What Are the Best Low-Carb Fruits to Eat on a Keto Diet? (2024)

Ketogenic Diet

The keto diet can help increase your chances of weight loss. But if you don’t eat the right kinds of fruits, and in the right amount, you may kick yourself out of ketosis and stall your weight loss efforts.

What Are the Best Low-Carb Fruits to Eat on a Keto Diet? (1)
What Are the Best Low-Carb Fruits to Eat on a Keto Diet? (2)


Valencia Higuera and Amy Gorin, MS, RDN

What Are the Best Low-Carb Fruits to Eat on a Keto Diet? (3)


Reyna Franco, RDNcourtesy ofAmerican College of Lifestyle Medicine

Updated on August 23, 2023

Fruit is known to be high in carbs, so you might think nature’s candy is off-limits on the trendy, high-fat, low-carb ketogenic diet.

Think again.

With the right picks, you can enjoy fruit on a keto diet. You just need to school yourself on which fruits are a good fit via a keto diet food list and then enjoy them in moderation.

A Primer on the Keto Diet and Ketosis

First, it’s important to understand how keto may help you lose weight. The purpose is to kick your body into ketosis, a natural metabolic state that forces your body to burn fat rather than carbs. This happens because, on the keto diet, you’re usually taking in 50 grams (g) or fewer of carbs per day, says Deborah Malkoff-Cohen, RD, CDCES, a nutritionist based in the New York City area. While several variations of the keto diet exist, the standard approach to this plan requires you to take in about 70 to 80 percent of your calories from fat, 10 to 20 percent from protein, and 5 to 10 percent from carbs, according to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Because some fruits have more carbs than others, knowing which ones to avoid is key for accelerating weight loss and reaping other possible benefits of keto. Just know that large, long-term, randomized controlled trials on the keto diet are limited, so it’s unclear whether keto is safe and effective to follow for the long haul, according to Harvard Health Publishing.

Also important before you jump on the bandwagon is to know that keto can pose health risks to some individuals, including people with type 1 diabetes and people with type 2 diabetes who are on medication, people who are at risk for heart disease, people with kidney disease, and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, according to a review.

RELATED: What People With Type 2 Diabetes Need to Know About the Keto Diet

For anyone, regardless of any underlying health issues, the so-called keto flu is a possibility (and even likelihood) as your body adjusts to ketosis on the keto diet, says Tori Schmitt, RDN, founder of YES! Nutrition, based in Dayton, Ohio. Fatigue, irritability, headaches, and nausea are all symptoms of the keto flu, Schmitt says. Fortunately, keto flu lasts only about one to two weeks. Play it safe and ask your healthcare team if keto is right for you.

What Fruits to Eat on a Low-Carb Keto Diet

If you’ve decided keto is a good fit for your wellness goals, and you want to add fruit to your meal plan, choose fruits with the least amount of net carbs, which is the total amount of carbohydrate content in a fruit minus its fiber content (since the body can’t digest fiber), according to the website for the low-carb Atkins diet. The keto diet allows for about 25 g of net carbs per day, per the healthy-lifestyle website Ruled.me. Dietitians recommend reaching for the following fruits.



What Are the Best Low-Carb Fruits to Eat on a Keto Diet? (5)

Can’t get enough avocados? You now have a great excuse to eat more of the creamy green fruit. A ½ cup of sliced avocado has almost 11 g of fat and fewer than 3 g of net carbs, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) data. While they can be nutritionally dense because of their fat content (that same ½-cup serving contains 117 calories), a little goes a long way as a sandwich spread, salad topper, or dip. You’ll also get plenty of fiber (17.5 percent daily value, or DV) and potassium (354 milligrams [mg], or 7.5 percent DV).

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What Are the Best Low-Carb Fruits to Eat on a Keto Diet? (6)

Whether you’re adding them to a recipe or snacking on a handful of them raw, blackberries can make a great addition to your keto meal plan. A ½-cup serving barely contains any fat (less than half a gram) and is also low in net carbs, with just 3 g, according to USDA data. The same size serving offers nearly 4 g of fiber (13 percent of your DV) and 3.5 g of sugar. Blackberries also provide 117 mg of potassium, 15 mg of vitamin C, and 14 mg of vitamin K. This low-cal fruit is also a great snack for weight loss, containing about 31 calories per ½ cup.

10 Foods You Can’t Eat on Keto (and What to Choose Instead)

Discover 10 foods to avoid on a keto diet and their healthier alternatives to keep your carb count low and your health high!

What Are the Best Low-Carb Fruits to Eat on a Keto Diet? (7)

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What Are the Best Low-Carb Fruits to Eat on a Keto Diet? (8)

Some people group tomatoes with vegetables, but a tomato is actually a fruit. A cup of cherry tomatoes contains fewer than 30 calories and has around 4 g of net carbs, according to USDA data,making them keto-friendly. Their lower calorie count is due to their high water content, but research shows that tomatoes also contain many antioxidants, including beta carotene, vitamin C, and lycopene. A 2021 study found that lycopene, a plant-based pigment, has anticancer properties and also may help prevent heart disease.



What Are the Best Low-Carb Fruits to Eat on a Keto Diet? (9)

This red-stalked fruit isn’t often seen outside of its growing season, from spring to mid-summer, according toAlmanac.com, although it can be frozen or pickled. One diced cup of this tart produce delivers more than 2 g of fiber for 26 calories, according to USDA data. It’s also got some bonus protein, potassium, and vitamins C and A. The fruit’s tart flavor can be enjoyed raw, roasted, or pureed in a small, low-carb smoothie. Just remember to remove the leaves before eating, as they can be toxic in large amounts due to oxalic acid, according toMedlinePlus.

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Star Fruit

What Are the Best Low-Carb Fruits to Eat on a Keto Diet? (10)

Carambola, or star fruit, is native to Asia and more common there than in the United States, according to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. It’s named for the shape it resembles when sliced, and has a sweet and sour taste. And this fruit is worth a try if you’re on keto and want to add some variety to your diet. A cup of cubed star fruit contains about 5 g of net carbohydrates, with nearly 4 g of fiber, per the USDA. It’s also low in calories (around 40 per cup) and contains potassium and vitamin C.



What Are the Best Low-Carb Fruits to Eat on a Keto Diet? (11)

These berries contain flavonoids, powerful antioxidants that can help reduce blood pressure and promote healthier arteries, lowering your risk of heart disease, according to a research review from 2021. A cup of fresh raspberries has 64 calories but a whopping 8 g of fiber. With a little more than 5 g of sugar, the net carbs of that serving comes to under 7 g, according to USDA data. They’re great eaten as a snack or as a topping for oatmeal or yogurt.



What Are the Best Low-Carb Fruits to Eat on a Keto Diet? (12)

Like most melons, cantaloupe’s high water content makes it hydrating and keeps calories low, around 54 per cubed cup, per USDA data. Although its fiber content is nothing to boast about, with fewer than 2 g per cup, and it has close to 13 g of sugar, cantaloupe contains a reasonable amount of carbs per serving, which makes it a fit on most keto plans. Like other fresh fruits, cantaloupe is full of vitamins and nutrients such as potassium, vitamins C and A, and beta carotene. A slice can be a refreshing snack, or try adding some to your next salad.

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What Are the Best Low-Carb Fruits to Eat on a Keto Diet? (13)

Strawberries are another delicious, sweet, and filling fruit that you can eat in moderation on the keto diet. A cup of sliced strawberries contains more than 3 g of fiber and around 9 g of net carbs, according to USDA data. With 53 calories per cup, strawberries are a low-cal addition to yogurt, cereal, or smoothies. Strawberries also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits, per a study from 2021. They also deliver plenty of antioxidant vitamin C.



What Are the Best Low-Carb Fruits to Eat on a Keto Diet? (14)

This juicy melon is a refreshing way to get a keto-friendly fruit fix, with just 46 calories per diced cup, per USDA data. Like other melons, it’s no fiber superstar, but the high water content keeps calories and carbs in check, with under 12 g per cup. And researchers in the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service recently identified over 1,500 beneficial phytochemicals in watermelon, including antioxidants and lycopene.



What Are the Best Low-Carb Fruits to Eat on a Keto Diet? (15)

This sunny citrus fruit and its juice are also keto-friendly, so go ahead and add a wedge or squeeze to your ice water. The juice from one lemon has 3 g of carbohydrates, per USDA data, and only around 11 calories. Yet you’ll still get a dose of immune-boosting vitamin C, an antioxidant that fights free radicals (compounds associated with aging and chronic illness) and promotes healthy digestion, according to theCleveland Clinic.

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What Are the Best Low-Carb Fruits to Eat on a Keto Diet? (2024)


What is the lowest carb fruit for keto? ›

Watermelon. Here's a juicy tip: Cup for cup, fruits that are high in water or fiber have fewer carbs than other fruits. Watermelon, the sweet summertime treat, is 92% water and the lowest-carb fruit by far, with 7.5 carbs for every 100 grams.

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Additionally, berries are usually considered acceptable on a low-carb diet as long as they are eaten in moderation. Some fruits are relatively low in carbohydrates and perfectly suitable for people on a low-carb diet. These include tomatoes, watermelon, avocado and various berries.

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Tomato is the fruit with the least amount of sugar, with 2.6 grams of sugar per 100 grams and 3.9 grams of total carbs per 100 grams. As with carb content, watermelon comes in second, with just 6 grams of sugar and 7.5 grams of total carbs per serving.

Can you lose weight eating fruit on keto? ›

Fruit is naturally high in sugars - aka carbs - leading many to believe this food group is forbidden on a keto diet. But there is such a thing as low-carb fruit and it is possible to lose weight and enjoy this nutrient-dense food group without kicking your body out of ketosis.

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Although its fiber content is nothing to boast about, with fewer than 2 g per cup, and it has close to 13 g of sugar, cantaloupe contains a reasonable amount of carbs per serving, which makes it a fit on most keto plans.

Are blueberries allowed on the keto diet? ›

Blueberries can definitely be part of a keto diet, particularly if they're raw. However, you need to be mindful of your portion size. While 1/2 cup (74 grams) of raw blueberries can easily be worked into your day if you're counting total carbs, it may be more of a challenge if you're focusing on net carbs.

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Fruits For Keto Followers
  • Choose fruits that you enjoy and mix it up.
  • Eat them whole, toss them in or blend them up.
  • Choose fresh, frozen, dried, diced or sliced.
  • Consider reducing portion sizes to help lower level of carbohydrates, for fruits with high net carb content.

Can I eat watermelon on keto? ›

Watermelon is also a keto-friendly fruit. Watermelon is full of water and low in carbohydrates compared to many other popular fruits. One cup of diced watermelon contains 11.5 grams of net carbs (the total carbs minus grams of fiber).4 Fiber per serving is 0.6 grams.

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Some keto-friendly fruits include strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, avocados, tomatoes, olives, and coconut. Some keto-unfriendly fruits include bananas, oranges, pineapples, and mangos as they are relatively high in carbs and may not fit a ketogenic diet.

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The ones you might not even think of as fruit! Olives and avocado naturally contain no sugars. Rhubarb, lime and starfruit have some sugar, but only a half gram per half cup. Lemons, cranberries, raspberries, strawberries and watermelon offer only about 2 to 3 grams per half-cup serving.

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Healthiest Fruits for People With Diabetes
  • Blackberries. One cup of raw berries has 62 calories, 14 grams of carbohydrates, and 7.6 grams of fiber.
  • Strawberries. One cup of whole strawberries has 46 calories, 11 grams of carbohydrates, and 3 grams of fiber.
  • Tomatoes. ...
  • Oranges.
Mar 15, 2024

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Apples take the prize for the number one fruit for weight loss for many reasons. A large apple has 5 grams of fiber, which is a mix of soluble and insoluble fiber. Both types are needed for health, but soluble fiber helps regulate your appetite by delaying gastric emptying, which keeps you fuller for longer.

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Net carbs are calculated by taking the total grams of carbohydrate in a food and subtracting the amount of fiber. In this case, popcorn contains 6 grams of carbs per 1 cup serving and 1.2 grams of fiber, bringing the net carbs per serving to 4.8 grams. Yes friends, popcorn is indeed a keto food.

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Peanut butter can definitely be part of a keto diet, but it's best to stick to plain options that are free of extra flavors and sweeteners. Almond butter is a good choice, too, and it's slightly lower in carbs. Additionally, you should be mindful of your portion size if you're trying to lose weight.

Are cucumbers keto? ›

Cucumber is another popular salad vegetable. It contains many essential nutrients, including vitamin K. Cucumber is also suitable for the keto diet, as its carb content is just 3.63 g per 100 g. To make the carb content lower, a person can peel the cucumber before eating it.

Are blueberries a low-carb fruit? ›

Take note that blueberries have about 12g of net carb due to higher amounts of sugar and a lower amount of fiber, so they are not considered a keto-friendly fruit. You can add some berries to your favorite flavor of SlimFast Keto meal shake, throw them in a salad or even top some on full-fat plain Greek yogurt.

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Bananas. Bananas may be great for muscle recovery, reducing bloat, and calming an upset stomach, but they're on the list of foods you can't eat on the keto diet. With 25g of carbs per 100g serving, bananas are too high in carbs.

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