Liver Qi stagnation- What Is It and How to Deal? — Wild Earth Acupuncture - Portland, Oregon (2024)


Written By Lenore Cangeloso LAc. MSAOm.

Understanding Liver Qi Stagnation

Are you frustrated easily? Feeling a lot of angst? Possibly aches in your side, or feelings of a pit stuck in your throat? Do you get overwhelmed by emotional stress? Are you waking up at night?

Liver Qi Stagnation might be what’s going on. Read on to learn more about what it is and what to do about it.

Liver Qi stagnation- What Is It and How to Deal? — Wild Earth Acupuncture - Portland, Oregon (1)

In Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the concept of Qi, plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. One of the most common imbalances and pattern differentiation within the body is known as Liver Qi Stagnation. This condition is rooted in TCM principles, where the Liver is not just a physiological hunk of tissues that filters blood and hormones, but a complex system responsible for the smooth flow of Qi, emotional regulation, blood and hormone balance, and is an essential aspect of the Wood element within yourself. In this article, we will explore Liver Qi Stagnation, its causes, symptoms, and approaches to restore balance.

Liver Qi stagnation- What Is It and How to Deal? — Wild Earth Acupuncture - Portland, Oregon (2)

Understanding Liver Qi Stagnation

According to TCM, the Liver is responsible for the free flow of Qi, which is essential for the harmonious functioning of the body. When the liver's energy becomes stagnant, the flow of Qi is disrupted, leading to various physical and emotional imbalances. Liver Qi Stagnation is often associated with prolonged stress, suppressed emotions, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Functions of the Liver System

The Liver, often referred to as the "Army General" in Traditional Chinese Medicine plays a pivotal role in maintaining the free flow of Qi throughout the body. As a key component of the Wood element, the Liver is responsible for storing blood and regulating its circulation volume, adapting to activity levels. It assists other organs in the proper circulation of body fluids, preventing stagnation. The Liver's influence extends to governing the tissues, sinews, and tendons, contributing to physical vitality. Additionally, it has a connection to the eyes, is associated with the season of Spring, and resonates with the Sour flavor.

In its partnership with the Gallbladder within the Yin Yang framework, the Liver helps manage the emotional landscape. When out of balance, feelings of anger or angst may become predominant. The Liver also stores the Blood and collaborates with the Spleen and Heart in blood production. Notably, it houses the aspect of the Shen known as the "Hun" or Ethereal Soul. This intricate network of functions underscores the Liver's vital role in maintaining harmony within the body and mind in TCM philosophy.

  • Governs the tissues, sinews, and tendons

  • Opens to the eyes

  • Associated with the season of Spring

  • Resonates with the flavor Sour

  • Yin Yang paired with the Gallbladder

  • When out of balance, the most predominant emotion is anger/ angst, and sadness

  • Element association- Wood

  • Stores the Blood, assists Spleen and Heart to produce Blood

  • Houses the aspect of the Shen known as the Hun- or Ethereal Soul

Causes of Liver Qi Stagnation

Numerous patterns can impact the Liver system ( such as Liver Blood deficiency) and many associated Organs that can become intertwined when the body is off balance ( such as Wood overacting on Earth), but the focus here will be Liver Qi Stagnation. Problems in one’s emotional life are by far the most predominant cause of Liver-Qi stagnation. Especially when emotions such as anger, resentment, and frustration are repressed for prolonged periods of time. This can cause the flow of Qi to be impeded and become stuck.

  • Emotional Stress

One of the primary causes of Liver Qi Stagnation is emotional stress. The liver is closely linked to the processing of emotions, particularly anger, frustration, and resentment. Prolonged or intense emotional experiences can lead to stagnation.

  • Dietary Factors

Poor dietary habits, including excessive consumption of greasy or spicy foods, alcohol, and irregular eating patterns, can contribute to Liver Qi Stagnation. These dietary choices can overload the liver, hindering its ability to maintain a smooth flow of Qi.

  • Sedentary Lifestyle

Lack of physical activity can lead to stagnation in the body's energy flow. Regular exercise promotes the circulation of Qi and blood, helping to prevent and alleviate Liver Qi Stagnation.

  • Environmental Factors

Exposure to environmental toxins and pollutants can impact the liver's function, contributing to stagnation. Maintaining a clean and toxin-free environment is essential for overall well-being.

Symptoms of Liver Qi Stagnation

Liver Qi Stagnation manifests in both physical and emotional symptoms. Recognizing these signs is crucial for addressing the imbalance and promoting a return to optimal health. Often a feeling of distention and a wiry pulse are enough to diagnose this imbalance. When Liver Qi stagnates we often see physical symptoms, emotional manifestations, and impairment in the body’s Qi and Blood, most often seen in menstruating people, and issues such as PMS, mood swings, and irregular cycles present.

Physical Symptoms

  • Abdominal bloating or discomfort

  • A feeling of distension of the hypochondrium, chest, epigastrium, or abdomen

  • Excessive sighing

  • Digestive issues, such as constipation or diarrhea

  • Headaches, particularly tension or vertex headaches

  • Menstrual irregularities and premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

  • Distention of breasts before menstruation

  • Fatigue and lethargy

  • Tongue: the body color may be normal, or red sides

  • Pulse: Wiry, especially on the left side

Emotional Symptoms

  • Irritability and mood swings

  • Melancholy, depression, moodiness, fluctuation of mental state, “feeling wound-up”, anxiety

  • Insomnia or disturbed sleep, waking in the night

  • Difficulty making decisions or feeling stuck in life

  • Feeling a lump in the throat (known as "plum pit" sensation)

How to Deal with Liver Qi Stagnation

Addressing the causes of liver Qi stagnation such as emotional stressors can make a huge positive impact here. The main treatment principle or intention is to smooth the Liver, and move Qi.

  • Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a key component of TCM that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate the flow of Qi. Acupuncture can help unblock stagnant energy in the liver, promoting balance and harmony within the body.

  • Chinese Herbal Medicine

Herbal formulas, prescribed by qualified TCM practitioners, are tailored to address individual imbalances. Common herbs used for Liver Qi Stagnation include Bupleurum, Peony, and Cyperus. Formulas such as Xiao Yao San and Yue Ju Wan are often used.

  • Dietary Modifications

Adopting a balanced and nourishing diet is crucial for supporting liver health. Emphasize foods that promote the free flow of Qi, such as green leafy vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins. Limit or avoid greasy, spicy, and processed foods, as well as excessive alcohol intake.

  • Mind-Body Practices

Incorporating mind-body practices like Tai Chi and Qigong can help regulate the flow of Qi and reduce stress. These gentle exercises combine movement, breath control, and meditation to promote overall well-being. A simple Qi Gong activity, known as shaking, is a great activity to help more stuck emotions and energy in the body.

  • Stress Management

Effective stress management is essential for preventing and addressing Liver Qi Stagnation. Practices such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, and regular relaxation techniques can help manage stress levels.

  • Regular Exercise

Engaging in regular physical activity promotes the circulation of Qi and blood, preventing stagnation. Choose exercises that you enjoy, whether it's walking, jogging, yoga, or other forms of movement.

  • Body Work

Consider incorporating holistic therapies such as massage, reflexology, and aromatherapy to support overall well-being. These therapies can help release tension and promote relaxation, contributing to a smoother flow of Qi.

  • Acupressure

    Utilizing acupressure points such as Li 4, Yin Tang, GB-34, LR3, Lr-14, SJ-6, and PC-6 can have very positive impacts on the flow of Liver Qi.

Liver Qi stagnation- What Is It and How to Deal? — Wild Earth Acupuncture - Portland, Oregon (3)

Liver Qi stagnation- What Is It and How to Deal? — Wild Earth Acupuncture - Portland, Oregon (4)

Liver Qi stagnation- What Is It and How to Deal? — Wild Earth Acupuncture - Portland, Oregon (5)

Liver Qi stagnation- What Is It and How to Deal? — Wild Earth Acupuncture - Portland, Oregon (6)

Liver Qi stagnation- What Is It and How to Deal? — Wild Earth Acupuncture - Portland, Oregon (7) Liver Qi stagnation- What Is It and How to Deal? — Wild Earth Acupuncture - Portland, Oregon (8) Liver Qi stagnation- What Is It and How to Deal? — Wild Earth Acupuncture - Portland, Oregon (9) Liver Qi stagnation- What Is It and How to Deal? — Wild Earth Acupuncture - Portland, Oregon (10)

Liver Qi Stagnation highlights the interconnectedness of physical and emotional well-being. Recognizing the causes and symptoms of this imbalance allows individuals to take proactive steps toward restoring harmony within the body. Approaches such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, dietary modifications, and mind-body practices, offer effective strategies for addressing Liver Qi Stagnation and promoting overall health and vitality. By embracing these practices, individuals can unlock the flow of vital energy, fostering a sense of balance and well-being in their lives.



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Buddhas Triangle


Glass beads woven onto a 3/4” brass triangle.

Each peice is made by hand and may vary slightly from the images.

Pick a color, any color 🌈

Black Sesame


Tiny. But Mighty.

These beauties are adorned with a random assortment of glass beads in a neutral colorway with brass bars.

Each set is unique, just like you!

Sure to make a statement!



Classy, fun, and hip checkerboard design. Beaded earrings with a hanging gemstone, and brass adornment, Lever- back earrings, and cute vibes.

4” long including earring hardware.

Citrine is used here to help tonify Earth and digestive function, as yellow is associated with our Earth element, of the Spleen and Stomach.

The item may vary slightly due to dye lots and the uniqueness of natural gems.

Shibori Swatch


This little cutie is an ode to the Japanese craft of Shibori, an ancient technique of dying fabric with intricate tying and folding to create organic and unique patterns.

About 2” in length, with brass topper and glass seed beads, made to mimic a fabric swatch.

Custom Designs

from $45.00

Are you dreaming up a pair of your dream earrings? I would LOVE to work with you to make these DREAMS come true. Drop me a note with your thoughts and inspirations and use the drop-down items to help me get started! I can send some pictures of colors I am currently working with or help you brainstorm. All lengths can be customized, just giving you an example below.

Small- Around 1-2’ length

Medium- Around 3-4”

Large- Around 5-7”

Extra- Around 5-7”, but with more adornments, such as metal work and gems, and fancier beadwork



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liver qi stagnationqi stagnationliver

Lenore Cangeloso LAc. MSAOm.

Liver Qi stagnation- What Is It and How to Deal? — Wild Earth Acupuncture - Portland, Oregon (2024)
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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.