having a printer can save time and stress, but saving money can be a difficult subject.

Printers fall into two schools, inkjet printers and laser printers. Inkjet printers use a variety of ink cartridges to produce black text as well as color. Laser printers use toner, a chemical powder and lasers to produce text and images. Both have advantages, but cost is a touchy subject.

“If you want a cheap beater, then get an HP,” said Mark Hastings, an employee at Minneapolis Office Depot. “It’ll get you through a couple of years, but it’s nothing special.”

Low-grade inkjet printers can be purchased for less than $70 dollars at retail stores. They provide solid printing for assignments and papers but little else. It will get your through an undergraduate degree with ease. You’ll just be waiting for slow print jobs.

Inkjet printers are criticized for being slow. They print legibly but not always crisply. Low-grade inks easily run and can distort on the page. Also, as the ink is a liquid, rain or sweaty fingers can cause the text to smudge.

Anyone can pick up a new ink cartridge

for next to nothing. The cost of Genuine OEM HP 750c Ink Cartridge in black is $35, not so with toner cartridges. The cost of Genuine OEM HP 2550 Toner Cartridge in high capacity black is $85.

In fact, laser printers are more expensive

as well. On the low end, a laser printer can easily cost more than $150. Toner cartridges can be two to three times more expensive than the cost of a single inkjet cartridge. But there is an unseen value.

Toner lasts much longer than the standard ink cartridge. The average toner cartridge can print between 1,000 and 5,000 pages. Comparing the HP ink cartridge to the toner cartridge, the ink prints 830 sheets

while toner prints more than 5,000.

The average ink cartridge is around 500 pages. In the long run, laser printing saves on the cost per page. But there is always a way to save with an ink and toner.Office Max, for

example, offers a variety of ink options. Consumers can opt

for third-party ink and toner. These third-party manufacturers offer ink and toner at one-third the cost of the original equipment manufacturer. Many companies also offer remanufactured cartridges, cartridges from the original equipment manufacturer that have been refilled with lower grade ink or toner.

Neither of these options is as good, but they work just fine for printing reports.

Laser printing is good for the environment. Laser printers can print double-sided without having to have the paper fed back through the printer. This cuts your paper cost in half as well as saves on future paper waste.

“Laser printing is awesome for reports, but you can forget about photo

printing,” said Kobby Appiah, graduate of Minneapolis College of Art and Design.

Laser printing is great for text. The letters are more crisp and precise, but images are not as vibrant as those printed

on inkjet printers. But that is referring to higher-end inkjet printers. You would never print a family album on a bottom- of-the-line Hewlett-Packard Company product.

“If you want fast printing, pick a laser,” said Hastings. “They’re cheaper in the long run and will last forever.”

A reliable low-end laser printer, though initially more expensive, can last a decade. It will print faster and more precisely than an inkjet on the low end. Toner cartridges can print up to four times more pages than ink counterparts.

If printing essays, readings and assignments are the goals, a laser printer is the most logical choice to save money.

Save money, purchase a cheap printerPlaces to print in the F-M area

Office Max4360 13th Ave., Fargo

UPS Store4302 13th Ave. S., Fargo403 S 8th St. Moorhead3120 25th St. Southwest Fargo

Copy 2 PrintMSUM CMU

Fargo Public Library Downtown102 3rd Street N., Fargo

Fargo Public Library 32nd Ave.2801 32nd Ave. S. Fargo

FedEx Kinkos3302 13th Ave. S., Fargo

Sir Speedy Printing Center123 University Dr. N., Fargo

Minuteman Press745 45th St. S., Fargo

“If you want fast printing, pick a laser. They’re cheaper in the long run and will last forever.” - Mark Hastings

MSUM Advocate December 11 - [PDF Document] (7)

FeaturesThe Advocate | Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012 | Page 7

e are proud of your success and welcome you to the

Alumni Family! Stay connected. For information on Alumni bene�ts, gatherings, Linked In networking and connecting with other Dragons across the world go to

Register for a new Alumni account to receive monthly e-mail invitations, updates and more.

Best Wishes!MSUM Alumni Foundation State University Moorhead is an equal opportunity educator and employer and is a member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System.

Congratulations 2012 Graduates,

MSUM’s Newest Alumni!


to Concordia’s ASU chapter, was the second speaker. Iseunife Oyebanjo heard him speak at a similar event at Concordia.

“I heard him speak and was enlightened,” Iseunife Oyebanjo said. “It showed me all the ways Africa is stereotyped.”

Petnkeu’s presentation focused on the state of the African Dream. He spoke about the dangers of the direction he feels it is taking. To Petnkue, the African Dream involves getting rid of stereotypes that Western cultures have of Africa.

“The African Dream is in a lifeless condition today. Other people dream for Africa,” Petnkeu said. “Westerners assume that Africa can’t survive without Europe or America. They see Africa as a land of suffering.”

Petnkeu’s presentation provoked questions about the lost African Dream and solutions to that problem. He ended his presentation with a prediction.

“If we don’t get at the root of this problem and restore the pride of Africa, and continue to try to be like the west, we are lost,” Petnkeu said.

Cedric Foudject, president of Concordia’s ASU branch and

founder of New Afrique, spoke next. New Afrique is a youth-led organization that strives to empower Africans to become self-sufficient.

“Our vision is to create a sensational and worldwide movement that will encourage and empower African youths to unleash their potential and rise to the pinnacle of leadership and entrepreneurship, thereby ushering in the next chapter in Africa, the new Africa,” Foudjet said.

As a New Afrique member,

Foudjet travels and speaks to youth, hoping to restore the prospect of a brighter Africa. Like Petnkeu, Foudjet believes part of the solution is banding together.

“Unfortunately, some

Africans have decided to follow the path of division rather than that of unity. Some Africans have lost pride in their heritage. Unfortunately, many more have lost hope for the ability of the African people to stand up together under one common accord: to write the African Dream,” Foudjet said.

Part of the New Afrique’s mission is to improve the state of healthcare, education, agriculture and leadership. New Afrique members believe that changes within these

institutions must happen within Africa itself.

The final speaker, Wemimo Samson Abbey, founder of Change Africa, agrees with the mission of New Afrique. He also agrees that Western stereotypes of Africa need to be demolished.

“I’m sick and tired of the Western world making Africa into the poster child for poverty,” Abbey said.

Change Africa is an organization that aims to encourage college enrollment and free enterprise among

African youth. Some of their projects include: building schools and adequate learning facilities in places such as Mali and Nigeria, raising awareness about human trafficking associated with the cocoa bean industry and building business leaders in the Congo.

Iseunife Oyebanjo said he hopes that the event helped inspire audience members to take action toward a better Africa. He plans on hosting more events like this one in the near future.

“I’m sick and tired of the Western world making Africa into the poster child for poverty.” - Wemimo Samson Abbey

Submitted photo

Wemimo Samson Abbey


Wemimo Samson Abbey visits a school in Lagos, Nigeria.

MSUM Advocate December 11 - [PDF Document] (8)

BY COLLIN [emailprotected]

A Dragons 3-point buzzer-beater capped the women’s basketball weekend split at Minot State (N.D.) and the University of Mary (N.D.).

Friday night’s matchup between Karla Nelson’s Dragons and the Beavers of Minot State ended as a 73-57 loss for the visiting Dragons. Senior guard Marisa Yernatich gave the team their only lead on the night by making a 3-point shot.

Eleven turnovers and a 29 percent field goal percentage put the Dragons into a hole during the first half. The Beavers slowly built their lead, setting the score at 40-26 at halftime.

After being outscored by 14 points in the first half, the Dragons kept the second half

scoring close. The lead was cut down to nine points twice and reached as high as 19 points in favor of MSU.

Second half scoring was consistent between the two teams, as MSUM scored 31 points compared to MSU’s 33.

Yernatich led MSUM with 15 points while shooting 6-of-11 in

30 minutes played.Morgan Zabel scored 17

points against the University of Mary Marauders Saturday night, none bigger than the 3-point buzzer-beater that gave the Dragons a 63-60 win in Bismarck, N.D. It was a comeback effort that led to the last-second win over the Marauders.

The Marauders took and kept the lead during the first half, leading by as many as 13 points. The halftime score was 37-26 with the Dragons trailing for the second straight night.

U-Mary’s lead was up to 12 points before MSUM went on a scoring streak. A 15-4 run brought the Dragons back to within one point with just above 10 minutes remaining in the game.

Yernatich sank the 3-point shot that gave her squad the lead for the first time in the game. The Marauders quickly took the lead back before Zabel took a pass from freshman guard Kyleigh Hebert and sent up a prayer as the buzzer sounded. The 3-point shot went in and the Dragons earned the tough road win.

Junior forward Megan Strese led the team in scoring with 23 points and grabbed 15 rebounds for her third double-double of the season. Yernatich became MSUM’s all-time leading 3-point shooter while making two shots from behind the arc.

BY KAMIE [emailprotected]

The MSUM swimming and diving team added two new foreign faces this season. Freshman Viviane Nagasaki and sophom*ore Marisa Yasuda are the first international swimmers to be a part of the Dragons swim and dive team.

“It’s a lot bigger than Moorhead,” Nagasaki said of her home city San Jose Dos Campos, Sao Paulo, Brazil. She was looking for a school in the United States, and an agency in Brazil helped her find MSUM.

Yasuda is from Richmond, British Columbia, Canada. She studied in California before coming to MSUM. The biggest difference for her is the climate. Richmond is north of Washington state, so Yasuda is used to rain.

“I’ve never really had a lot of snow, so this year might be quite exciting,” Yasuda said.

Both Yasuda and Nagasaki are used to swimming in 50-meter pools, so transitioning to 25-yard pools in America is quite different to them. It is much shorter, and that is something both women said they enjoy.

Head coach Todd Peters, who recruited the two, hadn’t met with either before they

committed to the team. “It’s quite a process, and

other teams can learn from us,” Peters said.

He stressed that the advancement in technology was a big help for reaching students outside of the country. In fact, coach Peters said he is working to bring on another international recruit but has to wait to make any annoucement of whom.

“We’re always open to international swimmers,” Peters said. “We have to wait (to announce) until it is official.”

The two women fit well at MSUM and Peters said they bring a lot to the team. He thinks it’s a great learning experience to have people from other parts of the world on the team. Not only do their teammates learn about other cultures, but they also learn how thankful international athletes are for their opportunity to be here.

“It’s been a great experience having them on our team,” Peters said.

The two most recently took part in a meet against Northern State University (S.D.) and MSU Mankato. They helped the Dragons win and improve their record to 5-0 in dual action this season.

The Dragon Invite on Jan. 18 is the next home event for the women’s swim team.

Sports & HealthPage 8 | Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012 | The Advocate


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JESSICA FLEMING• [emailprotected]

Vivianne Nagasaki listens to head coach Todd Peters during practice.

JESSICA FLEMING• [emailprotected]

Vivianne Nagasaki swam in the Dragon’s meet against Northern State and MSU Mankato on Saturday.

Swimmers travel far to join Dragons

Dragons fall in Minot before stunning buzzer-beater in Bismarck

MSUM 26 31 - 57MSU 40 33 - 73

(Points, Rebounds, Assists)MSUM: Boegeman (2,1,0), Charette (3,2,3), Handevidt (1,4,0), Hebert (2,3,0), Miller (4,2,0), Noreen (5,2,2), Roehrich (5,2,0), Strese H. (0,0,0), Strese M. (12,7,0), Thomforde (2,1,2), Yernatich (15,3,2), Zabel (6,5,2)

MSU: Boag (16,5,1), DeAngelis (4,0,0), Haley (6,2,0), Jones (12,4,1), Kingsbury (0,5,1), Klose (4,3,2), Lester (0,0,0), Mano (2,0,0), Molina (23,8,2), Rice (0,0,0), Safranski (4,7,5), Sansaver (2,0,0)

MSUM 26 37 - 63U-Mary 37 23 - 60

(Points, Rebounds, Assists)MSUM: Charette (10,3,1), Handevidt (0,4,0), Hebert (0,3,2), Miller (0,1,1), Noreen (0,3,2), Roehrich (0,0,0), Strese (23,15,1), Thomforde (6,4,6), Yernatich (7,4,2), Zabel (17,4,1)

U-Mary: Clark (2,1,0), Collins (15,12,9), Dietz (6,0,0), Foster (6,2,0), Haag (11,7,0), Knife (15,12,0), Luke (1,5,0), Peltier (0,1,0), Petersen (3,3,1), Sand (1,2,2)

MSUM Advocate December 11 - [PDF Document] (9)

BY COLLIN [emailprotected]

Dragons men’s basketball brought home two wins after traveling to Minot, N.D., and Bismarck, N.D., to take on Northern Sun opponents.

Head Coach Chad Walthall’s squad first took a 84-53 win against the Beavers of Minot State on Friday night. High percentage shooting and solid defense helped the Dragons begin the game on a 23-7 run over the first seven minutes.

Shot selections came early and often, as MSUM set season highs in field goal attempts (67), 3-point field goals attempts (34) and rebounds (46). A 48.3 percent shooting percentage through the first period set the halftime score at 46-23.

Another scoring run came to build on the Dragons lead after outscoring the Beavers 14-2 through a six-minute span in the second half. The run gave MSUM a 34-point lead, their biggest lead of the night. Back-and-forth scoring ensued before the Dragons wrapped up their 84-53 win.

Senior forward Alex Novak recorded his first double-double of the weekend with 12 points and 12 rebounds. Junior forward Taylor Filipek and sophom*ore guard Jordan Riewer led the team

in scoring with 16 apiece.The Dragons started Saturday

in the same fashion as the night before by taking an early lead that would last throughout the contest. With just under five minutes in the first half, MSUM held a 32-17 lead over the University of Mary (N.D.) Marauders, their biggest lead of the game.

The 39-26 halftime lead was cut down to five points with just under 13 minutes left in the game. Riewer scored eight points the rest of the way to help the Dragons finish off the win, 82-70.

Novak followed up his impressive Friday performance with 22 points and 14 rebounds. His point total led the team, followed by Filipek and Riewer with season highs of 19 apiece.

Sports & HealthThe Advocate | Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012 | Page 9

minnesota.eduA member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System. An Equal Opportunity Educator/Employer.Un Educador/Empleador de Oportunidad Igual.

Get aheadover winter break.

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Sophom*ore Evan Holt attempts a 3-point shot over a Valley City State University defender on Nov. 27.JESSICA FLEMING• [emailprotected]

Men sweep weekend with two Novak double-doubles

North Conf.RecordSt. Cloud State 3-0Northern State 3-0MSUMoorhead 2-1Bemidji State 2-1Minnesota Duluth 1-2U-Mary 1-2Minnesota, Crookston 0-3Minot State 0-3

South Conf.RecordAugustana 3-0Upper Iowa 3-0Minnesota State 2-1Southwest MN State 2-1Wayne State 1-2Winona State 1-2Sioux Falls 0-3Concordia-St. Paul 0-3


MSUM 46 38 - 84MSU 23 30 - 53

(Points, Rebounds, Assists)MSUM: Akason (0,1,1), Filipek (16,4,1), Holt (5,0,1), Novak (12,12,0), Olson (2,6,1), Reinke (3,2,0), Riewer (16,4,1), Sevlie (0,2,0), Tucker (13,7,7), Vaughan (11,1,0), Wohler (6,2,1)

MSU: Crosby (0,0,0), East (7,7,1), Enriquez (12,3,1), Fraser (5,2,1), Gandy (0,3,0), Johnson (12,4,1), Korf (2,0,0), McDonald (7,4,0), Randall (0,4,1), Williams (6,1,0), Yale D. (2,2,0), Yale M. (0,0,0)

MSUM 46 38 - 84MSU 23 30 - 53

(Points, Rebounds, Assists)MSUM: Akason (0,0,0), Filipek (19,5,0), Holt (0,0,0), Jorgenson (0,1,0), Novak (22,14,1), Olson (9,3,0), Reinke (0,0,0), Riewer (19,3,5), Tucker (9,2,5), Vaughan (0,0,0), Wohler (4,4,4)

U-Mary: Dorr (11,7,3), Jaspers (12,2,2), Jensen (0,0,0), Johnson (8,2,5), Ledger (0,0,0), Maslonkowski (6,0,0), Musungayi (25,12,1), Robinson (0,1,1), Stewart (0,1,5), Turner (5,4,1), Tyler (3,0,0)

MSUM Advocate December 11 - [PDF Document] (10)

NewsPage 10 | Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012 | The Advocate

By researching the issues and preparing for the event, people can be more effective with the opportunity and might actually get their voices heard.

Natalie Jacobs, a junior sustainability student, said she’s going to have trouble voicing her concerns, but the workshop will help her learn how to amplify her voice without yelling.

Students will inheritproblems

Herbst said the event is important for students because they have their whole lives ahead of them, and they will be the ones inheriting all of the environmental problems.

“A lot of our environmental problems we can’t really see,” he said. “They aren’t in your face, and I think that’s important to take the time to learn and understand them because by the time we see them, it could be a real problem.”

Herbst is mostly concerned with energy.

“Energy and the environment are just two things you can’t unhook,” he said. “Energy is tied to everything that happens to the environment.”

Jacobs agreed and said she wants Minnesota to have a renewable energy goal.

“Whether it’s 25 or 35 percent, I think it would be good to have a goal.”

Herbst agreed that renewable energy is important, but said there’s more to the solution.

“I’m a big fan of renewable energy, but unless we also start to use less, we really aren’t going to be able to make a serious effect on the climate,” he said. “We’re inheriting a lot of environmental problems, and the youth voice is critical.”

For more information about the citizens’ forum contact Joe Herbst at 218.477.2280, or visit


All of the input gathered at the forums will be compiled and presented to the Dayton Administration at the statewide

Environmental Congress.

BY KAYLA VAN [emailprotected]

Editor & Publisher has named as a finalist for the 2012 EPPY Awards for Best College/University Investigative or Documentary Report.

This is the second consecutive year that the online magazine has been named as an EPPY finalist. Horizonlines is produced by upper-class mass communication students in professor Reggie Radniecki’s Online Journalism Workshop class.

To be named as a finalist, entries must score in the top one-third of the average score across all categories in their division, meaning that some categories might not have a winner.

“Horizonlines has won 65 awards regionally and nationally, and that includes individual awards. It’s pretty impressive,” said Charly Haley, mass communications senior and editor of the 2011 issue. “I was so happy that we won because this award is so prestigious. It made me so happy to see MSUM up there against these graduate schools and nationally-

recognized schools.”The school that won the

award was the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism at Arizona State University. Other finalists included Temple University, Berry College, DePaul University and CUNY Graduate School of Journalism.

Creating the online magazine

From writing to photography to designing the final online product, students take part in

multiple aspects of producing the online magazine. Each student had a hand in writing or photographing two stories, Haley said, but many times students crossed into working on other stories as well.

The topic of the 2011 issue of Horizonlines was “To be Different” and included stories in three categories: Different by Choice, Different by Chance and Different Love.

“We had to do some brainstorming because we had a lot more writers than usual, so we had to come up with some ideas,” Haley said. “But once we started working on the project, the themes kind of came out on their own.”

The stories featured in the magazine include a woman with traumatic brain injury, a transgender man, an extreme couponer, a family with two disabled children, a Norwegian cook and many others.

“I wrote a story about a lesbian couple who adopted a child together and a (story about a) transgender man,” said Kristin Kirtz, a mass communications senior. “It was really cool to talk to people and see what their

lives are like.”Kirtz said she enjoyed

learning about people whose lives are much different than her own. Her favorite part of writing for Horizonlines was how realistically Radniecki ran the class.

“Reggie kind of lets you go wild,” Kirtz said. “She assigns you to write two stories and once she OKs them, you are on your own. It opens your eyes to what it would be like to work in the real world.”

Radniecki, who spent nearly 20 years as a photojournalist on

the staff of the Star Tribune and two years as a managing editor for photo and graphics at the Naples Daily News in Florida, said it feels a little like being back in a newsroom.

“The students who come into the class are driven to produce a strong magazine, and it is fun to watch them come up with story and photo ideas,” Radniecki

said. “The magazine, having now won 66 awards, creates an incentive for the (Horizonlines) staff to continue producing strong magazines.”

Students who were not writing stories were taking photos to accompany them. A photo slide show is featured with almost every story. Students from the graphic communications department joined the class to help with the design process.

“It’s really nice to be able to work with the (graphic communication) students,” Haley said. “It’s nice to have that

sort of other level of expertise from another department.”

Kirtz said she thought it was great to work with the designers, editors and photographers and echoed Haley in her excitement in learning about Horizonlines becoming a finalist.

“I am really excited,” she said. “We all worked so hard on it. Just knowing that we stood

Horizonlines named EPPY Award finalist

JESSICA FLEMING • [emailprotected]

Professor Reggie Radniecki with the Horizonlines EPPY Award. “Horizonlines has won 65 awards regionally and

nationally, and that includes individual awards. It’s pretty impressive,” - Charly Haley

BY JASMINE [emailprotected]

Chi Sigma Alpha, the counseling and student affairs honor society, recently held its third annual initiation ceremony, where 11 students were inducted into the organization.

“Being inducted into Chi Sigma Alpha signifies quality work and commitment to counseling,” said Sarah Kenz, one of the recent inductees.

Chi Sigma Alpha is a member of the international honor society, Chi Sigma Iota. Membership is by chapter

invitation to both students and graduates of the chapters’ counselor education programs, according to the bylaws of Chi Sigma Iota. Students must have earned a 3.5 or higher GPA and be recommended for membership by the chapter to qualify.

Kenz was invited to join Chi Sigma Alpha by the chapter’s president Gabriel Hertler.

After being invited to join, students must submit an application and $50 fee to the organization.

Being a member of Chi Sigma Iota involves many benefits including professional

and leadership development opportunities and access to resources.

“Members are able to attend one-hour webinars for free and obtain free (continuing education units),” according to Chi Sigma Iota’s website (

Kenz said by becoming a member of the honor society, she is able to receive more information about her field of interest and networking opportunities. Plus, it is an excellent addition to her resume.

For more information about Chi Sigma Iota, visit

Chi Sigma Alpha inducts 11 students

Submitted photo

Chi Sigma Alpha recently inducted 11 students into the organization.


Graphic taken from

MSUM Advocate December 11 - [PDF Document] (11)

NewsThe Advocate | Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012 | Page 11

Minnesota State University Moorhead is an equal opportunity educator & employer and is a member of the Minnesota State Colleges & Universities System.

Academic Support Center • Flora Frick 154Phone: 218.477.4318 • Fax: 218.477.2420 • [emailprotected]



ic S



t C


r After December 28th Check your Academic StatusNot sure how? Do one of the following:

Check your Eservices dashboard.

Check your GPA and percent completion. Compare to the standards outlined in the MSUM Satisfactory Academic Progress policy available at: under probation and suspension.

Check with the Academic Support Center at 218.477.4318.

Students on warning, probation or suspension at the end of the semester:Notification regarding the requirements of your status will be emailed to your Dragonmail account.

Questions? Please call Janet Sundquist,Academic Support Center, 218.477.4318.


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BY MEGAIN [emailprotected]

Election polls for Student Senate closed Thursday, revealing next semester’s legislative body.

The positions up for election this semester included representatives for Snarr, Dahl/Ballard, Nelson/Grantham, Neumaier/Holmquist and eight off-campus senator seats.

The representative seats for

Nelson/Grantham, Holmquist/Neumaier and Dahl/Ballard did not have any candidates filed. However, there were write-in winners for each seat. Student Senate will contact the write-in winners to see if they desire to be a part of Student Senate.

The next elections will be held this spring. These elections will be for all positions of student government. Any student can run.

Students interested in running for the 2013-2014 year can watch for elections submissions during the spring 2013 semester.

Filing to run and campaigning are two important components of running for elections. Students must file to be on the ballot. Campaigning is allowed until the polls open for voting.

Tyler Anderson, a political science and sociology major, has served on the student senate for over three years. He has utilized those years to

BY MAUREEN [emailprotected]

Student Senate has been discussing a change in the distribution of student organization news via email. Instead of each student organization sending out emails, Student Senate would compile promotional listings submitted by student organizations into a digest format that would then be sent out once a day.

While the change is still being discussed and no decisions have been made yet, several members of Student Senate have shown enthusiasm for the change, which, if enacted, would take effect late spring, tentatively.

“A few people on senate really like this idea but our official body hasn’t made a decision yet nor have we discussed it yet, so it’s still definitely in the process,” said Russel Ferguson, Student Senate president.

Discussion of the change was prompted by an interest in making news distribution of student organizations more efficient. Because of the volume of emails being sent out to students on a daily basis, students expressed frustration with their inboxes becoming

bogged down with too many emails.

“I think it’s a cool opportunity for Student Senate to do something like this,” Ferguson said. “I hate to say it, but a lot of emails get overlooked and deleted right away. Students would like to just get one email instead of tons of emails.”

If the change was set in place, student organizations would submit news postings and promotions to Student Senate moderators, who would then filter through submissions.

“There are things sent into the student listserve that don’t need to be there, so we’d have to filter it every day,” said Ferguson.

The guideline for post rejections would have to be further discussed if the change was to be made but would rely on standards such as relevance to MSUM and whether or not it was deemed appropriate by the moderators. Rejected postings would be followed-up by a notification email explaining its omission.

After the filtering process, members of Student Senate would compile the information into a singular digest style email. Along with content, another factor that would be taken into consideration

would be timing. Emails would probably be sent out between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m., the time when student email accounts are most frequently accessed. The entire process would be carried out on a daily basis by Student Senate and would take about 45 minutes to an hour each day.

Student senate discusses change in student organization emails

Student Senate works to reduce email clutter by combining student organization annoucements into one email.Submitted photo

help set up on-campus polls during this year’s national elections and to explore opportunities for a local bike share program.

Anderson enjoys the chance to make positive change on campus.

“It’s more about seeing a need and then addressing it,” Anderson said.

Anderson encourages students who are interested in serving

in a certain area to research committees.

“If there is something you would like to do, there is probably a committee for it,” Anderson said.

Anyone interested in serving in student government can visit their website at or their Facebook page, MSUM Student Senate.

Students elect new legislative body

The results are as follows:Snarr Representative: Benjamin Johnson

Off-Campus Senators: Brian PeckTyler AndersonJayclyn EllweinFlorence SauvageauKevin StruxnessJoao CunhaRaul Valdez DelgadoRicha Neupane

“Our organization is ready to step up for the challenge,” said Ferguson. “There are things that still need to be worked out, but once those are all figured out with the new process, it should be easy sailing from there once everyone figures out their responsibilities.”

Because compiling student organization news into one email would free up a

significant amount of space in campus inboxes, students have expressed a welcoming attitude to the change.

“I would like the news letters to be sent out (this way),” said Andrew Odegard junior education major. “I get enough emails the way it is, it would be nice just to get one email about what’s going on around campus.”

MSUM Advocate December 11 - [PDF Document] (12)

The AdvocatePage 12 | Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012 | The Advocate

end of the process and would be billed to the student at a later date.

Although an up-front payment method was considered, there is still no up-front fee for office visits. Other schools in the area, such as St. Cloud State University (Minn.), have an up-front cost of $35 per visit.

Because MSUM requires all students to have health insurance, they decided to opt out of the up-front payment idea and not burden the students with a cash payment,

Grimm said.The average cost of a one-

time office visit in Minnesota is $138. MSUM will not bill a student’s health insurance company that much, but the cost of each visit will depend on the services provided and individual insurance plan.

“We wanted to make it easy for the student,” Grimm said. “The whole purpose is to keep it good quality of service.”

A majority of students at MSUM do pay a health fee. Roughly $5 is charged per residential credit, but no more

than $65 per semester, which made it possible for Hendrix to not charge for office visits in the past.

“We wanted to make this as painless as possible, we don’t want to turn any student away,” Grimm said. “Our mission is to serve students and keep them healthy. If a student has issues, we will work through those issues.”

If you have any questions about the changes to the billing process, contact Carol Grimm at 218.477.2327 or [emailprotected].

Throughout the semester, students, faculty and staff dealt with the large construction site in the middle of campus. Many wondered “What is it?”

Now that the construction is complete, many are asking, “Why?”

The new design piece has finally been revealed and is available for everyone to enjoy. The project is titled “Sown” and features acorns and pinecones, which represent “nature as a metaphor for human aspirations and endeavors.”

Whether you like it or not, the newly finished masterpiece is sure to be in the center of the campus mall for quite some time.

out among hundreds of other schools and that (Editor and Publisher) see our project as being one of the best, it feels really good.”

Haley said the end result of the semester of hard work was a mixture of seriousness and lightheartedness.

“To be Different” was the 11th

edition of Horizonlines, which receives hits from all over the US, as well as from around the globe from Germany, Norway, Japan and other countries.

Some other awards Horizonlines has won include the first place Eric Sevareid Award, multiple Mark of Excellence awards from

the Society of Professional Journalists, North Dakota Professional Communications awards, a regional Emmy award for advanced media student production, and many others.

To read the latest issue, visit All other issues of Horizonlines can also be found there.



JESSICA FLEMING • [emailprotected] spring semester, Hendrix Health Center will start billing students’ insurance companies, which could result in a $15 to $20 co-pay per visit depending on patient’s insurance policies.

‘Sown’ continues to stir questions


MSUM Advocate December 11 - [PDF Document] (2024)
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