How Italians Eat So Many Carbs: Healthy Secrets of the Italian Diet (2024)

How do Italians stay healthy and still eat so many carbs? What are the secrets of the Italian Lifestyle?

The Italian Lifestyle is Not to Be On Vacation Everyday

Italians Do Eat Pasta, Just Differently

The Italian Lifestyle Includes Much More Walking

Italians Spend More Time In the Sun

The Italian Diet Celebrates Local and Seasonal Fruits and Veggies

Italians Avoid Added Sugars

One extra reason the Italian Lifestyle is Healthier: Less stress!

If you’ve ever been to Italy, you’ve probably found yourself wondering how Italians eat so many carbs and stay so fit and healthy. The pastries, the pizza, the pasta, the bread..carbs never seem to end in Italy! All these delicacies play such a huge part in the Italian diet and hedonistic Italian lifestyle in general. Yet Italians somehow stay fit and healthy, boasting the Mediterranean diet as the healthiest in the world.

Every time I go to Italy, I try to eat in a balanced way to stay healthy since I’m usually there for 2-3 months (aside from the extra helpings of pasta and gelato that I wouldn’t normally be having back home). Let’s just say right from the start— that‘s really hard. I’ve been invited into Italian homes plenty of times for dinner and while all the food is OVER-THE-TOP delicious, it usually consists of carb-heavy dishes with miniscule amounts of vegetables on the table. *However, it's also true that when I’m invited to an Italian home for dinner, it’s a “special event” so they’re serving richer food and thus, I’m not getting an accurate perception of how Italians really eat.

On top of being wined and dined by my warm-hearted Italian friends, I’m faced with temptations at every turn. Just try resisting authentic gelato in the midday heat, the pastries being sold by the cute old man smiling behind the counter, or just a quick bite of pizza margherita after a long day walking in the city.

No matter how hard I try, after a few weeks, I’m feeling out of balance, bloated, and definitely gaining pounds at the end of my stay. There’s nothing wrong with a little “Italy love on the hips“, but after years of struggling to feel balanced and healthy when in Italy, I just really want to understand the mystery of the Italian diet: How do Italians manage to stay healthy and fit while eating the pizza, the pasta, the pastries, the gelato, and the everything else?!

How Italians Eat So Many Carbs: Healthy Secrets of the Italian Diet (1)

I’ve called my friend Eva Perocsenyi, a Hungarian photographer based in Florence, who shared with me about her experiences with the Italian lifestyle and food culture, and tried to answer the inexplicable question: How do Italians eat so many damn carbs? (Click here to watch the video interview!)

Eva is a long-standing advocate of a healthy lifestyle with a limited amount of carbs. While carbs are essential for our health, the right amount (about 180 g/6.3 oz) per day is the key. It’s actually not that difficult to reach this goal. All you have to do is be creative with your food and play with the ratios on your plate to achieve a balanced Italian diet. Eva says it’s surprisingly easy to do so in Italy, and she’s shared with me the 7 ways Italians stay healthy while still enjoying their carbs. Read on below!

1. The Italian Lifestyle is Not to Be On Vacation Everyday

How Italians Eat So Many Carbs: Healthy Secrets of the Italian Diet (2)

An everyday lifestyle of a typical Italian is not to walk downtown, sit down in a charming little café and enjoy a cup of cappuccino with one of their fantastic desserts, then have pasta or pizza for dinner, and wash it all away with a glass or two of local wine. These are the habits we tend to have while we’re on our vacation and crave to taste the country’s culinary pleasures with all of our senses. Italians eat their tiramisù only on special occasions. A vacation in Italy definitely IS a special occasion, so enjoy the Italian heaven on your tastebuds without a side of guilt— but Eva pointed out that Italians don’t eat that way everyday!

2. Italians Do Eat Pasta, Just Differently

If you think an Italian is able to resist their own country’s staple dishes, you should really visit Italy. It’s impossible! But it’s important to balance out the less healthy meals with healthier ones- and Italians are really good at that. Did you know that Italians eat pasta as the first course? Which means smaller portions. The main dish is usually meat and salad. Salad is generally a part of every meal. They still eat white bread and pasta regularly though which confuses many people – why are they so healthy while eating white flour so often?

According to Eva, the answer is that they use a different type of flour – Italian bread and pasta are made of durum wheat flour which doesn’t spike your blood sugar levels as much and therefore it doesn’t significantly contribute to weight gain as much as regular refined white flour would, for example. When it comes to having a dessert, it’s not very common in everyday life; Italians usually end their meal with a cup of coffee, although sometimes they’ll enjoy some local and seasonal fruit. That’s the secret to their balanced diet!

3. The Italian Lifestyle Includes Much More Walking

How Italians Eat So Many Carbs: Healthy Secrets of the Italian Diet (4)

Many Italians are used to walking or biking rather than sitting in the car at every opportunity. If the destination is less than an hour of walking away, a typical Italian will walk there because they find pleasure in such a simple thing as walking. And many times it’s also quicker to walk because public transportation in Italy is not the most reliable when it comes to a schedule.

Many apartments don’t have elevators so that’s extra steps in a day as well. Sometimes it’s easier said than done, but walking is actually very important to our health. Active everyday life is a big part of the Italian lifestyle. Moving their body burns more calories and therefore they can treat themselves to a piece of tiramisu or panna cotta now and then. Sounds pretty reasonable, right?

4. Italians Spend More Time In the Sun

How Italians Eat So Many Carbs: Healthy Secrets of the Italian Diet (5)

Italians have fewer lifestyle diseases than many other nationalities and Eva says there’s one more important reason besides healthy food and moving your body. Hint: Italians have plenty of this special ingredient. Yes, the SUN! If you‘ve ever been to Italy, you probably noticed locals spending their free time on the beach or drinking a cup of coffee on their balconies.

Even if they don’t bask in the sun on purpose, it’s pretty hard to avoid the sun in Italy. And how is the sun linked to your health? Sun rays stimulate the production of vitamin D in your body which contributes to good insulin resistance. This may be one reason that Italians have a lower risk of developing obesity and diabetes. Sun exposure can, however, cause skin cancer, so it’s important to dose it in moderation and always use sunscreen, especially if you’re not from a typically sunny country and therefore not used to such high sun intensity.

5. The Italian Diet Celebrates Local and Seasonal Fruits and Veggies

How Italians Eat So Many Carbs: Healthy Secrets of the Italian Diet (6)

Try bringing a basket of freshly picked cherries or tomatoes to any Italian and they’ll be genuinely so excited, happy, and thankful! Their appreciation for fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables is infectious. Italians eat seasonally because they know that when the season for a certain fruit or vegetable comes around, the food is fresh and loaded with vitamins and tastes exactly as it should. Strawberries in December just don’t taste right and probably won‘t be as much benefit to your health.

6. Italians Avoid Added Sugars

How Italians Eat So Many Carbs: Healthy Secrets of the Italian Diet (7)

Sugar is not only a matter of desserts and sweets. It can hide basically in any food – commonly in seasonings such as ketchup, mustard, salad dressing, soy sauce, but also in things you don’t really think about, such as pickles, alcoholic beverages, cereals or sausages. Italians usually avoid these types of food in their everyday life so their health is not negatively affected by added sugar and they can have their gelato once or twice a week without any guilt. But discipline is an important part of it and Eva thinks Italians have slightly more of it than others!

7. The Italian Diet Focuses on High-Quality Food

How Italians Eat So Many Carbs: Healthy Secrets of the Italian Diet (8)

You can buy parmesan cheese or mozzarella in a supermarket outside Italy, but it will probably not taste the same as in Italy. Italians like to keep the best for themselves and their health benefits from it. The food is probably the only thing they will never compromise on and they appreciate it with their whole heart. The words "local" and "organic" are real in Italy and as common as it can get – Italians love their local butcher, baker, or neighbor who supplies them with the top quality salami, bread, wine, or fruits. Even if the products aren’t necessarily certified as organic, most farmers don’t use chemicals because they know the food wouldn’t be high quality. The Italian diet is certainly about quality, not quantity.

One extra reason the Italian Lifestyle is Healthier: Less stress!

How Italians Eat So Many Carbs: Healthy Secrets of the Italian Diet (9)

Italians are much more connected with the natural ways of things. If it’s hot, you’re gonna sweat! Rather than combat it with environmentally-harmful air conditioning and being a couch potato, they head to the breezy beach or the mountains where the air is naturally cooler. Running late? The meeting will start 5 minutes late, no big deal.

There’s no reason to stress about everything. Take the laid-back Italian lifestyle as an inspiration, not as a set of rules. Italians are living their la dolce vita which means living their life to the fullest in each and every moment. This couldn’t be done if they were stressing about calories and carbs all the time. Balance is the key! Listening to your body’s needs will do. Next time you eat gelato in your local café, take a walk through the town after and enjoy the pleasure of walking as Italians do!

For more interesting insight on Italian culture and local secrets, sign up for the newsletter here or check out our upcoming small group trips!

How Italians Eat So Many Carbs: Healthy Secrets of the Italian Diet (2024)


What makes the Italian diet so healthy? ›

Italians focus on food varieties that are nutritious and filling and don't make you feel bulky at the same time. They incorporate fresh vegetables, healthy fats, and nuts into their meals.

What is considered a staple to the Italian diet? ›

The most common foods in the Italian diet include pasta, cheese, vegetables, olive oil, meats, and wine. Italians give a lot of importance to fresh ingredients. They use seasonal ingredients to prepare meals. The Italian diet consists of breakfast (colazione), lunch (pranzo), and dinner (cena).

Is it possible to eat low carb in Italy? ›

Just the sheer mention of Italian cuisine conjures images of overflowing bowls of pasta and gigantic stone-baked pizzas, but all Italian food isn't heavy on the carbs. In fact, foodies who practice low-carb living will find plenty of authentic, high-quality, low-carb Tuscan eats when visiting Florence.

Do Italians eat pasta every day? ›

Italians eat the most pasta worldwide – about 60 pounds of pasta per person per year. Most Italians eat pasta every day but they keep their portions in check. A portion in Italy is about a cup and the meal includes a small portion of meat and a large portion of vegetables and salad.

What is the healthiest Italian food to eat? ›

7 Healthy Italian Dishes That Still Taste Amazing
  1. Minestrone Soup. People who are interested in low-calorie Italian food will fall in love with minestrone soup. ...
  2. Steamed Clams. ...
  3. Roasted Chicken. ...
  4. Eggplant Parmigiana. ...
  5. Whole Wheat Spaghetti Aglio Oglio. ...
  6. Cheese Ravioli. ...
  7. Chicken Cacciatora.
Dec 30, 2019

Are Italian people healthier than Americans? ›

Italians, French, Greeks, Spanish, Croatians, and Israelis all enjoy high life expectancy, and good health with overall fewer health problems than their American counterparts due to their very simple common sense approach to food and lifestyle.

Is pasta in Italy healthier? ›

Is all Italian pasta healthier than American pasta? The healthiness of the pasta is subjective, determined by factors such as ingredients used, cooking methods, and serving portion sizes. The traditional Italian pasta emphasizes simplicity and quality, making it a healthier option.

What is the number one food in Italy? ›

Besides pasta, pizza is perhaps the most popular and recognized Italian food. Pizza is considered a national symbol representing Italy to the rest of the world, so much so that UNESCO has acknowledged pizza as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Is Italian food full of carbs? ›

The carbohydrate content in most Italian foods is actually the right kind for you! Doctors actually recommend that a little over half of your daily food intake should consist of carbohydrates. Most Italian dishes are a great source of this! This doesn't mean that you should only be eating pasta, however.

What country eats the most carbs? ›

The top consumers of carbohydrates are Rwanda and Burundi, both African nations where carbohydrates make up 82% of the diet. Both countries rely on local agriculture for cooking needs. The products they produce are very similar and include plantains, cassava, peas, and maize. Meat is not a common dish.

What is the sugar intake in Italy? ›

Results: Data obtained indicate that the consumption of simple sugars (either added or as natural part of food) by the Italian adult population is, on average, not high (65 and 67 g/day, among women and men, respectively) and mostly derived from food items such as fruit, milk and yogurt.

Is pizza in Italy healthy? ›

Only the basic ingredients of salt, flour, and water are used to make dough for authentic Neapolitan pizzas. The lack of additional preservatives in this approach results in a dough that is both incredibly nutritious and delicious.

What is the obesity rate in Italy? ›

As of 2021, in Italy, around 12 percent of the population was classified as obese, with men accounting for the highest share. The Italian regions with the highest share of people considered obese, using the BMI index, were Molise and Basilicata, with more than 15 percent.

Does Italy eat rice? ›

Although the risotto may be Italy's most famous rice dish, the country holds a plethora of rice recipes, both sweet and savoury. Rice first arrived in Italy via Middle Eastern invaders, and the short-grain varieties they brought have become an important part of Italian cuisine.

How do Italians eat so much and not get fat? ›

When it comes to eating habits and culture, the Italians also tend to enjoy their dining experience and takes time to wind down during the process and take their time to savour their food slowly which allows them to digest properly and their brains to register how much food is being consumed, which will aid in avoiding ...

Why is Italy the healthiest? ›

Italian secret for health? It seems very much related to the diet. In fact, the regular consumption of vegetables and olive oil is definitely a point of strength, which finds its best expression in the Mediterranean diet. Another key element for Italians well-being is a relevant number of doctors per persons.

Why is Italian food so much better? ›

The Influence of Italian Culture

Italian culture has much to do with why Italian food tastes so good. Italians take great pride in their cooking, reflected in how they prepare their meals. They often use traditional recipes that have been perfected over generations, and the meals are usually wholesome and simple.

Why is pasta healthier in Italy than America? ›

A2: Italian pasta is often considered healthier due to the emphasis on high-quality ingredients such as durum wheat semolina, higher protein content, and traditional production methods.

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