Are syrups better for you than sugar? (2024)

If you want other nutrients with your sweetness, a 2009 study from the University of Oslo has found that some alternative sweeteners – usually the kind you'll find in health food stores - do contain some antioxidants. For example blackstrap molasses and date sugar have the highest antioxidant value, followed by barley malt sugar and brown rice malt syrup, and then followed by dark brown sugar and maple syrup. Agave, honey and corn syrup were way down the list. There aren't many studies like this around so I'll hark back to it for reference.

The 8 sweet syrups

All the sweet syrups contain around 20 per cent water and only 70 to 85 per cent sugars so they're always going to give you fewer kilojoules (Calories) and sugars than white or raw sugar which is 100 per cent sugar (sucrose). The syrups are not straight sucrose but mixtures of glucose and fructose and sometimes other sugars, which changes the way they're absorbed.

They're often marketed as 'natural', but are not superior to sugar. Like sugar, they have kilojoules (Calories) and so they must STILL be accounted for on weight-reduction and diabetic diets. Like sugar, they too can cause tooth decay.

Are syrups better for you than sugar? (1)1. Honey

Of all eight, I like the taste of honey the best. It's sweet, perfumed and heavenly. And it stacks up the best nutritionally - but this depends on the type of honey e.g. floral, Manuka.

Honey contains some B vitamins and minerals but the quantities are tiny and not significant nutritionally – you would have to consume enormous amounts of honey to obtain the same as from whole grains.

Most commercial honey has a moderate Glycemic Index or GI of 50-65 although there is great variation e.g. floral honeys like Yellowbox and Ironwood have lower GIs. Note: white sugar has a GI of 65.

2. Maple syrup

Are syrups better for you than sugar? (2)Maple syrup is the sap from the wild sugar maple tree that's been concentrated and is a mix of sugars — anywhere from 90 to 100 per cent sucrose and 0 to 10 per cent glucose or fructose. There are also traces of organic acids, vitamins and some mineral material dissolved in maple syrup, with manganese, potassium, iron and calcium being the most prevalent minerals. It's similar in food value to golden syrup or molasses.

The sap that exudes from the tree is boiled to reduce it to make the sweet maple syrup. The label should simply say "100% pure maple syrup".

Make sure you buy the expensive 100% Canadian maple syrup, not the cheaper maple-flavoured syrup which has an inferior flavour and is made from a nasty mix of sugar, corn syrup, molasses, caramel colour, alcohol, vanilla extract, flavours and a sulphite-based preservative.

GI of 54 Medium-Low.

3. Agave syrup

Are syrups better for you than sugar? (3)Agave syrup or nectar is extracted from several species of the agave plant in Mexico but it's big point of difference is that it's mostly fructose, whereas sugar is half fructose and half glucose.

Thanks to its fructose, agave syrup is about 1.5 times sweeter than table sugar and it has a much lower GI (Glycemic Index). However it is this high fructose content that means it can be a cause of digestive problems for some people.

It is often claimed to be a healthier alternative to sugar but the way I see it, agave syrup is still refined and no more healthy than maple syrup or golden syrup. Both still contain around the same level of sugars and have gone through a similar process of filtering, boiling and reduction.

The University of Oslo research rated it as no healthier than white sugar. It has a similar runny consistency to maple syrup and I enjoy its caramel overtones. Here's what I've written about agave already.

GI of 15 Very Low.

Three cane sugar syrups:

Are syrups better for you than sugar? (4)4. Golden syrup

Golden syrup is derived from molasses, the residual syrup left over from the milling of sugar cane. It is a mix of three sugars – sucrose, glucose and fructose – but because it contains more water and less sucrose than white table sugar, it is not as sweet. It is a concentrated sugar syrup with a distinctive flavour and golden colour. I've had a jar in my kitchen for years - I only use it to make Anzac biscuits every once in a while and for adding moistness to my Christmas cake.

GI of 60 Medium.

5. Treacle

Treacle is a viscous, dark-brown liquid that has a stronger flavour and aroma than golden syrup. Like golden syrup, some of the sucrose sugar is broken down to its glucose and fructose components during production. This process stops crystals from forming and thus creates a stable liquid product. Treacle may be light or dark in colour (sometimes referred to as blackstrap molasses).

GI of 60 Medium (same as golden syrup).

Are syrups better for you than sugar? (5)6. Molasses

Molasses is a dark, sticky liquid which is the syrup left behind after the raw sugar crystallises during sugar milling. It's a mixture of 36-38 per cent sucrose, 10-13 per cent glucose and fructose and 24-30 per cent water. It also has a few minerals such as magnesium and potassium and traces of B vitamins. Blackstrap molasses has been promoted as a 'health food' but the quantities of B vitamins present are very small. It doesn't deserve the reverence it's often given in my opinion. It tastes very strong and not terribly sweet nor attractive. Surprisingly it has a higher sodium (salt) content which contributes to its not-so-nice flavour.

GI of 55-60 Medium (around the same as golden syrup).

Are syrups better for you than sugar? (6)7. Barley malt syrup

Barley malt syrup (also known as malt extract or simply malt) is made from sprouted barley. Barley grains are steeped in water, heated gently and left to sprout, which triggers enzymes that convert barley's starches into sugars, and its proteins into amino acids. Then it's mixed with water, boiled, concentrated and filtered so the sugary syrup can be extracted.

This creates a dark-brown, thick and sticky syrup with a distinctive malty flavour. It is about half as sweet as refined white sugar so you may be tempted to add more to get the sweetness you're after. In flavour, I liken it to dark treacle or molasses. It's great for baking bread – you may have read BARLEY MALT on the ingredient list of breads where it's used as a yeast food. As expected, of its sugars, it contains about 75 per cent maltose, 16 per cent glucose, with tiny amounts of sucrose and fructose.

GI of 98

Source: GI website. So its almost the same as glucose at 100. Some sites incorrectly list this as 42.

Are syrups better for you than sugar? (7)8. Brown rice malt syrup

Brown rice malt syrup is a sweetener that looks similar to molasses – think thick and dark – but with a better taste more akin to barley malt syrup or strong honey. It is produced commercially by cooking brown rice flour or brown rice starch with enzymes. This breaks down the starches into simpler sugars as a liquid. The syrup is filtered and reduced by heating it until the desired consistency is reached and excess water is evaporated.

The sugars in the final product are 45 per cent maltose, 52 per cent maltotriose (a triple sugar) plus a tiny 3 per cent glucose. It can be used in the same way as molasses.

GI of 98 Very high (Source: GI website. Note some sites have this listed incorrectly with a very low GI)

Kilojoules, sugars, GI and fructose in 100 grams of syrups

Blackstrap molasses10255155NA
Barley malt12207098Low
Brown rice13708098Low
Sucrose/white sugar17001006550

Source: manufacturers data with GI from the website and Syd Uni GI Database. To obtain calories, divide kilojoules by 4.2 or just 4. NA means "Not available" so the figures are not yet published or are not reliable enough to quote. Figures have been rounded off for ease of reading.

When I want something sweet and syrupy, my preference is for honey, followed by agave and golden syrup. They each add an interesting sweetness and enhance the appeal of my wholegrain toast or morning oats or dessert recipe.

However they can't replace sugar in all culinary situations eg baking and they still add carbs in the form of sugars and of course kilojoules or calories. Plus they perpetuate a liking for a sweet taste.

  • There's nothing special nutritionally about any of these syrups even though they're often billed as 'natural'.
  • They're all similar in terms of sugars and kilojoules and I don't regard any of them as superior to white sugar. They're all made by extracting and then boiling off the water to reduce and concentrate the natural sugars in the sap or sprouted extract.
  • They are mixtures of glucose plus fructose with a little sucrose but with very little in the way of vitamins, minerals or other beneficial components. Think of the syrups as 'enhancers' of fruit, yoghurt, milk or whole grains rather than foods in their own right.
  • One level tablespoon (30 g/1 oz) of honey or the sugar syrups has approx. 360 kilojoules (85 Calories)

Remember it's NOT the sugar or syrup that WE add ourselves that's the main problem. Most of the sugar we eat comes from ready-made and processed foods, many of which, like doughnuts, cakes, muffins, chocolate and fancy ice creams, also come bundled with saturated fat and refined starches plus additives.

Soft drink, cordials and juices are the biggest source of added sugar. Unlike a spoon of sugar on porridge or jam on wholegrain bread which make healthy-low-GI-high-fibre-foods taste good, drinks just 'dump' a load of carbs and kilojoules in your system without any other nutrients. They are a real problem.

Reference: Phillips KM, Carlsen MH, Blomhoff R. Total antioxidant content of alternatives to refined sugar. J Am Diet Assoc. 2009; 109(1):64-71.

Are syrups better for you than sugar? (2024)


Are syrups better for you than sugar? ›

Is Maple Syrup Actually Healthier Than Sugar? Yes, slightly, because it contains some nutrients. In two tablespoons, you get quite a bit of the mineral manganese and the B vitamin riboflavin, plus small amounts of the minerals calcium, potassium, and zinc. In addition, pure maple syrup contains antioxidants.

Is syrup healthier than sugar? ›

As a natural sweetener, pure maple syrup contains more nutrients than table sugar and is therefore considered a healthier alternative to table sugar. However, it's still high in sugar, and like any sweetener should be enjoyed in moderation. That said, if you are to pick one, pure maple syrup is the natural choice.

What is healthier, simple syrup or sugar? ›

All the sweet syrups contain around 20 per cent water and only 70 to 85 per cent sugars so they're always going to give you fewer kilojoules (Calories) and sugars than white or raw sugar which is 100 per cent sugar (sucrose).

Why use syrup instead of sugar? ›

While comparable in calories and carbs, maple syrup has a lower glycemic index than sugar. Also, because maple syrup tends to be sweeter, theoretically you can use less of it. But moderation is key, as it is with any sugar. More research is needed, though, before we consider maple syrup the next superfood.

Is syrup really good for you? ›

While it lacks vitamins, maple syrup is rich in certain minerals, such as manganese. It also has antioxidants that may offer health benefits, such as lowering cholesterol and supporting brain health. But, its high sugar content can lead to tooth decay and further health problems for people with diabetes.

What is the healthiest syrup to eat? ›

If you're going to reach for one over the other, maple syrup contains the fewest sugars, calories, and carbohydrates per serving.

What is the healthiest alternative to sugar? ›

Stevia and monk fruit are both naturally derived from plants and some people feel they have a flavor very similar to regular sugar. The FDA says these sweeteners are “generally regarded as safe,” which means they are safe to use for their intended purpose.

Are torani syrups healthy? ›

Torani even admits to using an excessive amount of cane sugar, with some flavors packing as much as 20g into a single serving. Despite being a natural ingredient, cane sugar has the same chemical composition as granulated sugar and nearly identical amounts of calories and carbs.

Is honey actually healthier than sugar? ›

So is there a definitive answer to which is healthier, honey or sugar? Both should be consumed in limited amounts. Honey may have a slight edge, but excess consumption of either is more dangerous to your health than the advantage of choosing one over the other.

What is a healthier substitute for syrup? ›

You can substitute an equal amount of honey for light corn syrup in many recipes. Like maple syrup, honey is not the best choice for making candies or caramel because it may crystallize. However, it is a good option for making frostings, baked goods, jams, and jellies. Be sure to opt for raw honey whenever possible.

Which is healthier, honey or maple syrup? ›

Both offer benefits in the form of either vitamins or minerals, and both offer protective antioxidant activity. Putting taste aside, as the two have different flavors — honey is more floral while maple syrup is more woodsy — maple syrup tends to be the slightly healthier choice, but we enjoy both throughout the year.

Which is the healthiest form of sugar? ›

You can opt for coconut sugar, honey, maple syrup, and agave nectar, which are some good and healthy options. Another good option is shakkar, an unprocessed sugar rich in nutrients like zinc, iron, potassium, and magnesium. You can also use jaggery to sweeten up your desserts and beverages.

How much syrup is equal to sugar? ›

Here's the conversion: 1 tablespoon white sugar equals about ¾ oz simple syrup.

Is syrup as bad as sugar? ›

No. But, if you're going to use sugar in a recipe, you might as well substitute in maple syrup since it's slightly better for you than refined sugar. The reality is maple syrup is still high in sugar. It would be very unhealthy to eat several tablespoons of maple syrup per day to add calcium or potassium to your diet.

Can you eat syrup everyday? ›

The daily limit, according to the Food and Drug Administration, is no more than 10 percent of your daily calories, or 50 grams (about 12 teaspoons) for someone on a 2,000-calorie diet. The American Heart Association recommends consuming even less—no more than 25 grams for women per day and 36 grams for men.

What is the healthiest sweet syrup? ›

Pure Maple Syrup

Once it has been filtered to remove impurities, it's ready to sweeten various dishes. While pure maple syrup may have comparable calories to refined sugar, it is considered a preferred alternative due to its nutrient content.

What's worse sugar or syrup? ›

There is currently not enough evidence that high-fructose corn syrup is any worse than sugar from a health perspective, though more research is definitely needed. Both can be harmful when consumed in excess. Many studies show that sugar and high-fructose corn syrup have similar effects on health and metabolism.

Can syrup replace sugar? ›

To replace white sugar with maple syrup in general cooking, it is ideal to use ¾ cup of maple syrup for every one cup of sugar. When it comes to baking, that same amount is used but also be sure to reduce the amount of overall liquid in the recipe by about three tablespoons for each cup of maple syrup substituted.

Which is better sugar or sugar syrup? ›

Both sugar and simple syrup should be consumed in moderation, though, as they are high in calories and can lead to adverse health effects. Studies have shown that regularly consuming processed sugars may increase the risk of developing diabetes and other chronic illnesses.

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