Liver: how to prepare, cooking tips, and tested recipes (2024)

This page is for the liver lover in you, whether you are friends yet or not. Because when I talk about my enthusiasm for nutrient-density, this is as good as it gets!

How to prepare

Some chefs insist on soaking in salt and lemon water. Others opt to soak in ice water or milk to lessen the intensity from an older animal. Others suggest that you should never soak a fresh liver and that its quick preparation is part of the appeal. Chicken livers are sometimes soaked in buttermilk for adding a more complex flavor.

What is universally recognized is removing the thin membrane surrounding the organ. If your liver is sliced, trim the edges (and any tubes within). If whole, get a finger underneath the membrane (start with the flat-side up) and pull it away while holding down the liver.

After the membrane has been removed, the liver is likely to stick to towels. Rub a little oil over the surface to avoid this.

Remove any connective tissue, including the green gallbladder from poultry liver. Trim any green spots, which is bitter bile, from the liver.

Tips for cooking

Also fairly common among liver recipes is to sear on fairly high heat, usually after breading or dipping the liver in flour. This will retain juices within and cook quickly. Start with the liver at room temperature, and do not crowd the pan! Skillet size should match quantity and heat source. Liver should be pink in the middle and is done when juices run clear.

Meat and poultry livers are typically interchangeable. However, poultry livers – especially chicken livers – are more mild than beef, lamb, goat or pig.

Some recipes call for liver slices at 1/4-3/8″ thick. Others recommend slices 1/2-3/4″ thick so that they are not easily overcooked. Unless you have a butcher or are preparing yourself, you may not have much choice on the width.

However, Chris Cosentino notes,

When overcooked, [liver] becomes terribly dry and grainy, and its flavor reminds me a little of dirt. But when well cooked, it is creamy and velvety, earthy and minerally with a satisfying meatiness that lingers.

Liver contains little fat; yet it is a major source of fat-soluble vitamins. All proper preparations encourage generous (maybe even egregious, by FDA/modern standards) quantities of fat in cooking and serving. This maintains the moisture of the liver and ensures good absorption of the nutrients. Plus, it tastes good.


Liver: how to prepare, cooking tips, and tested recipes (2024)


How to prep liver for cooking? ›

Soak the liver in a dish or bowl of milk for 30-60 minutes. This is an important step in removing the bitter flavor from the liver. Salt and pepper the liver generously, and leave it out at room temperature while you prepare the remaining ingredients. Pat the liver dry.

What are you suppose to soak liver in before cooking? ›

Try and soak your liver chunks in milk for 5 minutes before you cook them.

How to cook liver so it tastes nice? ›

This liver and onions recipe will turn liver haters into converts! It's very simple to make but the three things that will set your liver above all others are: 1) soak in milk, 2) turn the liver as little as possible when cooking, and 3) don't overcook.

Do you need to clean liver before cooking? ›

To prevent them from tasting bitter and to make sure they cook properly, it's important to clean them correctly before you cook them. Soaking the livers in cold water and then removing any connective tissue will give you clean livers that are ready to cook.

What can I soak my liver in besides milk? ›

Some chefs insist on soaking in salt and lemon water. Others opt to soak in ice water or milk to lessen the intensity from an older animal. Others suggest that you should never soak a fresh liver and that its quick preparation is part of the appeal.

Do you soak liver in milk or buttermilk? ›

Liver has the potential to cook up tough. By soaking it in buttermilk, you are almost guaranteed a more tender and juicy meal.

Why does liver go mushy when cooked? ›

If liver is to be sauteed, it should be purchased fresh, not frozen, since freezing breaks down the tissue and can make the finished dish a bit mushy. However, frozen liver, calf or beef, is perfectly acceptable for recipes that involve grinding up the meat.

Why do people cook liver with milk? ›

Remember to soak the liver in milk after rinsing in water then refrigerate it at least 1 hour before cooking, to remove the bitter taste and tenderize the beef. If you do not like milk, you can soak it in apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. The acidity in the milk also helps improve the texture and taste.

How often should you eat liver? ›

It's possible, and dangerous, to get too much vitamin A. Eating large amounts of liver can lead to symptoms of vitamin A toxicity, which happens when your own liver can't process the excess vitamin A quickly enough. Most doctors recommend that people without vitamin deficiencies eat just one serving of liver per week.

What makes the liver taste better? ›

Soak liver in milk for 1-2 hours before cooking.

If you follow a strict paleo diet, you can use coconut milk instead of dairy milk; you'll get the same benefit of mellowing out the flavor. Buttermilk is also a great option!

Why is liver so hard to cook? ›

Since a raw liver has high water content, you have to cook it rapidly with medium to high heat. If you try slow cooking a liver, the meat will become dehydrated, leading to tough fibers and dry, chewy meat.

What takes the bitterness out of liver? ›

Place your liver in a bowl with filtered water. Add 4-8 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, or whole milk (raw preferred.) Allow to soak for anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours. The time you soak is determined by the thickness of your slices and your texture preferences.

What are the most appropriate cooking methods for liver? ›

Basic Cooking Methods
  • Pan-Frying: Heat a skillet over medium-high heat and add a small amount of oil or butter. Season the liver with salt, pepper, and your choice of herbs or spices. ...
  • Grilling: Preheat your grill to medium-high heat. ...
  • Braising: For a more tender and flavourful result, consider braising the liver.
Apr 14, 2024

How is liver supposed to be cooked? ›

Sauté livers for at least 5 minutes or until an internal temperature of >70°C has been reached and maintained for 2-3 minutes. Use a food thermometer to check the internal temperature of the largest liver in the batch. Livers should be cooked until they are no longer bloody in the core.

Is liver supposed to be boiled before cooking? ›

HOW TO COOK BEEF LIVER AS A SPREAD. Boil liver in salted water about 15 minutes until done; set aside. Sauté onion and garlic in melted butter until tender.

How do you remove blood from liver before cooking? ›

Soaking liver in milk or saltwater can pull out any leftover blood and improve the flavor. I often cut the liver into cubes or strips, portion it into ziplock bags with milk, and then freeze the individual portions. This method has proven to be much more manageable and effective than attempting to soak an entire liver.

How do you prepare raw liver? ›

If you choose to eat raw liver, it's crucial to handle and prepare it with the utmost care. Start by thoroughly washing the liver under cold water and removing any visible connective tissue or membranes. Then, slice the liver into thin pieces or cubes, ensuring that it is fresh and of high quality.

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