AI, Robots Will Never Replace Humans But Can Make Us More Productive And Efficient: Thomas Frey - Forbes India (2024)

AI, Robots Will Never Replace Humans But Can Make Us More Productive And Efficient: Thomas Frey - Forbes India (1)Thomas Frey is the founder of the DaVinci Institute in Colorado, where he is currently the executive director and senior futurist.

Is AI poised to trump humans? What's the future of work? What's the role of creativity in an AI-dominated world? Thomas Frey, founder of the DaVinci Institute in Colorado, offers a futuristic perspective. In this conversation, he also reflects on the dramatic shifts caused by technological advances in ecommerce, transport, and healthcare. He also chimes on if intelligence and empathy will remain tough-to-replace skills. "AI, robots, and automation will never replace humans, but they do have the potential to make us far more effective, efficient, and productive than ever before in human history," Frey says.

Edited excerpts:
Q. The present and the future—how do you perceive the interplay between the two?
The interplay between present and future is dynamic and influenced by various factors such as technology, culture, economy, environment, and individual choices. By understanding these connections, we can create a brighter future for all of us.

A vision of the future can significantly impact the present by changing the way people set goal, or inspire someone to take action, or encourage innovation, or boost collaboration, or even help shape public policy. A truly compelling vision can motivate people, and even organisations to make choices and take actions that align with the desired future, ultimately nudging the present towards a more desirable outcome.

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Q. Is there a real threat of AI outperforming humans?
The relationship between AI and humans is complex and multifaceted. There are certainly areas where AI has the potential to outperform humans, particularly in tasks that require processing vast amounts of data or solving complex problems in a short time. However, this does not necessarily mean that AI will replace humans entirely or pose an existential threat.

AI and humans can coexist and complement each other in many ways. By leveraging the strengths of both, we can create a symbiotic relationship that allows for increased productivity and efficiency. For instance, AI can help humans with mundane, tedious tasks or analyse large datasets, while humans can provide the creativity, empathy, and nuanced understanding that machines currently lack.

Q. Where does creativity figure in an AI-dominated world?
I recently wrote a column titled, “The Difference between Human Creativity and Generative AI Creativity”. The distinctions between human creativity and generative AI creativity are significant, yet both possess unique strengths that can be harnessed and combined for extraordinary outcomes. Human creativity, rooted in personal experiences and emotions, offers intentionality and emotional depth that cannot be replicated by AI. Generative AI creativity, while limited by its training data and algorithms, can produce novel and technically proficient content that has the potential to broaden creative horizons.

The key to unlocking the full potential of both human creativity and generative AI creativity lies in collaboration and integration. By understanding and appreciating the unique strengths of each, artists, designers, and other creative professionals can explore innovative ways to merge the two, resulting in groundbreaking work that pushes the boundaries of creative expression.

Q. How is the nature of jobs set to evolve?
Jobs will evolve significantly as AI, automation, and emerging technologies make the best employees 2-10 times more productive. At the same time, AI will usher in a new era of entrepreneurship, unlike anything in the past, and the demand for employees will skyrocket.

New job roles, such as AI specialists and robotics engineers, will emerge, while existing jobs will be transformed as automation takes over boring tasks. Skillset shifts will place greater emphasis on digital literacy, data analysis, programming, and soft skills like adaptability and critical thinking.

Remote and flexible work will become more common, fuelled by AI-powered tools. Lifelong learning will be crucial for staying relevant in the job market, and AI will enable a new era of entrepreneurship will continually offer more accessible and more affordable technology.

As AI becomes more integrated into the workplace, human-AI teamwork will be essential, combining human creativity with machine efficiency.

Also read: 'Don't believe AI will lead to mass job losses': Arundhati Bhattacharya, Salesforce India CEO

Q. There is much concern over ChatGPT being a threat to the search industry, particularly Google’s dominance. What are some of the jobs at risk due to generative AI?

Jobs at risk due to generative AI include those involving repetitive tasks, data analysis, and content creation, such as data entry clerks, customer service representatives, translators, and copywriters. Automation may also impact low-skilled labour in manufacturing, logistics, and transportation.

At the same time, AI is increasing our capabilities. AI’s capabilities today are built upon the knowledge, discoveries, and innovations of humans in the past. AI systems like language models are trained on vast amounts of historical data, which include human-generated text, images, and other forms of information. This enables AI to learn patterns, understand context, and perform various tasks, from translation to image recognition.

However, AI's reliance on past human knowledge also means it inherits the biases, inaccuracies, and limitations present in the data. To overcome these limitations and develop more advanced AI, researchers continuously improve algorithms, refine training data, and incorporate novel approaches.

Q. How do you perceive the workforce of the future?
We are far more aware than ever before in human history. The workforce of the future will prioritise flexibility, work-life balance, and personal growth. Remote work and gig economy opportunities will increase, leading to a more diverse, adaptable, and skill-focussed labour pool. Companies will need to adapt their policies and culture to attract and retain talent in this ever-evolving landscape.

Q. Automation has considerably reduced the incidence of risk. How will this pan out?
Risk is reduced by streamlining processes and minimising human error. For instance, in the insurance industry, it can enhance underwriting accuracy, optimise claims processing, and improve fraud detection. This can lead to cost savings, better customer involvement, and more tailored insurance products, ultimately benefiting both insurers and policyholders.

Q. What’s in store for banks in an increasingly digital landscape?
In the evolving digital landscape, banks must adapt by embracing new technologies, enhancing digital customer familiarities, and offering innovative financial products. Collaborating with fintech and investment in cybersecurity will be vital. By focusing on personalisation, convenience, and security, banks can stay relevant and competitive in the changing financial ecosystem.

Technological advances are effecting dramatic shifts. What is the impact you foresee in:

a. Ecommerce
In ecommerce, technological advances will lead to enhanced personalisation, seamless shopping experiences, and increased use of AI-driven tools. Voice and visual search, augmented reality, and drone deliveries will improve customer convenience, while data analytics and automation will optimise supply chain efficiency and inventory management.
b. Transport
In transport, technological advances will bring autonomous vehicles, electrification, and improved connectivity. This will lead to reduced emissions, increased safety, and more efficient traffic management. Additionally, the integration of IoT and AI will enable smart infrastructure and real-time data sharing, revolutionizing the way we travel and commute.
c. Healthcare
In healthcare, technological advances will enable personalised medicine, a greater role for telehealth, and AI-driven, combined with mobile, diagnostics. Advanced medical devices, wearable technology, and genomics will improve prevention and treatment, while big data analytics will enhance research and decision-making. This will lead to more accessible, efficient, and tailored health-related services, ultimately improving patient outcomes.

Also read: How AI in travel and hospitality is enhancing experiences and optimising operations

Q. AI and automation are making human interference redundant in many areas. But can they ever capture the nuances of human emotions?
While AI and automation are becoming increasingly sophisticated, fully capturing the depths and nuances of human emotions remains a challenge. AI can analyse and recognise emotions to some extent, but replicating the complexity and empathy of human emotional intelligence is still beyond its current capabilities. Human understanding, intuition, and empathy will continue to be valuable in various domains.

Q. Won’t emotional intelligence and empathy remain irreplaceable skills?

For the most part, emotional intelligence and empathy will remain tough-to-replace skills, but these aren’t the only ones.

When it comes to designing machines to replace humans, we often forget how enormously complex we are. We have a need to compete, a need to belong, a sense of purpose, we crave attention, love, importance, and the human touch.

The key point here is that when it comes to AI and automation, the marketplace will decide, and the market is not always logical. Humans are still the consumers and very often the value of the experience far outweighs the incongruity of decisions being made. Simply put, we live in a human-based economy, and humans are not always logical.

This brings us to the irrationality of being human.

Will a robot’s smile ever be as comforting as a mother’s smile? If a robot tells you you’re beautiful, will that ever mean as much as when your boyfriend or girlfriend says it?

It’s easy to start listing all the so-called inferior traits that people have. Robots don’t sweat, complain, have to urinate, take breaks, get angry, or make mistakes. We generally don’t design machines to be cruel, insulting, lazy, vindictive, violent, irrational, clumsy, greedy, envious, hotheaded, power-hungry, selfish, shy, tactless, superficial, or stupid.

However, humans come with a number of positive characteristics to offset all the negative ones. We can also be friendly, helpful, charming, warmhearted, risk-taking, courageous, empathetic, inspiring, bold, brilliant, resourceful, benevolent, gracious, humble, and forgiving.

AI, robots, and automation will never replace humans, but they do have the potential to make us far more effective, efficient, and productive than ever before in human history.

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AI, Robots Will Never Replace Humans But Can Make Us More Productive And Efficient: Thomas Frey - Forbes India (2024)


AI, Robots Will Never Replace Humans But Can Make Us More Productive And Efficient: Thomas Frey - Forbes India? ›

He also chimes on if intelligence and empathy will remain tough-to-replace skills. "AI, robots, and automation will never replace humans, but they do have the potential to make us far more effective, efficient, and productive than ever before in human history," Frey says.

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Robots can't offer solutions to problems out of their scope, while humans can find a creative way to do it. Robots can do anything, true, but they are limited when it comes to dealing with people. As people are capable of recognising emotions, robots can't offer that kind of capability. They don't know boundaries.

How can AI make humans more efficient? ›

When you automate intelligently, team members can spend less time on repetitive, routine tasks and more on innovation, creative thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration. Employee productivity is the backbone of any successful business—and AI technology is an important way to achieve it.

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Humans have a power that AI has yet to replicate—the power of intuition. Without intuition, AI can produce results that may seem correct but require a more nuanced interpretation—something AI cannot do.

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AI won't replace humans, but people who can use it will

“If you don't use AI, you are going to struggle since most roles will use some form of AI in the way that they act,” he said.

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Humans tend to be superior to AI in contexts and at tasks that require empathy. Human intelligence encompasses the ability to understand and relate to the feelings of fellow humans, a capacity that AI systems struggle to emulate.

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Can AI cause human extinction? If AI algorithms are biased or used in a malicious manner — such as in the form of deliberate disinformation campaigns or autonomous lethal weapons — they could cause significant harm toward humans. Though as of right now, it is unknown whether AI is capable of causing human extinction.

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AI has helped scientists understand how proteins fold, a key step in improving the understanding of biological processes. If AI can contribute to faster scientific advancement, this will add to productivity growth on top of the direct use of AI in businesses.

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Americans with higher levels of education are more likely than others to say AI is having a positive impact across most uses included in the survey. For example, 46% of college graduates say AI is doing more to help than hurt doctors in providing quality care to patients.

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Efficiency and productivity: AI can automate repetitive and tedious tasks, such as data entry, customer service, and accounting, and perform them faster and more accurately than humans. This can save time, money, and resources, and improve the quality and consistency of the output.

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AI is a powerful tool that can do some amazing things, but it also has a dark side. From deceiving robots to AI-powered weapons, there are some scary things that AI can do now. As we continue to develop and use AI, it's important to think about the potential risks and take steps to make sure it's used responsibly.

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By 2030, experts predict AI could automate jobs, erode privacy, transform industries, and disrupt society in many other intricate ways. This article dives deep into the monumental impacts AI may have on humanity's future.

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By embracing responsible AI development, establishing ethical frameworks, and implementing effective regulations, we can ensure that AI remains a powerful tool that serves humanity's interests rather than becoming a force of domination. So, the answer to the question- Will AI replace humans?, is undoubtedly a BIG NO.

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Now let's look at 15 jobs AI can't replace in 2024!
  • Jobs Requiring Human Interaction and Empathy. ...
  • Therapists and Counselors. ...
  • Social Work and Community Outreach Roles. ...
  • Musicians. ...
  • High-Level Strategists and Analysts. ...
  • Research Scientists and Engineers. ...
  • Performing Arts. ...
  • Judges.
Jun 12, 2024

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But beyond the headlines that either peddle hype or fear, what does AI do? The advantages range from streamlining, saving time, eliminating biases, and automating repetitive tasks, just to name a few. The disadvantages are things like costly implementation, potential human job loss, and lack of emotion and creativity.

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AI can help identify and mitigate bias in decision-making processes, promoting fairness and equality. By analyzing large datasets, AI can uncover patterns of bias and provide insights into how they affect outcomes.

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While AI has made remarkable progress and is now a crucial part of our lives, it cannot fully replace humans due to its inability to emulate human dialogue, lack of human-like consciousness, and limitations in adaptability. AI also lacks emotional intelligence and requires human oversight for ethical reasons.

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While robots can efficiently deliver information, they lack the empathy, adaptability, and creativity inherent in human educators. A robot may provide standardized lessons, but it cannot understand the unique needs and learning styles of individual students.

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We are on the cusp of a change as transformative as the arrival of the internet. AI's potential is huge. But it lacks the one major element: the human touch. Far from replacing us, AI needs us; it can't thrive without human guidance and collaboration.

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Automation and robots may also impact workers' mental well-being. While these technologies can in fact increase productivity and efficiency, they may also increase job displacement and insecurity and affect job satisfaction. Workers may perceive new technologies as a threat to their jobs.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.