Mega Evolution (2024)

From The Pokemon Insurgence Wiki

Mega Evolution is a transformation affecting Pokémon. Mega Evolutions are identified by having "Mega" in front of their name.


See Also
Best mega
  • 1 Mega Evolving
    • 1.1 Crystallization
  • 2 Effects
  • 3 Pokémon capable of Mega Evolution
    • 3.1 Official
    • 3.2 Unofficial

Mega Evolving

Mega Evolution (1)

The Mega Evolution sigil

In order to Mega Evolve, the Pokémon must be holding the appropriate Mega Stones (with the exception of Rayquaza which is only required to know the move Dragon Ascent).

Once per battle, only a single Pokémon for each Trainer may Mega Evolve. Switching the Mega Evolved Pokémon out will not dissolve a Mega Evolution. A Mega Evolved Pokémon can only revert back to its original state upon fainting or the conclusion of the battle. If a Mega Evolved Pokémon faints, but is later revived, that Pokémon cannot obtain a Mega Evolved state again for the remaining duration of the battle. Trainers on the same team during a Multi Battle will each be able to Mega Evolve once during the battle.

Mega Stones cannot be taken via Thief, Covet, Trick, or Switcheroo. Abilities such as Magician and Pickpocket will fail to snatch the Mega Stone from its holder and Pokémon with Klutz are able to use their respective Mega Stone. If used by the holder, moves such as Bestow, Fling, Trick and Switcheroo will always fail. Embargo and Magic Room also have no effect, and will not prevent a Pokémon from using its Mega Stone to Mega Evolve. Using Knock Off against a Pokémon holding its respective Mega Stone will not remove the item, nor will Knock Off's added effect of increased power on the turn it removes an item be granted. Likewise, Mega Stones also cannot be given to or taken by their respective species using any of the aforementioned moves or Abilities. Neither volatile nor non-volatile status conditions such as paralysis, sleep, and infatuation will have any effect over a Pokémon's ability to Mega Evolve; even if they result in the Pokémon not being able to move that turn, the Mega Evolution will occur regardless.

Performing Mega Evolution will not alter the turn order, so a Pokémon with a lower Speed than their opponent will still go after them on the one turn the Mega Evolution occurs, even if their Mega Evolution increases Speed and would otherwise cause them to go first. The opposite is also true for Pokémon who lose Speed from Mega Evolution, such as Garchomp. However, turn order will be determined normally on every turn afterwards. All other stat changes and type changes of a Mega Evolution will take effect immediately and damage calculation will proceed as usual. (A Pokémon whose Mega Evolution possesses a lower Defense stat, for example, will take greater damage from Physical attacks on the turn of Mega Evolving.)

Changes in a Pokémon's Ability will also take place immediately. A Sharpedo with Speed Boost will not gain a boost in speed at the end of the turn it Mega Evolves, but if it uses a biting move such as Crunch that turn, it will be boosted by Strong Jaw, Mega Sharpedo's Ability.

Since movement order is determined before any moves are used (except changes due to Quash and After You), the Pokémon's new Speed or Ability will not affect movement order during the turn which it Mega Evolves.


Delta Metagross (Ruin) can change into its Crystallized form when holding the Crystal Fragment. Despite the name difference, this form change functions identically to Mega Evolution, which means that Crystallizing Delta Metagross (Ruin) prevents other Pokémon in the party from Mega Evolving for the rest of the battle.


A Mega-Evolved Pokémon has different base stats, with the exception of HP, and can have a different Ability and type from its non Mega-Evolved form. Every Mega-Evolved Pokémon except for Mega Alakazam, Mega Eevee, and Mega Magcargo has a base stat total 100 points higher than that of its base form.

Pokémon capable of Mega Evolution


PokémonBefore Mega EvolutionAfter Mega EvolutionMega Stone
VenusaurMega Evolution (2)GrassPoisonOvergrow
Chlorophyll (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (3)GrassPoisonThick FatMega Evolution (4)
CharizardMega Evolution (5)FireFlyingBlaze
Solar Power (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (6)FireDragonTough ClawsMega Evolution (7)
Charizardite X
Mega Evolution (8)FireFlyingDroughtMega Evolution (9)
Charizardite Y
BlastoiseMega Evolution (10)WaterTorrent
Rain Dish (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (11)WaterMega LauncherMega Evolution (12)
BeedrillMega Evolution (13)BugPoisonSwarm
Sniper (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (14)BugPoisonAdaptabilityMega Evolution (15)
PidgeotMega Evolution (16)NormalFlyingKeen Eye or
Tangled Feet
Big Pecks (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (17)NormalFlyingNo GuardMega Evolution (18)
AlakazamMega Evolution (19)PsychicSynchronize or
Inner Focus
Magic Guard (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (20)PsychicTraceMega Evolution (21)
SlowbroMega Evolution (22)WaterPsychicOblivious or
Own Tempo
Regenerator (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (23)WaterPsychicShell ArmorMega Evolution (24)
GengarMega Evolution (25)GhostPoisonLevitateMega Evolution (26)GhostPoisonShadow TagMega Evolution (27)
KangaskhanMega Evolution (28)NormalEarly Bird or
Inner Focus (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (29)NormalParental BondMega Evolution (30)
PinsirMega Evolution (31)BugHyper Cutter or
Mold Breaker
Moxie (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (32)BugFlyingAerilateMega Evolution (33)
GyaradosMega Evolution (34)WaterFlyingIntimidate
Moxie (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (35)WaterDarkMold BreakerMega Evolution (36)
AerodactylMega Evolution (37)RockFlyingRock Head or
Unnerve (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (38)RockFlyingTough ClawsMega Evolution (39)
MewtwoMega Evolution (40)PsychicPressure
Unnerve (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (41)PsychicFightingSteadfastMega Evolution (42)
Mewtwonite X
Mega Evolution (43)PsychicInsomniaMega Evolution (44)
Mewtwonite Y
AmpharosMega Evolution (45)ElectricStatic
Plus (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (46)ElectricDragonMold BreakerMega Evolution (47)
SteelixMega Evolution (48)SteelGroundRock Head or
Sheer Force (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (49)SteelGroundSand ForceMega Evolution (50)
Steelixite (Steel)
ScizorMega Evolution (51)BugSteelSwarm or
Light Metal (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (52)BugSteelTechnicianMega Evolution (53)
HeracrossMega Evolution (54)BugFightingSwarm or
Moxie (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (55)BugFightingSkill LinkMega Evolution (56)
HoundoomMega Evolution (57)DarkFireEarly Bird or
Flash Fire
Unnerve (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (58)DarkFireSolar PowerMega Evolution (59)
TyranitarMega Evolution (60)RockDarkSand Stream
Unnerve (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (61)RockDarkSand StreamMega Evolution (62)
SceptileMega Evolution (63)GrassOvergrow
Unburden (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (64)GrassDragonLightning RodMega Evolution (65)
SwampertMega Evolution (66)WaterGroundTorrent
Damp (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (67)WaterGroundSwift SwimMega Evolution (68)
BlazikenMega Evolution (69)FireFightingBlaze
Speed Boost (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (70)FireFightingSpeed BoostMega Evolution (71)
GardevoirMega Evolution (72)PsychicFairySynchronize or
Telepathy (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (73)PsychicFairyPixilateMega Evolution (74)
SableyeMega Evolution (75)DarkGhostKeen Eye or
Prankster (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (76)DarkGhostMagic BounceMega Evolution (77)
MawileMega Evolution (78)SteelFairyHyper Cutter or
Sheer Force (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (79)SteelFairyHuge PowerMega Evolution (80)
AggronMega Evolution (81)SteelRockSturdy or
Rock Head
Heavy Metal (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (82)SteelFilterMega Evolution (83)
MedichamMega Evolution (84)FightingPsychicPure Power
Telepathy (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (85)FightingPsychicPure PowerMega Evolution (86)
ManectricMega Evolution (87)ElectricStatic or
Lightning Rod
Minus (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (88)ElectricIntimidateMega Evolution (89)
SharpedoMega Evolution (90)WaterDarkRough Skin
Speed Boost (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (91)WaterDarkStrong JawMega Evolution (92)
CameruptMega Evolution (93)FireGroundMagma Armor or
Solid Rock
Anger Point (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (94)FireGroundSheer ForceMega Evolution (95)
AltariaMega Evolution (96)DragonFlyingNatural Cure
Cloud Nine (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (97)DragonFairyPixilateMega Evolution (98)
BanetteMega Evolution (99)GhostInsomnia or
Cursed Body (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (100)GhostPranksterMega Evolution (101)
AbsolMega Evolution (102)DarkPressure or
Super Luck
Justified (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (103)DarkMagic BounceMega Evolution (104)
GlalieMega Evolution (105)IceInner Focus or
Ice Body
Moody (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (106)IceRefrigerateMega Evolution (107)
SalamenceMega Evolution (108)DragonFlyingIntimidate
Moxie (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (109)DragonFlyingAerilateMega Evolution (110)
MetagrossMega Evolution (111)SteelPsychicClear Body
Light Metal (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (112)SteelPsychicTough ClawsMega Evolution (113)
LatiasMega Evolution (114)DragonPsychicLevitateMega Evolution (115)DragonPsychicLevitateMega Evolution (116)
LatiosMega Evolution (117)DragonPsychicLevitateMega Evolution (118)DragonPsychicLevitateMega Evolution (119)
RayquazaMega Evolution (120)DragonFlyingAir LockMega Evolution (121)DragonFlyingDelta StreamMega Evolution (122)
LopunnyMega Evolution (123)NormalCute Charm or
Limber (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (124)NormalFightingScrappyMega Evolution (125)
GarchompMega Evolution (126)DragonGroundSand Veil
Rough Skin (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (127)DragonGroundSand ForceMega Evolution (128)
LucarioMega Evolution (129)FightingSteelSteadfast or
Inner Focus
Justified (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (130)FightingSteelAdaptabilityMega Evolution (131)
AbomasnowMega Evolution (132)GrassIceSnow Warning
Soundproof (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (133)GrassIceSnow WarningMega Evolution (134)
GalladeMega Evolution (135)PsychicFightingSteadfast
Justified (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (136)PsychicFightingInner FocusMega Evolution (137)
AudinoMega Evolution (138)NormalHealer or
Klutz (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (139)NormalFairyHealerMega Evolution (140)
DiancieMega Evolution (141)RockFairyClear BodyMega Evolution (142)RockFairyMagic BounceMega Evolution (143)


PokémonBefore Mega EvolutionAfter Mega EvolutionMega Stone
PoliwrathMega Evolution (144)WaterFightingWater Absorb or
Swift Swim (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (145)WaterFightingNo GuardMega Evolution (146)
MarowakMega Evolution (147)GroundRock Head or
Lightning Rod
Battle Armor (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (148)GroundGhostParental BondMega Evolution (149)
EeveeMega Evolution (150)NormalRun Away or
Anticipation (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (151)NormalProtean MaximaMega Evolution (152)
Shadow MewtwoMega Evolution (153)PsychicDarkIntimidateMega Evolution (154)PsychicFightingShadow SynergyMega Evolution (155)
Mewtwonite X
MeganiumMega Evolution (156)GrassOvergrow
Leaf Guard (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (157)GrassFairyMagic BounceMega Evolution (158)
TyphlosionMega Evolution (159)FireBlaze
Flash Fire (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (160)FireHubrisMega Evolution (161)
FeraligatrMega Evolution (162)WaterTorrent
Sheer Force (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (163)WaterTough ClawsMega Evolution (164)
SudowoodoMega Evolution (165)RockSturdy or
Rock Head
Rattled (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (166)RockGrassAnalyticMega Evolution (167)
PolitoedMega Evolution (168)WaterWater Absorb or
Drizzle (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (169)WaterDrizzleMega Evolution (170)
SunfloraMega Evolution (171)GrassChlorophyll or
Solar Power
Early Bird (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (172)GrassFireUnleafedMega Evolution (173)
Mega Evolution (174)GrassUnleafedMega Evolution (175)
GirafarigMega Evolution (176)NormalPsychicInner Focus or
Early Bird
Sap Sipper (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (177)NormalPsychicSpectral JawsMega Evolution (178)
SteelixMega Evolution (179)SteelGroundRock Head or
Sheer Force (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (180)SteelFireFoundryMega Evolution (181)
Steelixite (Fire)
MagcargoMega Evolution (182)FireRockMagma Armor or
Flame Body
Weak Armor (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (183)FireVaporizationMega Evolution (184)
DonphanMega Evolution (185)GroundSturdy
Sand Veil (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (186)GroundIrrelephantMega Evolution (187)
MiltankMega Evolution (188)NormalThick Fat or
Sap Sipper (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (189)NormalPendulumMega Evolution (190)
ShiftryMega Evolution (191)GrassDarkChlorophyll or
Early Bird
Pickpocket (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (192)GrassDarkShadow DanceMega Evolution (193)
FlygonMega Evolution (194)GroundDragonLevitateMega Evolution (195)BugDragonAmplifierMega Evolution (196)
CacturneMega Evolution (197)GrassDarkSand Veil
Water Absorb (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (198)GrassDarkSand RushMega Evolution (199)
CrawdauntMega Evolution (200)WaterDarkHyper Cutter or
Shell Armor
Adaptability (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (201)WaterDarkAdaptabilityMega Evolution (202)
MiloticMega Evolution (203)WaterMarvel Scale or
Cute Charm
Competitive (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (204)WaterFairyPrism GuardMega Evolution (205)
JirachiMega Evolution (206)SteelPsychicSerene GraceMega Evolution (207)SteelPsychicPeriodic OrbitMega Evolution (208)
ChatotMega Evolution (209)NormalFlyingKeen Eye or
Tangled Feet
Big Pecks (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (210)NormalFlyingAmplifierMega Evolution (211)
SpiritombMega Evolution (212)GhostDarkPressure
Noctem (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (213)GhostDarkTough ClawsMega Evolution (214)
FroslassMega Evolution (215)IceGhostSnow Cloak
Cursed Body (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (216)IceGhostFur CoatMega Evolution (217)
ZebstrikaMega Evolution (218)ElectricLightning Rod or
Motor Drive
Sap Sipper (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (219)ElectricFairyCompetitiveMega Evolution (220)
ZoroarkMega Evolution (221)DarkIllusionMega Evolution (222)DarkTraceMega Evolution (223)
GothitelleMega Evolution (224)PsychicFrisk or
Shadow Tag (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (225)PsychicDarkEthereal ShroudMega Evolution (226)
ReuniclusMega Evolution (227)PsychicOvercoat or
Magic Guard
Regenerator (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (228)PsychicSpeed SwapMega Evolution (229)
CryogonalMega Evolution (230)IceLevitateMega Evolution (231)IceSleetMega Evolution (232)
HaxorusMega Evolution (233)DragonRivalry or
Mold Breaker
Unnerve (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (234)DragonSteelWeak ArmorMega Evolution (235)
StunfiskMega Evolution (236)GroundElectricStatic or
Sand Veil (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (237)GroundElectricAthenianMega Evolution (238)
BisharpMega Evolution (239)SteelDarkDefiant or
Inner Focus
Pressure (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (240)SteelDarkMoxieMega Evolution (241)
HydreigonMega Evolution (242)DarkDragonLevitateMega Evolution (243)DarkDragonLerneanMega Evolution (244)
Delta VenusaurMega Evolution (245)FairyPsychicPsycho Call
Regenerator (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (246)FairyPsychicHubrisMega Evolution (247)
Delta Venusaurite
Delta CharizardMega Evolution (248)GhostDragonSpirit Call
Dark Aura (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (249)GhostDragonNoctemMega Evolution (250)
Delta Charizardite
Delta BlastoiseMega Evolution (251)DarkFightingShadow Call
Shadow Dance (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (252)DarkFightingMega LauncherMega Evolution (253)
Delta Blastoisinite
Delta BisharpMega Evolution (254)FlyingFightingFrisk
Wind Force (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (255)FlyingFightingTechnicianMega Evolution (256)
Delta Bisharpite
Delta GardevoirMega Evolution (257)ElectricIceLightning Rod or
Clear Body
Snow Cloak (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (258)ElectricIceLightning RodMega Evolution (259)
Delta Gardevoirite
Delta GalladeMega Evolution (260)ElectricIceVolt Absorb
Ice Body (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (261)ElectricIceVolt AbsorbMega Evolution (262)
Delta Galladite
Delta SunfloraMega Evolution (263)FirePoisonFlame Body
Poison Point (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (264)FirePoisonChlorofuryMega Evolution (265)
Delta Sunflorite
Delta ScizorMega Evolution (266)IceFightingTough Claws
Ice Cleats
Super Luck (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (267)IceFightingAdaptabilityMega Evolution (268)
Delta Scizorite
Delta GlalieMega Evolution (269)FireRockRock Head
Flash Fire (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (270)FireRockRecklessMega Evolution (271)
Delta Glalitite
Delta FroslassMega Evolution (272)FireCompetitive
Flash Fire (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (273)FireGhostMagic GuardMega Evolution (274)
Delta Froslassite
Delta TyphlosionMega Evolution (275)ElectricSteelMotor Drive or
Lightning Rod (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (276)ElectricSteelSupercellMega Evolution (277)
Delta Typhlosionite
Delta PidgeotMega Evolution (278)DarkDragonIntimidate
Keen Eye or
Marvel Scale (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (279)DarkDragonIntimidateMega Evolution (280)
Delta Pidgeotite
Delta GirafarigMega Evolution (281)SteelPoisonAnger Point or
Intimidate (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (282)SteelPoisonIntimidateMega Evolution (283)
Delta Etigirafarigite
Delta SableyeMega Evolution (284)FireRockSolid Rock or
Weak Armor
Unburden (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (285)FireRockDry SkinMega Evolution (286)
Delta Sablenite
Delta MawileMega Evolution (287)GrassDarkSerene Grace or
Flower Veil
Immunity (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (288)GrassDarkArena TrapMega Evolution (289)
Delta Mawilite
Delta MedichamMega Evolution (290)FairyGroundSap Sipper
Athenian (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (291)FairyGroundAthenianMega Evolution (292)
Delta Medichamite
Delta CameruptMega Evolution (293)PoisonVenomous or
Poison Point
Liquid Ooze (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (294)PoisonVenomousMega Evolution (295)
Delta Cameruptite
Delta MiloticMega Evolution (296)GhostRegenerator or
Cursed Body (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (297)GhostAbsolutionMega Evolution (298)
Delta Milotite
Delta Metagross (Spider)Mega Evolution (299)BugGroundPoison Touch or
Poison Heal (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (300)BugGroundMold BreakerMega Evolution (301)
Delta Metagrossite (Spider)
Delta Metagross (Ruin)Mega Evolution (302)GrassRockSturdy
Rock Head (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (303)GrassRockRock HeadMega Evolution (304)
Delta Metagrossite (Ruin)
Mega Evolution (305)GrassCrystalWeak ArmorMega Evolution (306)
Crystal Fragment
Delta LopunnyMega Evolution (307)FightingInner Focus or
Limber (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (308)FightingPsychicInfiltratorMega Evolution (309)
Delta Lopunnite
Delta LucarioMega Evolution (310)DarkGroundJustified or
Mummy (Hidden)
Mega Evolution (311)DarkGroundDefiantMega Evolution (312)
Delta Lucarionite
Mega Evolution (2024)


What causes Mega Evolution? ›

If the participating Pokémon is holding its corresponding Mega Stone when its appeal causes the audience's excitement to reach its peak, it will Mega Evolve and perform a Spectacular Talent.

What does mega evolve? ›

Mega Evolution is a temporary process that increases a Pokémon's CP, typically lasting for eight hours. The Pokémon's HP does not change.

Why is Mega Evolution banned? ›

The reason the new metagame does not allow mega evolutions is that the new games, sword and shield don't have them in the game, instead we have dynamax. If you are playing current generation metagames, it's because Megas don't exist in SWSH and, by extension, don't exist in the metagames.

Is mega evolving painful? ›

While Houndoom and Scizor are at risk of melting from Mega Evolution, other Pokémon experience a brutal, painful rearrangement of their form that the Pokédex acknowledges interferes with their livelihood.

Do Mega Evolutions last forever? ›

After being Mega-Evolved, a Mega-Evolved Pokémon will stay in its Mega-Evolved form for 8 hours, after which they will return to its regular form. Certain Pokémon like Charizard have multiple Mega forms.

What happens if I mega evolve? ›

Each time you Mega Evolve a Pokémon, it will increase in Mega Level. This will introduce additional bonuses across several tiers - including increased Candy XL drop rate, an XP catch bonus and a reduced rest rate. (These are all detailed in the next section.) Mega Raids "will be easier", according to Niantic.

How many times can you mega evolve? ›

Note: Trainers can only have one Mega-Evolved Pokémon active at a time.

How powerful is Mega Evolution? ›

Thanks to Mega Evolution, all the Gen I Pokémon starters, including Charizard, Blastoise, and Venusaur, receive significant power boosts. Charizard and Blastoise see increases in firepower, while Venasaur gains major enhancements in its defensive abilities.

Was Mega Gengar banned? ›

Mega Gengar has been banned from SV Balanced Hackmons.

Why is Mega Lucario banned? ›

It's banned becuase it's way too unpredictable. If you guess his set wrong (Physical, Special or Agility), you are almost sure to lose a match. The problem being that his counters to one set are not the same as the counters to the other set, making it impossible to be sure to stop him.

Will Nintendo bring back Mega Evolution? ›

Pokemon Legends Z-A has just been revealed and is launching in 2025 with the return of Mega Evolutions.

Why didn't Flygon get a mega? ›

Game Freak Has Now Had Roughly a Decade to Deliver on Mega Flygon. Truthfully, the real reason as to why Mega Flygon never came to be is because Game Freak couldn't settle on a design that fit the demand for the evolution.

Does Mega Evolution exist? ›

Mega Evolution is a mechanic in the Pokémon series, introduced in Pokémon X and Y. It is a temporary mega evolution that can be initiated in battle if the Pokémon is holding the Mega Stone (except Rayquaza, requires Dragon Ascent) for their species, however, only select Pokémon can undergo Mega Evolution.

What are the conditions for Mega Evolution? ›

Mega Evolution can occur when the player possesses a Mega Ring, and when a particular Pokémon is holding a particular item. If these conditions are met, then the option to Mega Evolve that Pokémon will appear in the Fight menu when choosing a move for that Pokémon to use.

How do you get mega energy to evolve? ›

You can earn Mega Energy by defeating a Mega-Evolved Pokémon in a Mega Raid Battle or by completing specific research tasks. You can also occasionally earn Mega Energy by walking with your Buddy Pokémon if you have previously Mega-Evolved a Pokémon in your Buddy Pokémon's Evolutionary line.

What is the most powerful Mega Evolution? ›

Mega Rayquaza, alongside Mega Mewtwo X and Y, boasts the highest base stats as the strongest Pokémon from X & Y. A significant advantage of Mega Rayquaza as a team member is that it does not require a Mega Stone to evolve, freeing up the item slot for other beneficial combat items.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Views: 5916

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Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.