Discover the Secret Behind LINDOR | Lindt Shop UK (2024)

It is the question our Lindt Master Chocolatiers are asked the most. As soon as people bite into the hard outer shell of a LINDOR Chocolate Truffle and discover the creamy melting filling hidden inside, they are longing to understand the magic. Discover the secret.

Explore the secrets behind our blissful LINDOR chocolate

Discover the Secret Behind LINDOR | Lindt Shop UK (1)

The shell

Essentially, LINDOR is a chocolate truffle. It is made by pouring the finest tempered Lindt chocolate into a mould, before spinning on its axis to coat the inside. As it cools and sets, a delicate chocolate shell is created, ready to hold the smooth, melting filling.

The smooth melting filling

The LINDOR recipe is a closely guarded secret. It includes a rich ganache which is carefully poured into the delicate shells and left to set. This signature smooth, top secret, filling boasts a low melting point which allows it to melt luxuriously on the tongue.... and create a truly blissful chocolate experience.

Discover the Secret Behind LINDOR | Lindt Shop UK (2)

Discover the Secret Behind LINDOR | Lindt Shop UK (3)

Wrapped with love

Once filled, cooled and set, each LINDOR is carefully wrapped in our signature packaging. This protects it from the environment and seals in the chocolate’s freshness to let the flavours shine. Did you know that we can wrap 1000 LINDORs in one minute?

Blissful moments

LINDOR is a truly special chocolate that is close to many peoples' heart. Everyone has their unique way of enjoying it. Some place LINDOR in the fridge or freezer to create a chilled 'snap' before letting it melt slowly in their mouth. Others do the opposite and gently warm up their LINDOR so the melting begins before the first bite.

Lindt Master Chocolatier, Thomas, says: ‘The flavour of all our chocolate – including LINDOR – shines when the chocolate is at room temperature. It melts delicately and provides a rich feel to the mouth. But, of course, you can enjoy LINDOR (and all our chocolate) the way that makes you truly happy. Bon Appetit!'

How do you enjoy your LINDOR?

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Discover the Secret Behind LINDOR | Lindt Shop UK (5)

Different flavours

LINDOR Milk, encased in its signature bright red wrapper, is our most popular flavour. But LINDOR lends itself perfectly to a host of exciting flavour combinations to excite and indulge your senses. So far this has included a beautifully balanced sweet caramel and sea salt ganache encased in a rich dark chocolate shell, an intense 70% cocoa dark chocolate, a spiced gingerbread creation for Christmas and an exotic Matcha green tea – the sky is the limit!

Did you know we currently make around 45 different seasonal and permanent LINDOR flavours? The Lindt Master Chocolatiers are dedicated to continuously creating delicious recipes and look high and low for inspiration – including suggestions from LINDOR lovers like you!

Which flavour would you choose for your ultimate LINDOR chocolate? Share your ideas with us using #LindtLove on social.

Discover the Secret Behind LINDOR | Lindt Shop UK (6)Discover the Secret Behind LINDOR | Lindt Shop UK (7)

Discover our newest creation

Conjured fresh from the kitchen,LINDORSalted Caramel laces smooth milk chocolate with buttery caramel and salt to create an enhanced bittersweet flavour.

Discover the Secret Behind LINDOR | Lindt Shop UK (8)Discover the Secret Behind LINDOR | Lindt Shop UK (9)

Want to learn more about blissful moments?

Slip into your most comfortable loungewear. Pop on a face mask and indulge in your favouriteLINDORchocolate. Let us inspire you with ideas for the ultimate blissful moment – all in the name of self-care.

Discover the Secret Behind LINDOR | Lindt Shop UK (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.