Keeping Cucumers fresh for Pickling? (2024)

(I couldn't find a forum for "Cucumbers" so I thought this might be the closest appropriate forum)

So I am growing some cucumbers in my garden (in Illinois) primarily for pickling purposes. I am worried that I won't have enough cucumbers at a good size at the same moment to pickle them, but I am worried that if I do pick them, and wait until I do have enough, they will get kind of wilted, and the lack of freshness will adversely affect the pickles.

Is there some way to preserve the cucumbers' freshness temporarily so that I can pick enough to pickle? (in a boiling water canner with Ball jars) I was thinking that perhaps mildly brining them, and keeping them in the fridge might do the trick, if only for a few days.

Any advice on how to work around this would be greatly appreciated.

Keeping Cucumers fresh for Pickling? (2024)


Keeping Cucumers fresh for Pickling? ›

I pick them at the right size, brush off the flower/spines and rinse of any dust, then put them in a plastic, gallon tub with a sealable lid, about an inch of water, and into the fridge. They stay crisp for several days, until I have enough to pickle.

How to store cucumbers until you have enough to make pickles? ›

Once you've washed and wrapped them, the best way to store cucumbers is in the crisper drawer (a.k.a. produce drawer) of your fridge, set on high humidity with the fan closed. High humidity helps the ethylene-sensitive fruit retain moisture and keeps it from wilting.

What is the hack for keeping cucumbers fresh? ›

Using Plastic Wrap

One trick for keeping cucumbers fresh is wrapping them in plastic wrap. Storing them this way will help to slow down their ripening.

What's the best way to keep cucumbers the longest? ›

Therefore, cucumbers will last longer if you store them, dried and wrapped, in a mesh produce bag or something that allows for a bit of airflow. Some air circulation will keep the cucumbers crisp, dry, and fresh for a longer period of time.

Why do you soak cucumbers in salt water before making pickles? ›

This salt treatment draws water out of the cucumbers and flavors them, so it's critically important. After layering or mixing in plenty of sea salt, I cover the salted cukes with ice cubes and a tea towel and forget about them for a few hours.

How long can you keep cucumbers in the fridge before canning? ›

How Long Do Cucumbers Last? Cut cucumbers will last only a few days in the fridge, but whole cucumbers can last up to two weeks in the refrigerator. Whole cucumbers at room temperature on the countertop have a shelf life of up to a week if you keep them away from direct sunlight.

How do you keep cucumbers crisp when pickling? ›

Use Calcium Chloride

Sea salt is sodium chloride. In this case, we're talking about calcium chloride! These little granules, which dilute quickly in water, are THE trick to crunchy pickles, as they prevent the enzymes from softening the pickle during lacto-fermentation.

How do you make cucumbers last 2 weeks? ›

Cucumbers are sensitive to ethylene gas released by other fruits or vegetables nearby and wrapping helps protect them from it. (If you do opt for the crisper, vents open, please.) The best option, however, is to seal your wrapped cucumber in a zip-top bag and store it in the fridge door.

Does vinegar make cucumbers last longer? ›

The acidity in vinegar removes bacteria to keep them fresh #minitutorials #easytutorial #groceryshopping.

How do you increase the shelf life of cucumbers? ›

Keep cucumbers toward the front of the refrigerator.

Storing cucumbers below fifty degrees Fahrenheit can cause chilling injuries, such as mushy spots and faster spoilage. If you cannot store cucumbers in the crisper drawer, store them in the warmest part of the fridge, toward the front.

How do you pickle cucumbers for long shelf life? ›

The Pickling Process

In a saucepan, combine equal parts water and vinegar. Add kosher salt and sugar to the mixture and bring it to a boil, stirring until the salt and sugar are fully dissolved. Place garlic, dill, and peppercorns at the bottom of each storage jar. Then, tightly pack the cucumber slices into the jars.

What's the best way to preserve cucumbers? ›

About this method: To keep cucumbers extra crunchy, Epicurious touts this method: Wash them, thoroughly dry them, wrap them in a dish towel or paper towel, place them in an unsealed plastic bag to allow some airflow, and place them in the crisper drawer.

What vinegar is best for pickling cucumbers? ›

If you like sweet pickles, you can add sugar to the brine (I personally don't). What kind of vinegar to use? I prefer white distilled vinegar because it is colorless and offers a great tart flavor.

Do you rinse cucumbers after salting? ›

After the cucumbers have been salted for a period of time, you'll want to rinse off the excess salt. At this point, you may be thinking 'what the hell, I just spent all this time removing the water!

Should you refrigerate cucumbers before pickling? ›

For best quality, pickle fruits or vegetables within 24 hours of harvest, or refrigerate for no more than a few days. Remove all blossoms from cucumbers and cut a 1/16-inch slice from the blossom end. The blossoms contain enzymes that can cause softening of the final product.

Can you freeze cucumbers to pickle later? ›

Cucumbers are 90% percent water and cannot be frozen and preserved plain without becoming mushy. However, they can be prepared and frozen as pickles. During the pickling process, salt draws out some of the water within the cucumbers and the concentrated sugar syrup used to pickle them firms them.

How do you store unused cucumbers? ›

Remove the cucumbers from any plastic wrapping, which can cause the veggies to ripen more quickly, and follow these steps:
  1. Wash the cucumbers. ...
  2. Wrap the cucumbers in paper towels. ...
  3. Place the cucumbers in a storage container. ...
  4. Put the cucumbers in the crisper drawer. ...
  5. Keep cucumbers toward the front of the refrigerator.
Sep 13, 2021

Can you pick cucumbers early for pickling? ›

Start harvesting pickler cucumbers when they are 2 to 3 inches long, and don't let the fruit grow to more than 4 or 5 inches long. Picklers tend to flabbiness in the middle when allowed to get too big.

How do you preserve cucumbers without canning them? ›

Rather than toss out extra cucumbers, you can freeze them to prolong their shelf life. Learn the right way to freeze cukes, plus the best ways to serve them.

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