What Foods Should Not Be Canned (2024)

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Home » What Foods Should Not Be Canned

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  • inCanning, Preserve, Pressure Canning, Water Bath Canning

Canning has been a mainstay of home food preservation for hundreds of years.It is important to know what foods should not be canned, whether pressure canning or using the water bath method. Read on to learn why these foods are not suitable for the canning process and other ways you can preserve your bounty.

What Foods Should Not Be Canned (2)

Canning for Food Preservation

Canning for food preservation is one of the best methods for putting up the food you have worked so hard to grow, raise, and source. When I take people on a pantry tour of how I store a year’s worth of food, it becomes clear how much I value canning.

There is something so satisfying about seeing a well-stocked pantry lined with colorful canned cherries, homemade plum jelly or strawberry rhubarb jam offset by garlic dill pickles, white bean chicken chili, tomato sauce, and various canned meats.

While canning has benefits, I stress the importance of diversifying your long-term storage methods to have a backup plan when one system fails. Additionally, you will want to favor the preservation method that yields the best flavor, texture, and safety for your foods.

We have looked at what foods should not be dehydrated, what foods should not be frozen, and what foods should not be freeze-dried, and it’s equally as important to learn what foods should not be canned.

What Foods Should Not Be Canned (3)

Canning Safety Tips

Canning can be a time-consuming process. So being organized, having your supplies on hand and knowing what method works best for each food can save you a lot of time and energy.

  • Organization & Preparedness – This post on Tips for a Busy Preservation Day lists my top priorities to keep the day running smoothly without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Gather Supplies Needed – Inspect your canning jars and lids for damage to prevent a false seal. It’s important to have the right tools for the job. Check out these posts for further information on canning supplies:
    • Preservation Tools on a Budget
    • Can You Reuse Canning Lids?
    • Where to Find Canning Supplies When There Is a Shortage
  • Water Level in Canner –Knowing how full your canner should be is critical when using safe canning procedures.
  • Pressure Gage Check – This post on canning mistakes to avoid shows you how to make sure your pressure gauge works properly.
  • Elevation Adjustments – The elevation varies from sea level to mountainous regions affecting the amount of time needed to can safely. Pressure Canning Tips (+ 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid) will help you know how long it takes for safe canning practices.
  • Water Bath Canner vs. Pressure Canner – Use the right canner for the job and the proper technique for the food. For example, water bath canning is only appropriate for high-acid fruits, preserves with high sugar content, pickled vegetables, and tomatoes if the correct ratio of vinegar, lemon juice, or citric acid is added. Foods like meat, poultry, and seafood (and certain vegetables) should only be processed in a pressure canner. It’s essential always to follow approved and tested canning recipes.
  • Keep Records and LabelLabel the foods you store in your pantry. This is just great practice to be able to eat and preserve what you need each year. My blog posts on how long is canned food good for and prepping your pantry for preserving season offers valuable, tried and trustworthy tips to keep your pantry updated and organized.
What Foods Should Not Be Canned (4)

Why Are Some Foods Not Suitable for Canning

Canning relies on heat to kill harmful microorganisms and inactivate enzymes to preserve food. Some foods will not hold up to the heat, and the texture, flavor and consistency can become compromised.

Other foods will not allow adequate heat to sufficiently distribute throughout the jars or food, allowing harmful bacteria to multiply and the food unsafe to consume.

Fortunately, you can usually preserve these foods using one of these other preserving methods:

  • Intro to Fermentation
  • Dehydrating Food
  • Root Cellaring
  • Freeze Drying vs. Dehydrated Foods
  • Easy Freezer Meal Cooking Tips
What Foods Should Not Be Canned (5)

What Foods Should Not Be Canned

Dairy Products

When you own a milk cow, it’s important to understand how to handle raw milk properly. Dairy products are low-acid foods. Low acid foods need to be pressure canned to properly sterilize them for canning. Unfortunately, pressure canning dairy does not have safety tested and approved times. It is best to avoid canning them.

Here are alternate methods we use to preserve our dairy products.

  • Milk – Milk will only last for a few months in the freezer, so our preferred long-term storage method is to freeze dry milk. Alternatively, you can allow raw milk to clabber at room temperature and consume it like you would yogurt or cottage cheese.
  • Butter Homemade butter freezes well when wrapped correctly in an airtight container. Unsalted butter will last up to nine months, and salted butter will last up to a year in the freezer.
  • Cheese – Even if you don’t own a milk cow, you can still make cheese from store-bought milk. Many hard cheeses can be waxed and stored on a shelf to age for a few months. When it comes to soft cheeses, our favorite is this cultured soft cheese recipe which can store at room temperature for up to 12 months!
  • Recipes – I love canning convenience meals to avoid expensive take-out and provide healthier options when life gets busy. Recipes containing dairy pose a potential risk of foodborne illness, so recipes like this chicken pot pie are best preserved as freezer or freeze-dried meals.
What Foods Should Not Be Canned (6)

Dense Foods

The thick consistency of foods such as refried beans and homemade pumpkin puree prevents the heat from thoroughly penetrating through your preserve, allowing the growth of bacteria and molds, making you ill.

Instead, canning whole beans and canning cubed pumpkin (or winter squash) makes these foods soft and easy to mash when preparing refried beans for taco night or pumpkin puree to use in from-scratch pumpkin pie.

What Foods Should Not Be Canned (7)


Although you may find commercially canned pickled eggs, no tested and approved recipes for home-canned eggs exist.

Check out these other options for preserving eggs:

  • How to Handle Farm Fresh Eggs
  • 5 Ways to Use or Preserve Extra Eggs
  • Freeze-Dried Eggs – Everything You Need to Know
  • Water Glassing Eggs – Preserving Eggs for Long-Term Storage
What Foods Should Not Be Canned (8)

Fats and Oil

Foods that are comprised mainly of fat (such as oils, mayonnaise, or lard) are not safe to be canned. They have a low moisture content which means it doesn’t have enough water in it to help the contents reach 240°F.

A better way to preserve homemade mayonnaise is to make fermented mayonnaise, and you can learn how to render lard to be shelf stable for many months.

Pure oils can turn rancid, and their thicker consistency prevents heat from penetrating the oil thoroughly. Botulism and mold can multiply rapidly, infiltrating the oil, which can be very unsafe to consume.

Keep an eye on the expiration dates of store-bought oils and store them in a cool, dark place.

What Foods Should Not Be Canned (9)


Many people are tempted to add rice or noodles to their canned meals. This is a no-no and should be avoided.

The best practice is to add grains when heating the canned food up and allow the noodles, rice, or other grains to cook at the time of serving.

The great news is, whole grains will store for a very long time! We use food storage barrels for long-term storage of our grains, and many foods prepared with grains can be dehydrated, freeze-dried or frozen.

What Foods Should Not Be Canned (10)


You should not can nuts because of the oil content. Heat doesn’t fully penetrate the outer oily layer killing off dangerous bacteria and molds. Nuts are best if kept in their hull or shell in a tight-fitting jar in a dry, cool place.

What Foods Should Not Be Canned (11)

The Abundant Pantry

The National Center for Home Food Preservation warns about the dangers of poor canning practices for good reason. Improperly canned foods pose serious health risks and are not worth taking chances.

This knowledge can leave many feeling paralyzed, fearing harming their loved ones and avoiding learning how to can. The Abundant Pantry Canning Class was designed to help you overcome this fear and learn how to SAFELY and confidently stock your pantry.

This class includes 50+ video lessons with over 20 thorough step-by-step recipe tutorials and is full of free bonuses. Sign up and get started today!

Other Articles You May Enjoy

  • Preservation 101 Introduction to Canning
  • Pantry Tour (Storing a Year’s Worth of Food)
  • Root Cellaring
  • Freeze Drying vs. Dehydrated Foods
  • Preservation 101 Root Cellaring
  • Preservation 101 Dehydrating Food
  • How Long is Canned Food Good For?
  • Prepping Your Pantry For Preserving Season

What Foods Should Not Be Canned (13)

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What Foods Should Not Be Canned (2024)


What ingredients are not safe to can? ›

Fats / Dairy

butter, milk (all kinds), cheese, cream (all kinds), yoghurt, eggs, tofu, soy, etc. Also any recipe that use one or more of these ingredients, such as mayonnaise, caramel, pudding, cream soups, cream vegetables, refried beans, nut butter (all kinds), pesto, chocolate (all kinds) etc.

What canned foods should I avoid? ›

Compared to their fresh counterparts, the following canned foods are the worst to buy.
  • Canned fruit in syrup. ...
  • Canned soup. ...
  • Canned vegetables. ...
  • Canned pre-cooked pasta. ...
  • Canned chili. ...
  • Canned baked beans. ...
  • Canned sausage and spam.
Jan 30, 2023

What cannot be a water bath canned? ›

Water-bath canning is NOT for meats, seafood, poultry, chili and beans, corn, and other low-acid vegetables that require a higher temperature (240°F) to raise the heat inside the jars above the boiling point of water (212°F) and hot enough to kill harmful bacteria. Low-acid food requires pressure canning.

Why is canned food not recommended? ›

May contain Bisphenol-A (BPA):

BPA is a chemical often used in food packaging, including cans, which can migrate from the lining into the food. Some human studies have linked BPA to health problems such as heart disease, type II diabetes, and male sexual dysfunction.

What food can't be canned? ›

2 Ways to Can Foods

This is a lower-temperature canning process, ideal for high-acid foods and recipes that incorporate the correct measure of acid. It is recommended for fruits, jams, jellies, salsa, tomatoes, pickles, chutneys, sauces, pie fillings, and condiments.

Why is canning pasta not recommended? ›

Pasta and Rice

Pasta, rice, or noodles should not be added to canned products. The starch interferes with heat transfer to the center of the jar. Instead can a product such as spaghetti sauce or chicken broth and add the pasta or noodles when you are ready to serve the food.

What are the don'ts of canning? ›

Avoid contact of the lid with food during processing and storage to retain a good seal. DON'T cover hot jars with a towel or blanket. DON'T force-cool jars after processing. Sudden temperature changes can result in jar breakage.

Why is water bath canning unsafe? ›

The pathogen of concern when canning is Clostridium botulinum, which could cause botulism- a potentially deadly form of food poisoning. These spore-forming bacteria can survive harmlessly in soil and water and are very prevalent on the surface of most fresh food surfaces.

What happens if you can tomatoes wrong? ›

This can lead to botulism poisoning. Not adding acid to tomatoes. Different varieties of tomatoes have different acidity levels. Without enough acid, the product can cause botulism poisoning.

Why is canned meat bad for you? ›

Canned meat

As far as heart health risks go, Feder tells us that "the high amount of saturated fat [in canned meats] can contribute to increased bad cholesterol levels which can clog your arteries" and "the high sodium content can cause water retention and increase your blood pressure." Yikes!

Is eating canned food every day bad for you? ›

If you're trying to minimize your exposure to BPA, eating a lot of canned food is not the best idea. Canned foods may contain BPA, a chemical that has been associated with health problems like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

When should you not eat canned food? ›

NEVER USE food from containers that show possible "botulism" warnings: leaking, bulging, or badly dented cans; cracked jars or jars with loose or bulging lids; canned food with a foul odor; or any container that spurts liquid when opening. Even a minuscule amount of botulinum toxin can be deadly.

What are the bad ingredients in canned food? ›

Canned foods can contain high levels of sodium, sugar, and trans fat, which can be detrimental to your health. They can also contain high levels of mercury, which can be especially dangerous for pregnant women and children as it can cause developmental delays and other health problems.

How to know if something is safe to can? ›

Water bath canning is when you are processing the contents of a mason jar in a pot of boiling water for a specified amount of time. In order for something to be safely water bathed canned, it must be 4.6 ph or lower on the pH scale because botulism does not grow in an acidic environment.

Can butter be canned safely? ›

The safest (and only) ways you should can are via the water bath and pressure canning process, as these are guaranteed to, done properly, destroy any potential Clostridium botulinum spores and prevent them from growing in the future.

What can foods not properly canned contain? ›

Foodborne botulism

But taking even a small taste of food containing the toxin can be deadly. Common sources of foodborne botulism are homemade foods that have been improperly canned, preserved, or fermented. Though uncommon, store-bought foods also can be contaminated with botulinum toxin.

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.