Can diabetics eat brown rice? (2024)

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Brown rice is a healthy whole grain. Unlike white rice, which contains only the starchy endosperm, brown rice retains the germ layer and nutrient-rich bran layer. However, despite having more nutrients than white rice, brown rice is still rich in carbs. So can people with diabetes eat brown rice?

1. Is it okay to eat brown rice with diabetes?

Brown rice is a healthy addition to a balanced diet, even if you have diabetes. However, it's important to monitor portion sizes and be aware of how these foods affect blood sugar levels.
General health benefits of brown rice
Brown rice has a diverse nutritional profile, including fiber, antioxidants and several vitamins and minerals.
Specifically, this whole grain contains many flavonoids, which are plant compounds with strong antioxidant effects. Eating foods rich in flavonoids has been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease.
There is increasing evidence today that high-fiber foods like brown rice are beneficial for digestive health and may reduce the risk of chronic disease. They can also increase feelings of fullness and help with weight loss.
Nutritional Benefits
One cup (202 grams) of cooked long grain brown rice provides:
Calories: 248 Fat: 2 grams Carbs: 52 grams Fiber: 3 grams Protein: 6 grams Manganese: 86% price Daily Value (DV) Thiamine (B1): 30% DV Niacin (B3): 32% DV Pantothenic acid (B5): 15% DV Pyridoxine (B6): 15% DV Copper: 23% DV Selenium: 21% DV Magnesium: 19% DV Phosphorus: 17% DV Zinc: 13% DV As you can see, brown rice is an excellent source of magnesium. Just 1 cup (202 grams) provides nearly all of your daily needs for this mineral, which helps with bone growth, muscle contraction, nerve function, wound healing and even blood sugar regulation. blood.
Furthermore, brown rice is a good source of riboflavin, iron, potassium and folate.
Benefits of Brown Rice for Diabetics
Thanks to its high fiber content, brown rice has been shown to significantly reduce blood sugar levels after meals in overweight people, as well as those with diabetes type 2 .
Blood sugar control is an important strategy to prevent or delay the progression of diabetes.
In a study in 16 adults with type 2 diabetes, who ate 2 servings of brown rice significantly reduced postprandial blood sugar and hemoglobin A1c (this is an indicator of control status). blood sugar), compared with people with diabetes who ate white rice.

Can diabetics eat brown rice? (1)

Meanwhile, an 8-week study in 28 adults with type 2 diabetes found that those who ate brown rice at least 10 times per week experienced significant improvements in blood sugar levels and internal function. tissue, which is an important measurement for heart health.
Brown rice may also help improve blood sugar control by aiding weight loss. In a 6-week study in 40 overweight or obese women, eating 3/4 cup (150 grams) of brown rice per day significantly reduced weight, waist circumference, and body mass index (BMI) compared with white rice people.
Weight loss is important, as an observational study of 867 adults found that those who lost 10% or more of their body weight within 5 years of being diagnosed with diabetes type 2 is twice as likely to go into remission during that time.
Protects against type 2 diabetes
In addition to the potential benefits for people with diabetes, brown rice may even reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in its early stages of disease.
A study of 197,228 adults found that eating at least 2 servings of brown rice per week significantly reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, exchanging only 1/4 cup (50 grams) ) white rice with brown rice can reduce the risk of this disease by 16%.
Although the mechanism is not completely understood, it is thought that the higher fiber content in brown rice is partly responsible for this protective effect. In addition, brown rice has a higher magnesium content than white rice, which has also been linked to a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.

2. What is the glycemic index of brown rice?

The glycemic index (GI) measures how well foods raise blood sugar in the body and can be a useful tool for people with diabetes.
High GI foods raise blood sugar higher than those with medium or low GI. Therefore, eating more foods in the low and moderate categories can help control blood sugar levels.
Boiled brown rice has a GI of 68, which is classified as a medium GI food.
Here are a few examples of other foods classified based on GI scores, including:
High GI foods (score 70 or higher): white bread, cornmeal, instant oatmeal , white rice, crackers, white potatoes, watermelon Medium GI foods (score 56–69): Couscous, muesli, pineapple, sweet potatoes, popcorn Low GI foods (score 55 or less): ): oatmeal, barley, lentils, beans, non-starchy vegetables, carrots, apples, dates Meanwhile, the GI of white rice is 73 so it should be classified as a high GI food . Unlike brown rice, white rice has less fiber and is therefore digested faster, leading to a spike in blood sugar.
People with diabetes are often encouraged to limit their intake of high GI foods.
To help reduce the total GI of your meals, you should eat brown rice along with low GI foods, protein foods and healthy fats.

Can diabetics eat brown rice? (2)

3. Portion size and serving quality

Managing total carbs is an important part of controlling your blood sugar. Therefore, you should pay attention to the amount of brown rice you eat in a meal.
Since there is no recommended amount of carbs to eat, you should base your optimal intake on your blood sugar regulation goals and your body's response to carbs.
For example, if your goal is 30 grams of carbs per meal, you should limit your brown rice intake to 1/2 cup (100 grams), which contains 26 carbs. The rest of the meal can then be obtained from low-carb foods like chicken breast and greens.
In addition to looking at portion sizes, it's also important to remember that whole grains are only one part of a balanced diet. You should try to incorporate other nutritious foods into each meal, including lean protein, healthy fats, and low-carb fruits and vegetables.
Eat a varied, balanced diet that is high in whole foods and limited in processed and refined products. This diet not only provides additional vitamins and minerals, but also helps maintain stable blood sugar levels.
In fact, a study in 229 adults with type 2 diabetes found that those with a higher quality meal plan had significantly better blood sugar control than those with a higher quality diet. poor diet.
You should consult a healthcare professional to determine which balanced diet is appropriate for your situation.

4. How to prepare brown rice

To cook brown rice, you need:
Clean the rice with cool water to remove excess starch and dirt on the surface of the rice. Put the rice in a pot with about 1 1/2 cups of water for each cup of dry brown rice. Boil water. Reduce heat to low and cover the pot. Let the rice boil for about 20 minutes before turning off the heat. Let the rice cool and steam for another 10 minutes before using. You can also use a rice cooker, which will heat the rice until it's cooked and then automatically switch to reheat. When cooking is finished, leave the rice in the warm mode for 5 to 10 minutes to prevent the rice from sticking.
Brown rice can be a healthy side dish or a base ingredient for many different recipes. Here are a few ways you can try:
Use brown rice in soups for healthy carbs. Stir-fry vegetables and meat or tofu, then add some brown rice. Combine brown rice with ground beef and add some of your favorite seasoning. Combine brown rice with some milk, sugar, and eggs to make rice pudding. Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital is providing a diabetes screening package to help patients detect the disease early and improve treatment efficiency.

Can diabetics eat brown rice? (3)

With this package, patients will receive:
Endocrine CK Examination (by appointment) Oral Tolerance Test (for customers with suspicious fasting blood sugar results) Glucose Measurement HbA1c Measurement Uric Acid Measurement Determination of Cholesterol Determination of HDL-C (High density lipoprotein Cholesterol) Determination of LDL-C (Low density lipoprotein Cholesterol) Determination of Triglycerides Determination of Urea Quantification of Creatinine Measurement of AST Activity (GOT) Measurement of ALT Activity (GPT) Measurement of GGT (Gama glutamyl Transferase) activity For consultation and examination with specialists at Vinmec International General Hospital, please contact the Website for the best service.

Please dialHOTLINEfor more information or register for an appointment HERE.Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

Reference sources:,


  • Purple rice: Health benefits, nutrition and calories
  • Does eating black rice lose weight?
  • What is the difference between brown rice and white rice?

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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Can diabetics eat brown rice? (2024)


Can diabetics eat brown rice? ›

If eaten in moderation brown rice for diabetes is safe; there is a good amount of nutrition in brown rice to improve the blood sugar and regulate the level of type-2 diabetes.

How much brown rice can a diabetic eat a day? ›

Since there is no recommended amount of carbs to eat, you should base your optimal intake on your blood sugar regulation goals and your body's response to carbs. For example, if your goal is 30 grams of carbs per meal, you should limit your brown rice intake to 1/2 cup (100 grams), which contains 26 carbs.

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“Whole grains are absolutely preferred over refined, but shouldn't be consumed in unlimited quantities said Dr. Devries. “Large amounts of even whole grains, including brown rice, can still spike blood glucose levels.”

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As a general rule, you want to aim for fewer carbohydrates and more fiber. That's why brown rice and wild rice are the two best options in this table – wild rice has lots of fiber and less carbs, while brown rice, though still a little high in terms of carbs, has greater amounts of fiber than white rice.

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To further lower your diabetes risk, have one serving (half a cup) of rice no more than four times a week. Take into account any added sauces that could contain sugar and carbs as well. Find out more on adding carbohydrates as part of a healthy diabetes diet here.

What raises A1c the most? ›

It's true that carbohydrates affect your blood sugar more than other nutrients you eat. Chances are that if you overdo starchy carbs on a regular basis, your A1c number will start to creep up. But remember, all carbs aren't a problem.

Can I eat brown rice every day? ›

Brown rice contains the antinutrient phytic acid and is higher in arsenic than white rice. This can be a concern for those who eat a lot of rice. However, moderate consumption should be fine.

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1. Legumes. Studies have shown that protein-rich legumes can help reduce your blood sugar response to meals you eat later in the day. There's also evidence that following a low-GI diet rich in legumes may reduce blood sugar levels for people with type 2 diabetes and improve blood sugar control.

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Water is the best all-round drink. If your family likes flavoured waters, make your own by adding a squeeze of lemon or lime, or strawberries.

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However, the carbohydrate in brown rice is wrapped in fibre (plant-matter that our bodies can't digest) so it is broken down into glucose more slowly. Therefore, when we eat brown rice, we get a slower release of energy compared with the sharper blood sugar spike that might come from eating white rice.

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What is the sugar content of rice?
Rice VarietySugar (g per 100g)
White Rice, boiled, no added salt0
Brown Rice, boiled, no added salt0.3
Wild Rice, boiled, no added salt0.7
Jun 25, 2021

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Potatoes and diabetes. Share on Pinterest In moderation, a person with diabetes may eat potatoes. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommend eating starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, as part of a healthful diet. Starch is a complex carbohydrate that takes the body longer to break down than simple sugars.

What rice has no carbs? ›

It's Skinny rice is also known as shirataki rice. Like It's Skinny pasta, It's Skinny rice has ZERO carbs in a 1 cup serving and only 9 calories in the entire two-serving bag! That's right!

Can diabetics eat brown rice every day? ›

The bottom line

Brown rice is perfectly safe to eat in moderation if you have diabetes. While it's high in carbs, its fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals may improve blood sugar control, thereby helping manage diabetes.

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You limit dairy products, red meat, sweets, added sugars, sodium (salt), and highly processed foods. Some additional guidelines include focusing on seasonal produce and reading food labels to help you avoid added sodium and sugar.

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Takeaway. A person with diabetes should include a variety of fresh, whole foods in their diet, such as nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables. Bananas are a safe and nutritious fruit for people with diabetes to eat in moderation as part of a balanced, individualized eating plan.

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People with diabetes can include rice as part of a healthful diet, but they should: Eat rice in moderation, and be mindful that 1 cup of rice contains 45 g of carbs. Spread their intake of rice and other carbs evenly throughout the day. Choose a variety of rice that is low in carbs and has a low GI score.

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Choose wholemeal, wholegrain, brown or high fibre white bread. Try to include at least 3 servings throughout the day. Aim to include these foods with 2 of your meals daily.

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Rice, brown, long-grain, cooked, 1 cup
Protein (g)5.03
Carbohydrate, by difference (g)44.77
Energy (kcal)216.45
Sugars, total (g)0.68
Fiber, total dietary (g)3.51
34 more rows

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Q: Which rice is better for diabetic patients? A: For diabetic patients, it is best to choose whole grain and low glycemic index (GI) rice varieties. Brown rice is an excellent option as it is high in fibre and low GI. Basmati rice is also a good choice as it has a lower GI than other varieties of white rice.

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